Who knew condors had the best table manners of birdom even though they dine on road kill?
I think I remember reading about one episode being devoted to how they filmed Earthflight, but I'm not sure. Neil Rettig raised the flock of geese he filmed; at one point perhaps during promos for the series, the flock got lost in NYC. Luckily at least one had a GPS chip, and the flock was found in a small NYC park. What? They couldn't find Central Park where they could have had multiple big lakes and grasslands and little kids with food they could nip?
I had to leave home early one day this past week. The neighbourhood hawk was up and calling already. Thanks to movies that substitute hawk vocalizations for eagle sounds, I had to do some unwelcome mental gymnastics to think eagle (which excited me no end) and then translate to it's the hawk. It was too bloody early for that.