Back in NJ safe and sound as of late last night.
No travel problems to speak of from Belize City back to Home.
~ Just pack your patience as they say these days ~

Now wait a gosh darn one hour time change .. let me get this time change nonsense straight.

I was on EST when I left NYC on 02/28 and landed in Belize on 02/28.
Clocks do not change in Belize so it's CST there year round.
So I "lost" one time zone going there.
So I "gained" one time zone back to EST last night.
But the man made Daylight Savings Time took 1 time zone back at 2:00 AM this morning.
UTC Our blue marble planet that we all live on orbits the sun as it has for as long as we humans know.
Very predictably and very accurately.
Sunrise and Sunset. Celestially unchanged for long before us.
It's our human evolved brains that divided that nice natural cycle into 24 human understandable increments of time long before 'clocks'.
Lets put a line N to S and call it time "zero" for navigational purposes.
Lets fudge the human body clock by an hour with our man made clocks ?