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Author Topic: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV  (Read 64458 times)


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #90 on: March 18, 2024, 11:40:35 AM »

Toucan and Sloth TV: Who are these two adorable babies?

Beanie :-*
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #91 on: March 20, 2024, 11:58:55 AM »


🦥Sloth Preschool Update:

Moose, two-fingered sloth: Stable and getting ready to go to Sloth Elementary!
Mimi, two-fingered sloth: Mimi is undergoing treatment for a mild skin condition. She is being kept separated from the other babies while her condition improves. She is stable and growing.
Grover, two-fingered sloth: Grover is showing signs of anemia and is undergoing treatment to stabilize his iron levels.
Nazli, two-fingered sloth: Nazli has started her nebulization treatments again, we are monitoring her condition closely every day.
JJ, two-fingered sloth: JJ has recovered from the mites but we are still closely monitoring his skin condition.
Beanie: Beanie’s wounds have been healing well, her CT Scan came back normal, but she still has limited mobility in her hind limbs. She is stable and growing.
Fiesta: Fiesta’s CT Scan indicated issues with her lungs, including pneumonia. She is undergoing nebulization treatments and has a reserved prognosis at this time.
Bruno: We are closely monitoring Bruno’s diet; he has a reserved prognosis at this time.

Tulip, two-fingered sloth: Tulip was found on the ground alone; she has a reserved prognosis at this time.
Nevada, two-fingered sloth: Baby Nevada was found on the ground alone, with no signs of her mother nearby. She has a reserved prognosis at this time.
Rose, two-fingered sloth: Rose was found alone on the ground. She is stable and ready to start her rehabilitation process.

🌳Sloth Elementary Update:

Phoenix, two-fingered sloth: He has been making great progress, we are still closely monitoring his diet to keep his weight stable.
Binx, two-fingered sloth: Binx’s diet is being closely monitored , as she is transitioning off of smoothie; She is stable and growing well.
Elmo, two-fingered sloth: Elmo is stable and is slowly being weaned off of smoothie, we are monitoring his diet.

🎓Sloth University Update:

Coco, two-fingered sloth: We are so happy and proud to share some exciting news, Coco has officially graduated from Sloth University! She is going trought a “soft release”, meaning she can still enter the pre release enclosure for supplemental feedings, she is venturing farther and farther every day.
Pax, two-fingered sloth: Pax is making great progress! He is still in one of our largest sloth pre-release enclosures.
Antonio, two-fingered sloth: Antonio is still stable and growing well he is one step closer to be move to a pre release enclosure.
Myrtle, two-fingered sloth: Stable and making great progress, she is preparing to move to a pre release enclosure.
Spike, two-fingered sloth: Spike won the competition! He was moved to a big pre release enclousure where he will be preparing to be release hopefully in a close future.

Ken, two-fingered sloth:
Ken officially graduated to Sloth University! He is on his way to the Release Site where he will spend the rest of his rehabilitation process.
Roo, two-fingered sloth: Roo officially graduated to Sloth University! He is on his way to the Release Site where he will spend the rest of his rehabilitation process.

A friendly reminder: We are a critical care facility - Even though you do not see this on camera, the animals are under 24/7 vet care.

Three in a nursery bucket  :-*

Binx  :-*

Elmo  :-*

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #92 on: April 01, 2024, 10:22:06 AM »


🦥Sloth Preschool Update:

Moose, two-fingered sloth:
Stable and growing bigger every day; almost ready for Sloth Elementary!

Mimi, two-fingered sloth: Mimi has completely recovered from her skin condition and has been reunited with the other babies. She is nearly 1 kilogram, and we are so proud of her progress!

Grover, two-fingered sloth: Grover is still anemic and undergoing treatment to stabilize his iron levels. We have been testing his iron levels regularly and monitoring his condition closely.

JJ, two-fingered sloth: JJ has completely recovered from mites! He is stable and gaining weight.

Beanie, two-fingered sloth: The wound on Beanie’s thigh seems to be completely healed. We are closely monitoring her consumption, but she seems stable at this time. Her hind limb mobility is still minimal, but she is continuing with physical therapy.
Help fund Beanie’s rehabilitation by donating to her CUDDLY Campaign! → https://bit.ly/BeanieCUDDLY

Fiesta, two-fingered sloth: Fiesta has a wound on her umbilical cord that we are cleaning regularly and keeping bandaged. She is continuing regular nebulization treatments to address pneumonia and additional lung issues. We are closely monitoring her breathing during feedings. She has a reserved prognosis at this time.
Help fund Fiesta’s rehabilitation by donating to her CUDDLY Campaign! → https://bit.ly/CUDDLYFiesta

Bruno, two-fingered sloth: Bruno has not been gaining weight, so we are closely monitoring his consumption. He seems to have a better appetite during the day than at night. He has a reserved prognosis at this time.

Tulip, two-fingered sloth: Tulip has been eating well and is transitioning to smoothie. Because she is still so tiny, she has a reserved prognosis at this time.

Nevada, two-fingered sloth: The tiniest of our babies, Nevada is fed every 3-4 hours. She has a good appetite but has a reserved prognosis at this time.

Rose, two-fingered sloth: Rose is stable and eating well on a smoothie diet.

🌳Sloth Elementary Update:

Phoenix, two-fingered sloth:
We have increased Phoenix’s feedings to ensure he is gaining enough weight. He is spending more time in an outdoor enclosure.

Binx, two-fingered sloth: We are still monitoring Binx’s weight closely as we attempt to wean her onto a more solid diet. She is spending more time in an outdoor enclosure.

Elmo, two-fingered sloth: As we transition Elmo off of smoothie, we are keeping a close eye on his appetite. He is spending more time in an outdoor enclosure.

🎓Sloth University Update:

Coco, two-fingered sloth:
Coco is back in the clinic after losing some weight. Due to uncommonly dry conditions at the Release Site, we decided it would be best to recapture her for a period to ensure she gets enough nutrition from the wild before we attempt to release her again.

Pax, two-fingered sloth: The next up for release! Pax is doing great in our largest prerelease enclosure.

Antonio, two-fingered sloth: Antonio has officially been moved to a prerelease enclosure! He has caught up in weight to the others and is nearly ready for the final step of his rehabilitation.

Myrtle, two-fingered sloth: Still making great progress, stable, and almost ready to move to a prerelease enclosure.

Spike, two-fingered sloth: Spike lost a little bit of weight and was moved to a smaller enclosure to monitor his leaf intake. We are hopeful that this is only a small bump on his road back to the wild.

Ken, two-fingered sloth: Ken is doing great in his new enclosure at the Release Site! He has maintained a good appetite and remained active.

Roo, two-fingered sloth: Roo is doing well at the Release Site. He has been enjoying his new spacious enclosure and a diet of fresh, local leaves!

🥀In Loving Memory:   :'(

Nazli, two-fingered sloth:
We are devastated to share that Nazli lost her battle with chronic pneumonia this past week. Despite regular nebulization treatments since her arrival, her complicated condition was showing little to no improvement and ultimately proved to be too strong for her tiny body to overcome.
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #93 on: April 01, 2024, 10:27:44 AM »

SLOTH TV live cam link:


Beanie loves traveling and visiting nursery mates

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #94 on: April 04, 2024, 10:52:08 AM »

Fiesta  :-*


Dance moves! ;D
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #95 on: April 07, 2024, 11:50:29 AM »

Sweet Beanie receiving acupuncture treatment for injuries received by dog bites.  :'(

what a brave good boy  :-*

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #96 on: April 07, 2024, 11:54:27 AM »

Two new 3-Fingers babies rescued :-*

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #97 on: April 17, 2024, 09:44:14 AM »

🦥Sloth Preschool Update:

JJ, two-fingered sloth: JJ is stable and gaining weight; soon to be entering Sloth Elementary!
Beanie, two-fingered sloth: Beanie’s hind limb mobility remains limited, so we continue to provide her with regular physical therapy, including acupuncture treatments. She is otherwise stable.
Fiesta, two-fingered sloth: Fiesta’s umbilical cord wound has almost completely healed, so we have removed her bandage, (which she has been very pleased about). She continues regular nebulization treatments to address her ongoing lung issues but has been doing well.
Bruno, two-fingered sloth: Bruno is eating better and gaining weight, but still has a reserved prognosis.
Tulip, two-fingered sloth: Tulip is officially spending nights outside the incubator with the other babies! She has had some loose stool but otherwise appears stable.
Nevada, two-fingered sloth: Little Nevada is steadily gaining weight, but is still spending nights in the incubator. She has developed wounds on both hind limbs, which we are cleaning with antibiotics daily.
Rose, two-fingered sloth: Rose has been having some mild digestive issues, so we are providing her with transfaunation. Otherwise stable.

Pixie, two-fingered sloth:
Premature Pixie was found alone in the Limón Province of Costa Rica. Appropriately named, she currently weighs 244 grams, making her the most miniature baby sloth we have ever had in our care. She is receiving nebulization treatments to address some breathing issues and to help open up her nostrils. Though she is eating well, due to how underdeveloped she is, she has a reserved prognosis at this time.

🌳Sloth Elementary / High School Update:

Mimi, two-fingered sloth:
Welcome our newest graduate to Sloth Elementary! Mimi’s disability doesn’t slow her down one bit. She is eating lots of leaves and is incredibly active.
Moose, two-fingered sloth: Moose spends most of his time on the play structure, practicing his climbing skills and napping in the hammock with his buddy Grover. He has a great appetite and is the strongest of the group.
Grover, two-fingered sloth: We are pleased to report that Grover has completely recovered from anemia. He is incredibly active and has a healthy appetite. 

Continues recovery:

Phoenix, two-fingered sloth: Phoenix is gradually becoming weaned off smoothie. He has a healthy appetite and has been eating many leaves in his outdoor enclosure.
Binx, two-fingered sloth: Binx is doing much better adapting to an outdoor enclosure and starting to eat more leaves. Stable and growing well.
Elmo, two-fingered sloth: Stable and gaining weight. Elmo is doing better in an outdoor enclosure but still has an attachment to its caregivers. We are working on it!


Natalia, Three-fingered sloth:
Natalia was found alone in La Virgen, Costa Rica after her mother abandoned her. Despite this, she arrived alert and responsive without any apparent injuries. She is currently at a healthy weight and remains active, spending much of her day in the trees of the Sloth TV Playground. She is almost ready to head to the Release Site to continue her rehabilitation process.
Marina, three-fingered sloth: Marina was found in the Limón Province of Costa Rica, dehydrated and alone on the ground. We have been providing her with fluids and monitoring her carefully. She spends most of her days in the trees on the Sloth TV Playground. She is almost ready to head to the Release Site to continue her rehabilitation process.

🎓Sloth University Update:

Coco, two-fingered sloth: We are relieved to report that Coco is once again stable. She has spent the past few weeks in the clinic gaining back all the weight she lost and is nearly ready to give it another go!
Pax, two-fingered sloth: Pax is ready for release! He will return to his wild home sometime this week, and we are so excited to see how he thrives!
Antonio, two-fingered sloth: Antonio is set to be released sometime this week! He is doing great in the largest of our pre-release enclosures and has surpassed Pax in weight!
Myrtle, two-fingered sloth: Myrtle has reached a stagnant point in her release process. She is showing signs of anemia, and we are closely monitoring her condition at this time. We are hopeful that she will make a full recovery with a little extra TLC.
Spike, two-fingered sloth: Spike is stable and eating well once more. He is growing stronger every day.
Ken, two-fingered sloth: Ken remains active and has been eating well. He is progressing steadily.
Roo, two-fingered sloth: Roo is stable and progressing well through rehabilitation.

Marina :-*

Fiesta  :-*

Help fund Beanie’s rehabilitation by donating to her CUDDLY Campaign! → https://bit.ly/BeanieCUDDLY

Fiesta, two-fingered sloth: Fiesta’s umbilical cord wound has almost completely healed, so we have removed her bandage, (which she has been very pleased about). She continues regular nebulization treatments to address her ongoing lung issues but has been doing well.

Help fund Fiesta’s rehabilitation by donating to her CUDDLY Campaign! → https://bit.ly/CUDDLYFiesta

« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 09:47:06 AM by Lani »
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #98 on: April 30, 2024, 11:10:27 AM »

Sloth TV
Love these babies  :-*

Patricio, a Crested Caracara!
The crested caracara, also known as the Mexican eagle, is a bird of prey in the falcon family, Falconidae. It is found from the southwestern and southeastern United States through Mexico and Central and South America, as well as some Caribbean islands.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2024, 11:14:55 AM by Lani »
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #99 on: May 06, 2024, 11:23:58 AM »

Sloth Nursery - four babies playing  :-*

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #100 on: May 14, 2024, 11:07:03 AM »

Sloth TV
OOPSEY! Squirrels can make this look so easy! :P :-*

Wyatt - Tongue out Tuesday!  ;D
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #101 on: May 14, 2024, 11:18:33 AM »


🦥Sloth Preschool Update:

Beanie, two-fingered sloth:
Beanie is making great progress and growing stronger every day. Her hind limb mobility keeps improving with her regular physical therapy and acupuncture treatments. Help fund Beanie’s rehabilitation by donating to her CUDDLY Campaign! → https://bit.ly/BeanieCUDDLY

Fiesta, two-fingered sloth: Fiesta's situation remains delicate, with upcoming x-rays to monitor her lung patterns as she is still receiving regular nebulization treatments and spending her nights in the incubator, She remains a critical care patient and has a reserved prognosis at this time. Thank you to everyone who donated to her CUDDLY campaign, we reached our goal!

Bruno, two-fingered sloth: Bruno is improving his irregular eating habits, but is still in the process of gaining weight. He has a reserved prognosis.

Tulip, two-fingered sloth: Tulip remains healthy, and growing, even though her food consumption has been inconsistent, so we are keeping a close eye on her.

Nevada, two-fingered sloth: Nevada has been weaned off of milk completely. She still spends her nights at the incubator but maintains a healthy appetite and is getting stronger every day. The wounds on her hind limbs are still healing.

Rose, two-fingered sloth: Rose’s condition remains stable, and we keep providing treatment for her ongoing digestive issues, even though she is growing and making great progress every day.

Pixie, two-fingered sloth: Pixie is making great progress, she’s been growing and getting stronger, but she still has a reserved prognosis at this time due to how underdeveloped she is at the moment.

🌳Sloth Elementary / High School Update:

GRADUATE: JJ, two-fingered sloth: JJ has officially graduated to Sloth Elementary! Now he’s been spending more time exercising in the sloth house structure, adjusting to his new environment.

Mimi, two-fingered sloth: Mimi is making great progress! She is in the process of being weaned off of smoothie, spending more time outside, and growing well.

Moose, two-fingered sloth: Moose is still having trouble being weaned off of smoothie we are continuing slowly transitioning, Otherwise, he is healthy and happy! Getting stronger every day.

Grover, two-fingered sloth: Grover is spending his time on the outside during the day. Even though he is losing some weight; we are monitoring his eating habits and digestive condition closely.

Phoenix, two-fingered sloth: Phoenix is being weaned off of smoothie! He has been spending more time in an outdoor enclosure, but is having some issues adjusting to his independence, and is missing his friend Elmo, we are still working on his transition. Still gaining weight and maintaining a healthy appetite.

Elmo, two-fingered sloth: Elmo is being slowly weaned off of smoothie. He is still growing fast and steadily and he’s been spending some time in an outdoor enclosure where he is in the process of gaining more independence and confidence, even though, he still misses his friend Phoenix. We are working on making this transition process easier for both Elmo and Phoenix.

Binx, two-fingered sloth: Binx is gaining more independence and confidence in the outdoor enclosure. We stopped her weaning process while she gains a little bit more weight.

Marina, three-fingered sloth: Marina has been presenting some snot pointing to lung issues, she's been receiving regular nebulization treatments and we are monitoring her condition closely, even though, she is still eating very well and gaining weight.

🎓Sloth University Update:

Natalia, three-fingered sloth: Natalia is making great progress daily, she’s been eating and growing. She’s enjoying a lot the prerelease enclosure. We are super happy and proud of her progress

Myrtle, two-fingered sloth: Myrtle’s condition has been improving a lot, even though she is still receiving treatment for anemia. We are closely monitoring her condition, but she has a reserved prognosis at this time.

Spike, two-fingered sloth: Spike is doing great! He is enjoying being in the largest prerelease enclosure and will likely be released soon!

Ken, two-fingered sloth: Ken is still active but is having some trouble adjusting to his new structures at the Release Site, we are working on it! He still has a healthy appetite and has been eating wild leaves.

Roo, two-fingered sloth: Roo is making great progress in his process of gaining confidence. He loves exploring every inch of his enclosure and eating all the wild leaves he is provided daily!

GRADUATE: Coco, two-fingered sloth: Coco has officially graduated from Sloth University and has been rewilded!

A friendly reminder: We are a critical care facility - Even though you do not see this on camera, the animals are under 24/7 vet care.

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #102 on: May 22, 2024, 11:31:57 AM »

Hello!  8)

Two of our rehab babies is healing and getting stronger :(  :-*


All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #103 on: June 04, 2024, 11:24:36 AM »

Sloth TV live cam   https://explore.org/livecams/sloth/sloth-cam

Tulip   :-*

New baby Waylon, a 3 toe sloth :-*
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Explore.org has a new sloth cam called Sloth TV
« Reply #104 on: June 06, 2024, 10:59:32 AM »


IMPORTANT NOTE: TOUCAN TV will become HAWK TV for the foreseeable future while we welcome a young hawk on her journey back to the wild.

Meet Chira, a gray-lined hawk who was held captive for many months in someone’s home. Instead of turning her over to a wildlife rehabilitation center, the person who found her kept her in a bird cage where he fed her a diet of bread and food scraps. She was finally brought to us after she was confiscated from the home of her captor by MINAE.

While she arrived in good health, spending so much time in a small metal cage has completely destroyed her flight feathers. Chira will stay in the green enclosure until her flight feathers grow back and she relearns how to fly. You can witness her amazing recovery LIVE on HAWK TV!

As a wildlife rescue center, we must make the best decisions for the animals in our care. We thank you all for your understanding and for supporting Chira on her rehabilitation journey. And we promise that the toucans will be back!

Gray-lined Hawk
« Last Edit: June 06, 2024, 05:39:45 PM by Lani »
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander
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