Lori, I hope Destini enjoyed spa day!
Kb, very pretty frog. I love the sheds!
Karen, relieved the tornado missed your neighborhood.... sounds like you have a wonderful housekeeper.
T40, Love the sleeping polar bear on his bed of ice. Awesome photo.
Lisa, When you live in a state like Arizona, hearing rain is like music to our ears! Sadie and I enjoyed our morning walk. I took her to the dog park so she could run off leash and enjoy sloshing around.
She loves it when I give her a rub down with a warm towel.... oh look at those baby's beautiful eyes and big happy smile!
Eagles, Mike likes radishes crisp and cold. The lightly salted water flavors the radish and keeps it fresh, just as it adds flavor to any food... weather was strange today, snow, sleet, rain, sun, then more snow, sleet, rain. LOL! The roads are clear, streams running and forest smells wonderful... glad to hear VW and DeLorean are okay after your storms. I've seen a few tv footage of the damages, just terrible.
Baz, I said a few choice words myself when KU loses.
... I bet Lindy was at that great Golden event in Colorado! She loves to attend events like that with her two Goldies. I hope she, Fred and pups are well. .... glad your feeling better
.... Sadie loves the falling snow, sleet, rain, whatever she just wants to be out in it. And at my age, enjoying it with her is good for the soul.
.. and no slips for Mike allowed ... I've had to use an outhouse or two growing up in Hawaii.
Tsk, sounds like a good day, and a zoom meeting too. I wish we lived closer to Panera's.
Oldguy, Thank you for letting us know about ground cherries. I've seen them at the farmer's market and sometimes here at Basha's. I'll buy some next time I see them available.
BL thanks for sharing your adventures with us and providing great weather info for everyone's safety.
Good night!Praying for Peace
Sweet Eagle Dreams, Baz, Lori, Karen, Puff, Tsk, Oldguy, Lisa, Lilbro, Eagles, Pink, Clynn, Kb, Tig, Blschue, Phyl, BL and Pip, Godiva, Peep, Jaspurr, Ezee, Eburg, Lindy, RubyRed246, ssrl, Firetruck, Weasel, Jilltosa, Maxie, Masswatch, Paulie, DeborahG, MpMom and Pete, laniebelle, OnEagleWings, NWarg, Garmohoff, Nrstooge, WendyC3, Tigeag, T40, Ginger, Cwellsla, Nanimal, Bggolden, Nora, Rewrap4u, Eaglesrock, Teamcarnes, Seabeeinch, Walton, Sparky, Tulsaducati, Omasawyer, izzysamlikeseagles, bustopbird, Neva, Yank, Linda.L, smrf, nhJane.
Thinking of and missing, Peep, Jaspurr, Jilltosa, Wilson, Godiva, MpMom and Pete, Marrymo, Keystone, TxTeacher, Smb, Naimoj, Thyla/Anne, D7Birder, Indy, Neva, Smb, Alice, and those who have not been with us for a while.
Prayers For Puff, Lisa's mom, Phyl, Jim and Maggie, Clynn, Lori and her grandma Clute, Eagle's mom, Tig, Karen and Piper, Tsk and Tim, Lisa's Jeff, Baz, Kb's friends Vi and Dennis, Paulie, Tsk's DIL Amy, SIL and grandson, Jicaji, Maxie and Larry, Camper's daughter, Ed's sis Gina, Tsk's Barb & Tom, Baz great niece and family, Peep, Jaspurr, Clynn's DIL's mom, Ed's friend Greg, Puff's brother, Masswatch hubby Jamey, Pip's Dad, Ezee, EagleFanDave, Tim's Uncle, Paulie's granddaughter Madison, Emy and family, Clynn's mom and Ed, WW JW, Keystone, Jilltosa, Eaglesrock cousin Michael, Thyla/Anne, Neva's family, Weasel and family, and All here in need of healing and comforting.
Special Prayers For Clynn, Tim and Tsk, Eagle's Mom, Tsk's DIL Amy, Baz, Puff, Phyl, Jim and Maggie, Karen, Blschue and family, Lori and family, Phyl's BIL Danny and brother Dan.
Special prayers for All God's creature great and small, For Harley and his little siblings, Miss Maggie, Manaaki, UQ and the Royal Albatross fleet, Hellgate Iris, TRR Sloths, Brooks Fall Brown Bear Otis, and lost 2023 cubs, Honey and Gunnar, SWFL Harriet, Star, Little One and all those like her, TRR rescue babies, The Fairy Penguins, Berry Mom, NEFL Juliet, Romeo and Samson, Lucy and Larry, Salt River wild horses, Alaska Bears and Wolves that they be saved, Decorah, E2/D1, Dr Rogers and Black bears Shadow and family and Wildlife Research Institute, and All God's creatures great and small.