How to lose a lot of sleep. . .
Drizzle, then rain, then pouring rain started about 6pm. First noticed the sump pump about 8. Laid on bed, sump pump now cycling about 10-5 minutes; went down to 2 minutes. Then I started counting seconds between cycles. Woke about 2 - now I'm really worried - there was no more noise from below (bedroom above utility room) not a comforting silence. The pumps were not running at all. Waited and waited. Made my way to all the window views to see the water pools around the yard. Not good.

Then made my way downstairs expecting trouble ya know. Green light on pump was a go, no water on floor, couldn't even hear any water flowing into hole. Nope, no water by the bottom stair, no water in the back.
Don't know the why or how of any of it - all was fine when I got up at 5a.

Promise of more rain

and flurries/snow later to come today.