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Author Topic: Beak Room 2023  (Read 579843 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9735 on: October 02, 2023, 05:10:45 AM »

Good Morning Everyone...   

Currently 63F clear w/   High  82F sunny,  Low 61 F  clear. Moderate pollen

Lisa  your Navy bean soup is similar to my mothers save for the diced tomatoes and thyme; used dried navys and soaked over night

CLynn  enjoyed the kitty Jack-O-Lantern; ks for sharing the SWFL Eagles; Mom's Navy Bean soup was thick with ham served w/corn bread and green onion stalks

BL hope you and Pip are having loads of  fun and all's well

Tig I'm another who's unhappy w/Comcast.

Lani/CLynn Really enjoyed the 'Nun' kitties.  ;D

Prayers for:   Lahaina   Maui, HI and Morocco  ; All abandoned, abused  cats and feral cats; My  Alter prayer list
The Bluebirds of Cane Ridge, Tennessee, Hummingbirds, Bumble Bees  and Honey bees everywhere and Successful recovery from  Hurricanes  Idalia  & Hilary; Tropical  Storm  Ophelia ; The Beakroom and Cheers.
"Every new day begins with possibilities."
President Ronald Reagan  at  the 1985 Geneva Summit



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"Every new day begins with possibilities."
President Ronald Reagan  at  the 1985 Geneva Summit



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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9737 on: October 02, 2023, 07:15:48 AM »


EAGLES   Yes, and despite how long it takes to peel and cut up the apples I may go to the market again next Saturday and get more.  ;D  I love to freeze it and have some all winter long and give some to friends as well.

LANI  Eerie witch silhouette  :o

PHYL   Beautiful blueberry bush.   Oh I'm so sorry about Jim's accident BUT he is OK when you consider no air bags went off.  Sounds like he got his money's worth out of the Pontiac tho..   Once he settles down today after this very traumatic event, things will appear clearer (((JIM)))


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9738 on: October 02, 2023, 07:47:52 AM »

Good Morning Beakers!


Phyl, oh my! I am so sorry this happened to Jim. Ed totaled a car once hydroplaning in the rain. And I had a scare with hydroplaning once. I am just glad that Jim didn't get hurt and I hope nothing shows up later. Somehow it will all work out and hopefully saying goodbye to his Pontiac will be the worst of it. Take care, both of you. This too shall pass....  Interesting Nature 365, and your Mom's Han & Beans sounds just like my Mom's, and yes, we did have green onions with it tii! I hated onions as a kid, as most kids do, but I love them as a grown up!

Lani, yes, Kelsey's lasagna is very good! Sarah and I altered the recipe a bit, we add Graziano's Italian Sausage (a local store https://grazianobrothers.com/ ), it makes it very delicious! I am so glad you got the Bug Bite Thing, I had never heard of them!  https://www.amazon.com/Memine-Suction-Extractor-Tool-Bites-Friendly/dp/B08PBHKMXH/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=bug+bite+thing&qid=1696248854&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1   Haunting Good Night witch!

T40, I love it when Sister Felicity visits us, she is one of our favorites! Always brings a chuckle!

E4E, yes, wonderful lasagna, garlic bread and a fresh garden salad. My Mom calls me the Salad Queen, I like my salad chopped so that I don't have to spend 10 minutes cutting it into bite-sized pieces at the table. And I put a lot of fresh ingredients into it! Served with Olive Garden Lite Italian for me and Balsamic for Ed. Kelsey won't eat salad.  ::)

tsk, I haven't seen any Crispin apples around here, but I will keep looking. I have tried a bag of the Sweetango, very good and a bit pricey! The first Fall that we lived here in Iowa (1997) Ed decided he would make applesauce. He wasn't working at the time, and he bought a ton of apples. He used the apple peeler and made quick work of that. Then he put all the peels down the garbage disposal. BIG MISTAKE. He went to the basement later and all around the washing machine drain pipe and the basement floor were bits and pieces of apple peel. He had to get Roto Rooter out to unclog the drain.

Dana Schroeder - a FB friend I met in search of the eagle's nest by the power plant while at Mom's years ago. She is a wonderful photographer!

Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away. ~ Unknown


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9739 on: October 02, 2023, 07:53:01 AM »

Good Morning Beakers

Phyl - So sorry to read about Jim's accident, but thank goodness he did not get hurt!  Thanks for the Nat 365. 

Lani - I hope you like the recipe for the beans.  I love the smell of it when it is cooking.

tsk - Oh no, don't order the apples online, that would probably be expensive!

clynn - Reading your post to tsk about the apple peels..Oh yikes, I bet that was a big mess. Pretty good morning pic.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9740 on: October 02, 2023, 07:57:09 AM »

Sue Bruhling - DM2 is in the Nest - Mom Decorah is perched on the Perch Branch.

Decorah Eagles - N4 - September 28, 2023
Well, we had been waiting to get back to Decorah to see if Our Princess DH2 was still around, HM/Missy & HD/Dude (Just Nick Names that I call them), Mom Decorah & her Guy, DM2. Finally had a few days in a row free so I set the alarm for Crazy Early, 4:00 and with Benny Bruhling at the wheel, Tide Bruhling in the back seat and me shotgun, we headed south to Decorah!
I have to tell you as far as DH2, IDK! We did see a couple of Juvies flying around but all from a distance and really there is no way of identifying as she is not banded or been fitted with a GPs Tracker. So, once they leave the nest it's very hard to identify unless they have something really unique as a marker that you can see!
We also did not see HD/Dude or HM/Missy at all. But I didn't expect to as Raptor Resource Project was and had been doing camera Maintenance for a few days so it's not surprising that they weren't around! Hopefully they will come back! We've never had anyone not come back to the nest after summer vacation before! 🙂
We did see adult eagles flying around and it very well could have been Dude and Missy but way to far of a distance to identify. Also one day Tide and I decided to walk from Walmart on the Bike Trail to the Fish Hatchery and then back to Walmart. I wanted to see if that is where they hang out in that stretch! And sure enough we ran into a Adult Bald Eagle on the trail perched on a dead tree!! I saw him from a distance, so I wanted to get a little closer for pictures but by the time I did get a little closer The Eagle flew off!! 😉 So, I don't know who it was or even if it was our Eagles....
It will be interesting to see when the new couple show up and when they start Nestorations! I hope soon! But they do have a lot of Time! 🙂
Mom Decorah and her Guy, DM2 have started and are in "Full Throttle Ahead" Nestorations right now!! We saw them Thursday and Saturday! Happy Dance and Tears all at once on the Bike Trail ❤ Yes! They are still together and are Defending their territory and bringing in sticks and fighting over where to place them!! Lol! 😉 All part of the Bonding process for these Eagles ❤
It's just so great to watch them even if it's a distance. Binoculars are your best bet to see them a lot better! 🙂 Both days they were there for hours, in the Nest, Perched on the Perch Branch and coming and going for Sticks and a Fish Snack here and there!! 😉 They have it made with the Upper Iowa River winding around their Nest and Territory!

I told Mom Decorah "Hello!" from all of you and how much she was Missed and How Much we all Love Her ❤ Told her to be safe, that we haven't forgotten her and DM2... Also, I wished her all the Luck in the World for her and DM2's Bobbleheads hatching in the Spring ❤ That would be D40, D41 & D42 if Mom has three chicks which she usually does ❤
So, we will continue to follow Mom Decorah & DM2, and HM/Missy & HD/Dude as long as we can and share our stories and pictures with you ❤ It was 3 more Diamond Days in the Books for me ❤ Have A Great Evening Everyone! Don't let anyone take your Happy Away! 🙂
I am sharing Benny Bruhling's Pictures as it's a Stretch for my Camera Lens! Benny has more Zoom and you can see the Eagles Better!! Thank You! Benny for sharing your pictures with us! 🙂

Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away. ~ Unknown


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9741 on: October 02, 2023, 08:35:19 AM »

this guy is just stretching...

Happy monday all.....
Geesh Phyl - I can't imagine losing my beloved 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee....I am so sorry for Jim...give him my best regards.

Heading out soon for quick walk with Ollie man...for whatever reason he was better behaved last night.
Might have something to do with I just ignored him earlier in the eve when he wanted out front instead of his big back yard on his own through doggie door...I might have even raised my voice No!
He did go out back, but came in and literally sulked..Chris said he was "crying"
No he's not spoiled....Chris would laugh out loud and say well you spoiled him.

Don't we all?


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9742 on: October 02, 2023, 08:39:23 AM »

CLYNN  Sweetangos have not reached our local stores yet.  Produced up in Door county initially.  My favorite apple ever.    Apple peels  LOLOL
Dana is quite the photographer.  Loved the plane and moon shot.   Fantastic shots - the best yet from Benny B of D4

LISA  Cozy AM pic today.  My grocery is still not selling cocoa k-cups  :P

Off with the girls to visit another in our girl group who now lives over an hour south - going to see her "new" home and have lunch!


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9743 on: October 02, 2023, 09:02:14 AM »

Fog / light winds with current temp 52 - high of 72.

Lani - Yes it was a great game for the Chiefs!

Phyl - I am so sorry for Jim's accident.  Cars can be replaced, but Jim cannot.  Thank goodness he is alright.  I know you will work thru this - thoughts & prayers for you both. {{Jim & Phyl}}

Tsk - Good idea you have in making more applesauce to share with friends during the holidays.  :)

Clynn - I too like to chop lettuce into bite size pieces - I love Olive Garden salad dressing too - I have some in the fridge right now!
Just read the story you told about Ed clogging up the pipes with apple peelings - poor guy - bet he was always careful not to do that again!   I have done similar with potato peelings - now I am careful not to overload the disposal all at once! :-[
Great picture by your friend!
Love the Decorah pics  ;D  Thank you for the update and great info! ;D

LisaG - Cute morning image!

Beakers have a nice day  :)


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9744 on: October 02, 2023, 10:36:45 AM »

Man I'm mad and decompressing.

Glad to know my mace/pepper spray does work. Sprayed 4 times on the tar encircling myself and Ollie while walking in my neighborhood.

A slightly larger than Ollie across in a yard came rushing at us. My command to stop, no, back with raised one hand got nothing...I fell to the ground with Ollie now strongly reacting and this dog didn't care. Then the one loose dog was joined by another larger dog. Obviously they both were on the run together.
Surprised me that no human checked on me, and that neither dog in the least responded to my commands.
I pulled out my mace, and pulled the trigger. Intentionally not hitting the dogs but making enough of a spray in the air and on the tar in front that eventually after 4 of these sprays retreating to terrorize another block.

Remember, Ollie has been bitten twice on the neck already by another unleashed/loose dog and my Walter was literally attacked on the neck by two labs...both dogs leashed and with me/and or both Scott and I.

I carry mace for a reason. Not so much for humans but loose dogs who on the loose inevitably get aggressive and especially in groups of more than one.

Now I wonder how many sprays I have left in my hand held mace?


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9745 on: October 02, 2023, 11:06:52 AM »

Good morning Beakers!
Morning Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Tsk, Lisa, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eagles, Kb, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, Jilltosa, BL, Eburg, Weasel, Ezee, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Omasawyer, Paulie, jicaji, LB, and All!

{{{Phyl and Jim}}} I'm very sorry for Jim's accident. Seeing the photos of the car, I'm so glad for you both Jim's okay, I pray nothing shows up as the days go by. Sending prayers, God Bless you both as you work through this.. thanks for beautiful fall nature vid.

Clynn, I've never heard of the Bug thingy either. Mike feels it's a good find and wanted me to get one for myself and the girls. It suppose to help with all types of bites... Never heard of Sweetangos.... Oh Ed, that's something Mike would have done too.... I never put potato peelings down the disposal either. Now, we hardly use it. Dana Schroeder takes beautiful photos.  Beautiful photos of Decorah Mom and DM2  :-* and wonderful update of our #1 couple by SMB and Benny. They look wonderful as does their new nest. I pray they have a successful season  :-*....  Thank you for posting.

Lisa, Love the smell of simmering soups, stews or baking goodies in the oven that makes Fall the most special season.  ;D

Kb, I hope you and Ollie man had a good walk. It was chilly here, 47 when we went out the door. Oh geez, I just read your updated post! I'm so glad you and Ollie are okay.

Tsk, Enjoy your time with the girls.  :)

Eagles, When Mike goes out of town, he loves going to Olive Garden because of the salad bar and dressing. I've googled Olive Garden dressing after you mentioned it. I'll ask him if he'd like a bottle of the dressing. He's so picky, anything he likes I try to add to his menu. LOL!
« Last Edit: October 02, 2023, 11:08:26 AM by Lani »
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9746 on: October 02, 2023, 11:13:28 AM »

Lani - I can feel soreness creeping in my neck and knee...thank God it wasn't winter..by the time I fell Ollie and I were trying to get away in a home's yard, as I kept looking for somewhere to hide. So, I just fell on the grass but still unexpectedly..after getting up and walking down the block frantically and now both of them following us just as quickly is when I used my mace...didn't hit the dogs, just the tar and air...but the larger one probably got a wiff and eventually they went the other direction.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9747 on: October 02, 2023, 11:29:05 AM »

Sloth TV nursery cam back online


Sloth TV playground Live cam

Hanging with Coco LOL!  :-*

Toucan Live cam - Beautiful Annabelle  ;D

Sloth Preschool Updates:

- Roo, 2F Sloth: She is growing, very active, and eating many leaves!
- Ken, 2F Sloth: He's growing fast! He has a good appetite and has started eating smoothies.
- Myrtle, 2F Sloth: She spends most of the day in the tree! We're very excited to see that her mobility has greatly improved. She has a great appetite and eats plenty of leaves and smoothies.
- Nara, 3F Sloth: She is still undergoing nebulization treatment but seems to be recovering well!
- Elmo, 2F Sloth: Slowly starting to eat smoothie. We are keeping him monitored since he's still very young.

A friendly reminder: We are a critical care facility - Even though you do not see this on camera, the animals are under 24/7 vet care.

We are a small, dedicated team. We ask for kindness and patience as we post updates. We strive to update the explore.org community biweekly.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2023, 11:53:12 AM by Lani »
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9748 on: October 02, 2023, 11:32:32 AM »

Good Morning Beakers!  Another great weather day!
Jim, I am so sorry about your Accident!  Terrible set of circumstances!  Hopefully you are not too injured!   Get sore tomorrow!
Good weather here again!
Finally getting the pile of trees removed from the yard next door.   Hope they get the pile on the other side!  Big pile of pine but not mine!  The top of a pine that was blocking the street!  Now I can run the sprinkler system!
Good eagle pictures from Benny and smb !  Thanks for posting Clynn!


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #9749 on: October 02, 2023, 11:35:35 AM »

Lani - I can feel soreness creeping in my neck and knee...thank God it wasn't winter..by the time I fell Ollie and I were trying to get away in a home's yard, as I kept looking for somewhere to hide. So, I just fell on the grass but still unexpectedly..after getting up and walking down the block frantically and now both of them following us just as quickly is when I used my mace...didn't hit the dogs, just the tar and air...but the larger one probably got a wiff and eventually they went the other direction.

{{{Kb and Ollie}}} How terrifying for you both  :(. sorry this happened. This is what I've learned from our dog classes in Scottsdale.
We took rattlesnake, wild animal and dog off leash training years ago.

What to Do When Approached By An Off-Leash Dog
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander