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Author Topic: Cheers 2023  (Read 146951 times)


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1200 on: November 30, 2023, 10:09:30 PM »

thanks for info Phyl.  Paulie I will start tonight I am catching up on shows I recorded right now. LOL    I am finding pretty decnet movis to watch ones I would normal NOT watch LOL
LB, Good! Did you watch Virgin River? I didn't get a chance to yet. 
Good to you finding movies even though you wouldn't normally watch them. Oh my. Lol
You take this time to relax while you can. You've earned it.

Hi Phyl

I had a busier day than planned. Had some family requests to help with things. I also got all my outside and inside Autumn decorations put away and began with some Christmas holiday outside and inside. This is me time now.  :)

Take care all. SED


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1201 on: December 01, 2023, 07:27:35 AM »

Good morning  Ys I watched Virgin River Paulie.  I dont think I cared for it. Its only 2 seasons it was to Sappy. I didnt ike the acting   LOL  But the best part was some great cliff hangers.    I have a stye the med is ointment in eye and makes it hard to see!!!!!   I think I gav e up the walker  I have it out just in case and I  took off the toilet seat riser. that will help bend my knees more use the regular toilet seat without the riser. 
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
New Jersey (south Jersey)


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1202 on: December 01, 2023, 10:30:14 AM »

Good Morning Everyone..   

Currently 43F and cloudy  High  43 and rain,  Low 38 F   

Had some light rain last night. Will work on putting up garland and stringing it's lights downstairs.  Will add our Nativity to the livingroom. At this point I'm
not sure about adding a Christmas tree. I often feel more 'connected' to the season when I see the Nativity and Holy Family. I think I'll sting some delicate accent
lights in the Nativity like I've done in the past. I love seeing it displayed in the delicate lights. And, leave them lit all night to dawn.
 Jim will keep searching for a Toyota Camry to replace the Pontiac. So far no luck.  Lol he found one in Chicago though.
  Seriously, he going to check out a dealer ship after work today. I won't hold my breath.

Hi LB I think  your adjustments to your household enviorment are spot on!   ;)  The inspirations are all good. Really Like Jackie Chan
Never had a sty--but I'm sure the orinment makes vision difficult.  {{{}}}

Hi  Paulie and  Jicaji !

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1203 on: December 01, 2023, 11:53:55 AM »

LB, Interesting about Virgin River. I still haven't had time to watch. Will at some point.
Good for you putting walker aside unless needed and removing seat riser too. Good idea for bending knee. You're determined!

Quotes 1 and 2

Phyl, Your decorations sound pretty. Sounds like Jim is doing his best to find a car. Toyota Camry has a rep for being a good vehicle. The correct car will appear eventually. Hopefully sooner than later.


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1204 on: December 01, 2023, 03:28:20 PM »

LB  Paulie Whole other area of discussion - the toilet.

Never had the booster seat, but in short order we replaced both upstair/downstair toilets to comfort height!  Amen.  Too, both Ton and I short, both of us 2 knee replacements, both fo us hindered by arthritis in too many joints.  Getting around the way I do ----  I wish the hotel owners would get the idea.

As you know more about people and walkers you'll soon find that they're not long-lived.  And, the stick does a good job on balance and some easy relief. 

« Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 03:31:57 PM by Puff »


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1205 on: December 01, 2023, 05:47:00 PM »

Just checking in. I am icnig my knee PT today. woaoooaaaa. But first I went to grocery store to pick up a few things of course I had to walk from one end to another cause the items I needed were on opposite side of store. LOL  I am probab to say I handlec like a star!!  Did not have the pain I previously wuld have prior to urgefry. I then went to PT and they manuevered the knee big time lots of beding behyond I thought I can handle.  But like Paulie said I am determined.   I then went to panarea to get lunch/dinner I have another 1/2 of sandwhich I can  have for lunch tomorrow.

As much as I didt care for the aftercare at hospital , I am so glad I had this surgery I nticed so many things for the better since the surgery. It's happening so quickly.  I can hobble around without cane if needed.  I am using cane most of time though good tool to use to try and get the knee bending when I walk. She watched me as I left and said I am beding it a littlw need to bend more  It's weird saying I dont know how it feels to bed the knee while walking so this is harder than I thouht it would be  LOL   I can stand I can walk far but bednding knee while walking is going to be the challenge for sure!!!

Phyl your decoration sounds nice.  you should take a photo
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1206 on: December 01, 2023, 06:31:36 PM »

PAULIE    PHEW!!!!!  I was waiting to hear what and where was the clog??

LB  One thing you could do is stand at the sink sideways with your - (is it left replacement?)  right side next to the sink.  Take your left leg and put it behind you with toe touching the floor.  Now exaggerate picking up your leg - carry it through as if taking a step and land that step on your left heel - then repeat....It's a drill - to give you the feeling again of taking a step the "normal" way.  You're not actually walking but just practicing the feel of taking the left step correctly.  That might help.


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1207 on: December 02, 2023, 06:06:56 AM »

That all sounds very professional tsk.  Noone ever made that suggestion to Ton/me.  Tricks of the trade would maybe have made rehab faster and easier.  I'm just guessing.  Running through the rehab in my head. . .

Once I got thru pain of first knee I started using that one and got very much usable.   That meant that remaining knee got no action and spoiled - first knee got strong and I depended on it a lot.  That also meant that even when second knee went through the process about a year and a half later - that second knee led an easy life counting on #1 to keep taking on the majority of the exercise.  Does this make any sense medically?  There's probably a technical medical term.



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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1208 on: December 02, 2023, 06:45:13 AM »

Thanks TSk, I tgred a few times last tnight. thats hard.  I try to imagine the motion of stepping and sometimes stop and do the actual motion. It will help for sure   Thanks.  At home PT they only concentrated on the left knee but now that I am out patient they want me to do the strentches exerciises for both knees to keep the strength in the right leg as well.  I agree!! Those stretches they do are hell but I just think its ony to help me. It's funny I am grabbiing on the table with dear life while they do those stretches.   so everything is improving for sure right night the major problem is the calf of my leg. That is the most stiff other than knee cap. 
Hope everyone has a good weekend it's cloudy and dreary here and rain tomorrow 
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
New Jersey (south Jersey)


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1209 on: December 02, 2023, 07:50:28 AM »

Good Morning Everyone!

Hi LB I esp like inspirition #2.    Tsk's exercise is a work out for sure. But, in time you'll be the better off for it. She's always has some sound advice and all.
Hope you have a good day and Copper is doing fine.

Hi  Paulie and  Jicaji ! Finally---Saturday

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1210 on: December 02, 2023, 10:18:03 AM »

LB, I am sooooo happy for you!! And you saying you're glad you had knee replacement is awesome. You walked getting your shopping done like a pro!
Same here with the weather today and tomorrow. Blah
All three quotes today are good.

tsk, The pipe clog was in the downstairs bathroom sink that's located above the kitchen sink. It drains out to the front of the house. The cause of the back up was built up sludge in pipe. Yuck.

The exercise suggestion you gave to LB sounds really good.

Hi Puff

Phyl, Yep it's Saturday and I'm still busier than ever doing things.
Did you set up your nativity with small lights? If so or when you do post a pic. Sounds very pretty.
Oh! How did Jim make out yesterday after work with a Toyota Camry?


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1211 on: December 02, 2023, 05:34:55 PM »

Hi LB wonderful how you feel aboutt he knee replacement.

Paulie  tks for info about the pipe 'clog'---'yuck' for sure  I need batteries for the lights.
Jim's got walking pneumonia---again. Which means I'll be next. Just as long as Maggie is fine.
No cars for JIm...not with in budget.


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1212 on: December 02, 2023, 05:37:58 PM »

     "Good Evening'  Everyone !   SEDs                                   

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1213 on: December 02, 2023, 11:25:21 PM »

Phyl, No way! Jim's got walking pneumonia! ... again too. Oh my heavens! God bless him and you. When it rains it pours.
No no no ... to you being next. Try taking extra Vitamin C and wearing a mask maybe? ... to prevent you from getting it.
Awww your concern is for Maggie. I understand that. I hope you both stay healthy.

Okay to no car for Jim yet. Let's look at the glass half full. You both still have your Kia to use.

I hear ya about budget. Same here with Charlie's Jeep repairs then my car. I still have to go back for "one more fix". Can't forget that yuck pipe clog cost not expected. I say that so you know you're not alone. In today's economy everyone is feeling the pinch.

I've said for a long time ... life's a roller coaster .. ups and downs. You and Jim will be going up and forward to the better. Yes you will.
I had another family issue here today. For heavens sake. So I'm looking forward to the up too. Btw ... I don't like real amusement park roller coasters.  ;)

Prayers to Jim feeling better soon and you and Maggie staying healthy. Hugs to each of you. Keep me/us updated.

LB, I hope you had a good day and found more good movies to watch.


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1214 on: December 03, 2023, 05:52:12 AM »

A blessed Sunday Everyone and...

Currently 51F w/ light rain.    High  59,   Low 44F .

I have Jim in a KN95 mask and all the other paraphernalia and moved to another room.   Still, he kept me up last night.  So here I am---LOL

Paulie I don't have the KIA---Jim takes it  to  and fro work. I'm stu ck at home. If I need to go any where it has to wait until 4pm  or later and then he takes me.
It't something I need to do before 4pm he has to take off work and take me. No one on the block is home during the day.
Wishing you the best with  your own issues. {{{}}}

LB hope you have a good day today and your recovery remains on the fast track.

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
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