Nature 365:
What a beautiful set of birds - even in the same tree? a the same time? or shopped?
No. Jim Brandenburg never 'photoshops' .
Read this:
I was being facetious = should have done
I knew about the man/the artist (Brandenburg) back in the 1970's.
South Shore High School, Chicago Public Schools, Instructor of Photo class, Mr. Mancini, was a great hire for a new idea school program. Students and school won many showings and awards. Only high school in Chicago, only in the state, one of few in the USA. Easy to come out on top. He also taught me, gave me pointers, suggestions, critique.
Brand new construction, some advanced programming and teaching techniques. When I started there (late 1970's) we first had Royal manuals only. Ended of we were the first in Chgo to have IBM Selectrics. (I laugh/smile when I think about them now.)
Mancini also contributed to the only TV studio in the CPS system. Students filmed, ran equipment and broadcasts daily to the new building when it opened. TV studios became very popular in several US school systems, even elementary.
Another aside - When I first started at SSHS we were in a 1940 built building. Across the street was where the new construction was done. Opened, I'd say, 1978. i found out recently that part of the school was torn down and rebuilt, THE NEW BUILDING? Typical Chgo handling of most things. Their biggest mistake was to let the purposed principal play architect and construction god. School blueprint, design, and programs were way above the guy put in charge.
I always check out the Brandenburg posting. Lucky and talented to have such a fine portfolio. Even lucky to end up with two rare/beautiful birds at the same time.