Good morning I survived the steps down, Why are men are soooo........ #$$#@# LOL both my father ND bil wanted me to use the 2 steps in garage yea seems simple but no rails and small. or the 2 steps out front. with no railings and the steps are like doube steps so high/stepp. I guess fewer steps are easier but with no assistance no no. maybe it is but I was not chancing. My niece helped me just held my arm and stayed close. she is a speach therapist but works in a rehab sente so she does assist people with walking, Once I got the first step my fair went away . Truth. the unknown is scary
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving..
Tomorrow is my last day with in home PT, we will be going for a shot walk outside with cane I never had home PT but this place is very thorough. Quite imressed. The only thing they didnt do is walk with dog but I went through this befor I did walk copper with walker and cane before but not with an operated knee. I am able to bend some to pick things up from floor still havent tried poop. I will wlk coppe after he poops so he doesnt popp during walk so fast until I try to bend I dont need to have copper pooper scooper and walker/or cane THats a scary though LOL Copper just needs to learn to have some patience
Yep all I say is down with bad up with good, My sister laughs at me, LOL Thanks puff and tsk for advise. I do my exercises 3 times a day leg still swollen so it doesnt look like I am bending a lot but I am I hope. I know next week. They will be working me hard!!!!