From RRP's FB page:
Bald Eagle D36 | Three-Year Old Subadult Male Eagle
D36 has moved! Brett wrote: “D36 has begun a flyabout, heading generally SW of where he has spent the past several months. What prompted that? Who knows, but maybe with other streams and rivers in NE IA opening up, he’s literally spreading his wings.”
D36 started his flyabout on March 3 with a 16-mile flight SW to the Wapsipinicon River, followed by a 20-mile flight WNW to the Cedar River just NE of Floyd, Iowa. His last postmark was 48.7 miles from his natal nest – farther away than he has been for months!
Welcome to beautiful Floyd, Iowa!'s capture on July 1, 2020.
March 9, 2023: Welcome to the Cedar River in Floyd County, IA.
March 9, 2023: D36's map.