Happy Caturday, Beakersoldguy - Thanks for the videos.
baz - Great job on the 50 minute walk!
tsk - I can see your sneaking back up those stairs with your treat!
E4E - Wow, what a combo of pets you are looking after for neighbor.
BL - Very nice of you to take that oath to keep Ralph.
Phyl - Thanks for the 365.
clynn - Thanks for the collage. Thanks, Jeff is glad the software update is done, too. I remember you talking about your software update.
tig - Big hugs for you both being in pain. I had plantar fasciitis in both feet, so I can relate to Camper. I wore the boot, went to PT, and none of that helped. I ended up getting surgery on both feet a year apart, as it took that long for each foot to heal.
kb - Oh no, you too with plantar fasciitis!
Lani - Love the soldiers with their cats.
karen -