Lani - My Grandson's team is done with baseball this year - a lot of rained out games. My Mom still has an issue that may require surgery. Thanks for asking.
Aly won't drive straight thru tho right?
Clynn - I know that you and your Mom & sisters are a tight-knit family although you all live far apart from each other. I am lucky that my Mom & sister only live 5 minutes away from me.
Glad that your Mom is not having terrible pain with her broken nose. I feel so bad that happened to her.
Like the SWFL pics!
LisaG - Wishing you the very best today! Enjoy a nice meal out later on!
Tsk - Tim must really enjoy having a garden, because it probably is cheaper & must less work to go to the Farmer's Market that you mentioned. Nice that it gives him a good feeling of accomplishment - nothing better than fresh vegies & herbs!
Puff - Like what you said; that it's the priceless memories of Ed & Bella and the tomatoes!
Phyl - Nice temp for your area today.
Thank you for all the wonderful cam pics! Like the Puffin burrow.
Kb - Good luck at your appt this morning - wishing you a good report.
Beakers have a nice day.