Good Morning
Puff, cursive hasbeen disapoearing for several years. In some of the areas that removed it from the curriculum, it is being replaced which is I guess a good thing. I was very disturbed to hear that it was being removed from the educational process and then began thinking that perhaps there is going to be less and less of a need for this, as time goes by so many things are thought to be disappearing, such as the use of checks that need to write books as we have computers to type on and so many other things to communicate with it is of course disturbing to think that people may no longer be able to read all documents. It’s a dilemma OK things that are disturbing in this world are A1 scam, phone calls, etc. etc. etc. but then keys will become a thing of the
As more and more people change to keypad locks which can become problematic if batteries wear out or the power goes out, depending on how the keypad is operating, but that’s the future
Clynn, I was thinking about the train that runs across Canada just the other day so funny you posted. I have known people who took that trip and find it absolutely fascinating and recommended it highly. I never did do it but wish I had the scenery is supposedly spectacular.
I participated in a wedding years ago in Wayzata, Minnesota, Astoria sister /Roommate was married in June, Still no ice on the lake I went back to Chicago and she moved to California
Prayers that all the breaks and sprains injuries and illnesses and bad weather. I’ve gone in a flash it is all been going on for too long. Lisa be careful doing your errands today and hope the weather clears before you leave Thursday.
Mighty Mike and Flossie we’re very busy this morning bringing sticks to the nest for about two hours. The rails are both off well and the Nashville is full of soft materials ready for a new baby time. We’ll see if that’s Portillo’s or if it has to be redone next year.
When he thanks for the RB report they are always so good and complete