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Author Topic: Cheers 2024  (Read 84547 times)


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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #75 on: January 17, 2024, 05:48:04 PM »

i I went to work, no delayed opening but took my time. I got ready earlier than normal so walked copper to my car so I can try and open it and get it defrosted.  I had it sir for 40 minutes and still ice but made th escraping a little easier.  But I still have ice on the hood of my car. 
More stow Friday at first they said it was going to start in afternoon. I was ok with that only need to drive in it once. but nope now sayin after midnight thursday  . I think 2-4 inches  I feel I need to go in.  I will see.  Of course all the snow happens when I drive into work. so next time it will snow will be in 2 weeks.  LOL 

Getting up at 540 sucks.    I want the extra hour sleep  Hoping to go to sleep early tonight and get a good night sleep tired of getting up so oftern guess what it's not becase O f my knee anymore. its my mind  LOL
« Last Edit: January 17, 2024, 05:50:09 PM by LBLNJ0668 »
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #76 on: January 17, 2024, 06:56:10 PM »

I'm glad you're home safely. That was a good plan of yours this morning getting ready earlier and taking Copper with you to defrost your car. Geesh to 40 minutes.

Yep to Friday's snow again. Hopefully you can drive in it only once if you go in.

Same here to snow too. We're still debating going to the cabin. We might go with one of our son's but means going after his work and evening/night driving and arrival.
I'd rather go during the day but driving through snow for 2 1/2 hours doesn't thrill us. Going after my son's work snowing is supposed to have stopped.
If we go during the day we'll go in Jeep Rubicon. If with our son he has a Dodge Ram truck. Either one of them should get up the long winding driveway from main road to cabin with the snow and some ice under snow. Ugh. We're going to discuss it more tomorrow. Temps there are single digits with minus temp at night. Wood stove will definitely be needed!

Did your boss discuss your additional duties with you today?

I hope you sleep earlier and better tonight too for sure.



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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #77 on: January 18, 2024, 05:31:46 PM »

Hi Anxiety for tomorrows snow but looks like only 1-3 inches.  I will be advengtoruous and try to go in.  I say that now .   LOL   
Yes we discussed.  my aditional responsibilities.  I am going to help him start up what I may not continue.  The other exansion of what was told to me months ago is on hold because the dept is not ready to give it up yet.   So hes going to have me help hom with starting up the new division.   WW are starting this next week.   Again exhausted. I need more sleep. I cant wait to work from home again next week!! I can have extra sleep!!  LOL 
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #78 on: January 19, 2024, 04:00:10 PM »

Hi I did go to wrok today It started to snow once I got there but we only got about an inch.  All the weather pages were saying how we wer getting so much snow but our local news said 1-3 in.  They were right. I did leave early cause I didnt want to dive in the dark when it will freezegoing to get down to the single digits tonight.  I got home to find that they plowed the snow up towrd the curbs where the cars parked making it impossible to get to my car.  I do have a handicap parking spot.  I took picture and sent to the property manager.  The maintence claimed all handicap parking was cleared.  I will send photo.  Not a big hill but it is blocking the way to get to my car.  It will also turn to ice making it hard and impossible to walk over    TGIF and I work from home next week!!!!!
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #79 on: January 19, 2024, 04:05:08 PM »

I forgot the quotes.   LOL  funny we got about an inch but the next town over they got almost 4"  LOL will ONly be in the  low 20's the whole weekend.  oh.  I may have gforgotten to tell you my father got covid. when he got back from his cruise  He tested negative Monday but testged positive Tuesday and still positive.   He said it's only like a cold but he still has it.  He is concerned that it keeps testing positive.  Thankfully its mild  Praying it stays that way  He  may go to cvs or urgent care to do  better test then the at home test. 
« Last Edit: January 19, 2024, 04:06:44 PM by LBLNJ0668 »
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #80 on: January 19, 2024, 05:10:22 PM »

1...Love Wind chimes.

Hi everybody.

We've been having alternate snow, rain, ice and sun.  In fact, it's very pretty. 

LB...I worried about you going out in the snow.  Ya never know if there's a sheet of ice below the snow...glad you did OK last week.  Glad you're working from home next week.

Sorry to read your father got Covid.  I've read that many are getting a mild case, like a cold this time around. 

Good news, My second great-nephew was born two days ago.  9lb.7oz. with a full head of dark hair.  So sweet.  So now, in addition to my four grandchidren, I have two great-nieces and two great-nephews.  Truly blessed.

Paulie Are you going to the cabin?  If so, safe travels.

Have a good weekend all and stay warm and safe.

Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way. Martin Luther King Jr.


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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #81 on: January 20, 2024, 06:53:32 AM »

Good morning  Good to see you Jacaji!!!!    I was worried about myself in the icy/snowy weather myself  LOL  Copper is waiting patiently for now t go for a walk. He loves his walks regardless of the weather  :(  I am waiitng a little bit for the sun (yes, we have sun) attempts to melt some of the ice  since property managers dont care. 

Congratulations on your second great nephew!!!!! 

suppose to warm up this week and back to the rain!!
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #82 on: January 21, 2024, 08:27:53 AM »

Good morning  its sunny today but cold.  From tuesday on gchance of rain will be 50 at one point this week.  My father still tested positive firday with covid. I odnt think he tested yesterday but will today
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #83 on: January 22, 2024, 06:18:20 AM »

Good morning  I have to do a quick follow up dr appt to get a script renewed. they wouldnt do it over teledoc.  go figure  . Trying to get some work done before I have to go in like 30 minutes. 
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #84 on: January 22, 2024, 04:36:51 PM »

We returned from cabin about an hour ago.

LB, Hoping your father is feeling better.

jicaji, Congrats to your newest great-nephew! He's a good size baby boy.  :)

We went to cabin Friday morning. Drove thru snow entire way. Normally a 2 to 2 1/2 hour drive much longer about an hour due to speed reduced to 45 mph and roads. Had an awesome time! More snow on the mountain and snowed intermittently. Used Jeeps 4-wheel drive to get up long driveway to cabin. Temps single to minus digits. The wood stove kept us all cozy warm.

My son, oldest granddaughter and I walked up the side of mountain behind cabin our first night there. Far but not too far. With all the snow and a bit of moon light it was quiet and beautiful. We turned the spot light out when walking back. Was sooooo nice and fun! It was easy to see with all the white snow. We were laughing saying we needed snow shoes. We each were careful and I used walking stick. My knee was not happy with me. I enjoyed it anyway!


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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #85 on: January 22, 2024, 05:58:05 PM »

Hi Paulie!! I Missed you.  Sounds a great trip to the cabin, glad you got there safely.   I got good news today .  I am being reduced to 2x a week with PT starting this week.   Yiippe.  He want to get my knees a little stronger and help withthe tighness.  He had me go up  and down the stairs.  today 2x.  And I went up the stairs the correct way going  down not so much.  LOL   THe left knee no problem, the right knee was the problem child.   so now when I say up with the good.  Its the left knee. no longer the right.  The right  no longer (better) its the bad knee, LOL   OH he wants to work with getting to the ground and getting up in case I ever fall that I am able to get up. He showed me one of the exercises he will be having me do.  He also measured  I can bend 115 and he can push it to 125.  He said he could have gone further but iddnt push it. When we got to 125 I said it  didnt hurt so that is how he can tell he could have gone further.  He said I should be done with PT by the end of February.   :) 
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #86 on: January 23, 2024, 06:20:46 AM »

Good morning
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #87 on: January 23, 2024, 09:36:36 AM »

Hi LB, Awww I missed you too. Thanks about cabin and returning safely.

How is your father feeling? Getting better I hope.

Great news for you with PT twice a week and probably done end of February!  :)

Who would have thought before last November you'd be saying your left knee is now your good knee! Bummer to your right knee now.

Good about learning how to get up .. but .. no falls allowed!  ;)

You're working from home this week, correct?

Quotes: Yesterday #3 So cute too. Today #1

jicaji, It's good seeing you back here. Your stool was too dusty. Are your Blue Birds still around?

This morning mine showed up at empty deck feeders. I had filled them last Friday morning before leaving. This morning I threw a hand full of meal worms on deck where snow had melted. All 6 of them pounced on them!!

Well I've got laundry to do and other stuff to catch up on around house. Outside must fill feeders and birdbath. Temps on the rise here this week with 58 maybe 60 Friday. Yay! Rain this week but with warmer temps I hope it melts most of the snow.

Wishing you both a good day.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2024, 09:40:01 AM by paulie »


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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #88 on: January 23, 2024, 04:17:33 PM »

Hi Paulie 

Bad work day today,  I just hate ppeople.     I am expecting sn email from boss. he alredy wants a meeting. it's useless.  grrr
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Re: Cheers 2024
« Reply #89 on: January 23, 2024, 09:11:56 PM »

Hi LB, Un oh. That doesn't sound good. To explain privately if you want to you can email, text or pm me if you want to explain more. If not, it's okay. Either way I hope whatever it is it turns out in your favor. Nothing is useless. Stand up for yourself explaining in a professional manner about whatever it is.

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