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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 2048549 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29460 on: February 06, 2025, 10:01:04 AM »

Patrick Mahomes has addressed the fact that President Donald Trump will attend this year’s Super Bowl.

Ahead of the big game at Caesars Superdome in New Orleans against the Philadelphia Eagles, the Kansas City Chiefs quarterback said in a press conference on Wednesday (February 5) that it will be “cool” to see a sitting president attend the Super Bowl for the first time.

“It's always cool to be able to play in front of a sitting president,” Mahomes told reporters. “Someone that is at the top position in our country.”

Mahomes was also asked about Trump’s previous comments when he called the Chiefs quarterback “a good winner.”

“I don’t want to say, but there’s a certain quarterback that seems to be a pretty good winner,” Trump said when asked what team he would be rooting for
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29461 on: February 06, 2025, 08:06:54 PM »

Hi Cal, Yes. Thank you. I began to feel better last night. Feel much better today.
Got some snow then ice storm here today. Schools went virtual and lots of closings and delays. Temps rose and it's melted now. Good!
I made a big pot of beef stew. Good weather for it.

Did your area get any of this nasty weather?


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29462 on: February 07, 2025, 05:45:07 AM »

hi you guys its 25 here 28 in longyear 39 rain snow in ice

hi paulie oh good to hear you are much better! we got that ice  it was pretty bad i skated to the barn with my walker it melted but now snow heading here for next monday tues i like that better than rain no barn flooding i saw pretty bad for you i got to go see dr buzard this morning at 9 am. my bp reading good so i think like jim i will not have to see him for 3 months get my medicine at walgreens. our insurance will pay for it there have a contract with them. jim got his two weeks ago he said they said without insurance it would be 111.00 with it 11.00.i would say for a month our refill will be for 3 times. my friend heidi at harps grocery store told me last year her bp was 260/120 i was like omg heidi she got on bp medicine and she is a big girl but she lost alot weight since then and she walks alot now. parks her car way over there in parking lot and walks in she works produce walks the store and back area she got out of bakery and went to produce. she decorated cakes and really good too but now in produce. they put an ad in for a cake decorator  but no one applied not many of those around here. anyway she is now off bp medicine cause of all her hard work yay to you heidi.

hi joho did you get to the walmart? did you pick up anything to eat for the superbowl are you watching it with your family? what is your favorite cereal?

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29463 on: February 07, 2025, 08:27:31 AM »

6:49   Good morning EV1.  Nice clear day today.  Sun is streaming through my windows heating the living space for me.
Yes went to Walmart.  Had five items on list. Girl says $91.72.  What??????  I went there at supper time.  What a mistake.  I like Malt-O-Meal Scooters.  It is the only one I like.  It is like Honey Nut Cheerios.  I add frozen blueberries, apple chunks, and 2% milk every day.  So my bowl is mostly fruit with some cereal on top.  It has been keeping me healthy for years.  So I don't see any reason to change. 
I have not made any plans for the bowl. I used to go to different get togethers and gamble etc. all day, but not any more.  Sadly, all my friends from those days have died.  I will just hang around home and hope TV does not fail.  GO CHIEFS!!!!
 Bree has come home to heal. YAY!  I may go see Bonnie for a while in the afternoon on Sunday.
Now I will say CUL EV1 GBU
« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 09:11:50 AM by johoward »


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29464 on: February 07, 2025, 12:31:38 PM »

hi joho yay on bree! i am watching bowl at home with cali she is doing good for an old dog i do not take a single day with her for granted ty god if my tv fails and its old spare tv in jims room he has a new 50 inch and new 75 inch in there in boxes along with lots of junk getting crowded in there. he got a litter box for mr kitty in there too in his bathroom he has a big bathroom too. we saw dr buzard i had my bp chart and i printed off that ortho dr i want to see so dr buzard said your bp doing good yes no headaches no check my ankles for swelling no brown socks today no yet they will be  he again ask if i had orto doc picked out why yes i do handed him my print off dr said he is very good i hope so missys mom doing great marty back to her cows so i hope so for me too dr office will set it up call let me know when i go see him. i lost my mom sister my boobie my sister in law first time my best friend i miss going to my moms house on sat for whole day miss being in her home being with her miss boobies home too. dr nieman office calling me
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29465 on: February 07, 2025, 04:09:49 PM »

Wow! Still got blinds up.  Looked out to see if sun went away yet in back.  It did, but I may never close the blinds again because when I looked out I saw the neighbor across the commons, pretty far,  walking in his backyard with a rambunctious little golden retriever pup.  So cute.  Jumping this way and that way.  Then running in a circle around the man's legs. Ho Ho Ho ! I will be watching out for them a lot!!!!
I have some peanut butter dog treats in my freezer.  Duffey can't eat them.  So this pup may get them all.  Not sure yet if I want to take them all at once to their door or wait until I get close to the dog and treat him one at a time.  That is more likely what I will do.  The people there are very nice.
Well see you all alter my friends.  The eagles are getting very close to laying eggs.  The soft grass is all puffed up in ythe North nest.  The deer at the Maine Food Pantry for Deer are mostly losing their antlers.  Some were very impressive too.  I saw a big fight between two large groups of wild turkeys today, and last night late I watched a buck fight in the woods on the PTZ cam.  I think it was after 1 am and close to 2 am. The fight was between two lesser bucks, and it was more like play most of the time.  Both of them had small racks.  I am guessing they were 1 or 2 years old.  Still it was some thing most people don't get to see.  Ever.
Bye now.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29466 on: February 07, 2025, 08:00:07 PM »

Hi cal, Good news about your BP and not having to see Dr for 3 months. Good Good Good

Be careful on that ice. Walk in the grass. I understand you preferring ice over rain due to the barn flooding. I wish there was a solution for you there.

Hi johoward, You saw interesting things today in nature! 


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29467 on: February 07, 2025, 09:41:38 PM »

Hi you guys,  Yes Paulie I did.  I do this every day, but do not see things for the first time every day.  There are lots of live animal cams to look in on.  I look at lots of them every day.  You can too.  I have two live cams on now in the backround, and will look in on them as soon as I finish typing.
It sounds like Cal is progressing toward getting strong enough to get her knee fixed.  I am glad I did mine, and hope for her to get a good experience too.
Now I will say Good Night and GBU all.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29468 on: February 08, 2025, 05:37:57 AM »

hi you guys its 33 here cloudy snow and mix to come 24 in longyear 35 partly cloudy in ice

hi paulie i dont have to go back to dr buzard for 6 months! well on my bp i hope nothing else his office got me right in with bone dr. dr niemann i go see him feb 17th see what he thinks might not be able to do anything for me but again might. i surely hope i get to come right back home if i have surgery. robotic surgery. ice all gone for now not drizzling out there but more to come it is winter. jim goes out of town for ford first of april for aweek so will have to see if i have knee surgery when and how long till i can get up might have to put off my knee only me here and if it floods in the barn i am not hauling out buckets of water no more cant do that. will have to put out tons of pellets all around the back of the barn an inside if i luck out and get my knee fixed i will not blow it. oh no kitchen coyottees howling in the kitchen ooooooo ooooooooo ooooooo seeing bad weather i think for you be careful too i did walk in the grass other day me and my walker. are you still feeling better?

hi joho well i will go see bone dr soon i am afraid but jim will take me this world anymore not good for a senior using a walker to be in the city alone i hope dr has hopeful news for me. i hope i do at least half as good as you did. you were very brave to go get that done. yesterday i left that key west cam on my screen for mr kitty. he is in here when jim is at work. jim gets home i heard him get his cat and say come on you can watch tv in here.    :) my bp was 112/67 while ago

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29469 on: February 08, 2025, 07:37:15 AM »

5:33 Good Morning EV1.
23 and cloudy Snow later today. Deer are waiting for breakfast at Brownsville, which is usually brought to them at 9 am.  Just a few black squirrels on Snowman.  No eggs yet at Decorah North.  No sunrise shot at GSB Cam.  Just the wintery look of the frozen Mississippi.  Which is beautiful in it's own way.
Now however the second cup of coffee is cooling and needs my attention.  No plans for today.  No shopping either.  Walmart has all my shopping money. 
Bye now EV1 GBU


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29470 on: February 09, 2025, 05:07:16 AM »

Thinking of Bears as I See Other Wildlife - UPDATE February 8, 2025

Wolf walking by beaver lodge
 Siskins in tree
Siskins in tree
 Siskins on feeder
then on feeder
Wildlife action booms each morning with the arrival of the siskin flock that has grown to over 400. They begin by sitting quietly in the tops of trees brightening them like Christmas ornaments as they assess their surroundings before raining down to their favorite feeding spots.

Northern Shrike
Northern Shrike

A new sighting a couple days ago was the first northern shrike I’ve seen in years. A little smaller (2.6 ounces) than a blue jay (3 ounces), it was sitting in the middle of one of the favorite feeding spots of the half-ounce siskins. The shrike, a songbird with the hooked bill of a predator sat looking at a view devoid of siskins. It was over an hour before the siskins returned to again sit in the tops of trees, assessing the situation before flying down together. The little roof that is covered by nearly a hundred siskins has a hairy woodpecker at the back edge pecking at two drumsticks placed where the eagle can most easily grab one in a fly-by. Ravens also fly by for looks but almost never take anything but bits they find on the ground.


A highlight a couple days ago was a wolf walking past the beaver lodge showing me how deep the snow is—guessing about 10 inches. (top photo)

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29471 on: February 09, 2025, 05:29:50 AM »

hi you guys its 19 here colder temp to come and snow 24 in longyear 43 rain wind in ice. wolf just keep on walking do not stop at     beaver lodge  my bird house looks like that only they are inside of it and sitting on dog fence next to it. waiting their turn i can see it real good from my bathroom window and when i am feeding my cats in the bathroom and i see tons of grackles i tap the window and they fly off and little birds hurry over and eat. i also have lots of food for birds on the sidewalk to the barn so grackles go there. little northern strike really cute

hi joho big game today i will fall asleep cause i go to sleep early get up early but sometimes i wake up so will see i meant are you watching the game with your family debbie go chiefs! when we saw dr buzard friday everyone had on their chiefs  stuff. red friday. i have all the tax stuff ready to go but then jims sister called and her cpa got them 3000. deduction off sale of their dads condo sold it so fast took a lost of that or something and tons of paper to that so jim is taking all that to work and coping it off add that to our tax stuff. i wonder if our cpa would of caught that. i am happy that will be end of that not have to deal with it again next year.

hi paulie i saw on the weather channel ice bad weather for you and joho you guys be careful! Paulie do you use a cane or a walker? 

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29472 on: February 09, 2025, 01:23:19 PM »

5:41 Good for me.  Been watching Puppy Bowl for hours on Animal Planet.  I like it. Not real bad outside today. Not sure of temps, but no wind and very little snow around me.  I will go see Bonnie right after wash is done.  Maybe Liz, Annie, and Bree will be there.  I hope so.  It would be nice to see them together with their Mom.
Saw a lot of turkeys on deer pantry and on Snow.  The males are doing a lot of strutting right now.  Soon the hens will start laying eggs.  The North eagles are ready to lay eggs too.  i think very soon. Then the Falcons and finally the vultures will lay eggs.  I am ready to watch them every day.  I hope the nest at Decorah is used again.  I don't care what uses it.  Either eagles or geese is ok with me.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29473 on: February 09, 2025, 01:40:00 PM »

hi you guys its 33 here cloudy snow and mix to come 24 in longyear 35 partly cloudy in ice

hi paulie i dont have to go back to dr buzard for 6 months! well on my bp i hope nothing else his office got me right in with bone dr. dr niemann i go see him feb 17th see what he thinks might not be able to do anything for me but again might. i surely hope i get to come right back home if i have surgery. robotic surgery. ice all gone for now not drizzling out there but more to come it is winter. jim goes out of town for ford first of april for aweek so will have to see if i have knee surgery when and how long till i can get up might have to put off my knee only me here and if it floods in the barn i am not hauling out buckets of water no more cant do that. will have to put out tons of pellets all around the back of the barn an inside if i luck out and get my knee fixed i will not blow it. oh no kitchen coyottees howling in the kitchen ooooooo ooooooooo ooooooo seeing bad weather i think for you be careful too i did walk in the grass other day me and my walker. are you still feeling better?

hi joho well i will go see bone dr soon i am afraid but jim will take me this world anymore not good for a senior using a walker to be in the city alone i hope dr has hopeful news for me. i hope i do at least half as good as you did. you were very brave to go get that done. yesterday i left that key west cam on my screen for mr kitty. he is in here when jim is at work. jim gets home i heard him get his cat and say come on you can watch tv in here.    :) my bp was 112/67 while ago

hi paulie i saw on the weather channel ice bad weather for you and joho you guys be careful! Paulie do you use a cane or a walker? 
Hi cal, Good that you don't have to return to your BP Dr for 6 months. Your BP seems to be doing good. Good!

Congrats to you, cal, for making appointment to see Dr about your knee!! I have heard of the robotic surgery also.
My Dr told me a person usually goes home the day after surgery. Stay in hospital for one night. That's all. I did read a story about a man in Western PA who did return home the day of his surgery so that is possible. I think the contractor who worked on our cabin went home the same day too. Not sure but I think maybe so.
True you will need Jim to be there with you initially especially the first 2 weeks perhaps.

My friend in Cheers had both her knees replaced last year. Did one knee then the other knee about 6 month later. She's doing good.

I'm sure johoward can give you lots of info.

Yes there was an ice storm last night but is slowly melting today. Yay! No I do not use a cane or walker. So far so good.  :)

johoward, You're lucky because you've already had this done.  :)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29474 on: February 09, 2025, 03:00:20 PM »

hi paulie! im getting ready to head to barn last time for today back at 3 am  i will be so sad if i have surgery and cant come home that day! i did for my rotator cuff surgery i know different stuff but still. my animals my cali cali be confused looking for me she cant be around penny alone at all yes jim knows but you know this is a big step for me seeing buzard was a big step. im worried cause as bad as this knee is still a knee first go see him second home same day? artic blast coming here single digits like 3 and snow wed i will ask rues her husband had his knee replaced see if crow came home same day my bedroom cats scared of jim they run hide cry howl my outside kitty she waits at door at 3 am well i can feed her before i leave jim put out food later doc i will have to be home before 3 am next morning just send me same day you know maybe he cant fix it i think he needs to look at my hip on same side too. i got my raccoonies barn bird lucy jim knows how to feed them he waill have to take a vacation day do this do that get up jim get up good your cheers friend did good had both done not same time good joho already got his done

hi joho i went to snows saw them 3 big turkeys awhile ago snowing at snows barn time almost time for game go chiefs
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day