10.47 With glasses on. Still trying to get used to them, but it is not working very well.
34 degrees at 1:41, but not much wind and no snow so not bad.
I did get Odin to school this morning. It was not without anxiety. He was covered up on the couch with Duffey when I got there at 6:30 to let his Dad run off to work on time. one hour later I started to talk him on getting up so he could have his breakfast, and brush his teeth. I went back in the kitchen to wait and I heard a loud thump by the couch. I thought Duffey jumped down and went to see if she wanted out. Like Abby had just done. It was not Duffey. It was Odin. He was flat down on the floor and sleeping still. He is a challenge for sure. He brushed. Then asked me why he had to brush his teeth since he did not eat anything, and so they were already clean.
We made it to school about the right time. The car line moved right along after the bus was unloaded. I will go back to get him off the bus in an hour. He received a large gold medal for his wrestling, and wanted to wear it to school. I had mixed feeling about a medal all day in school, but said if that is what he wanted to do, OK. The lady that took him from my car was impressed with his medal. I guess Odin was right, and they have no preschool dress code there.
Abbe and Duffey were very good this morning. Abby went to bed and Duffey went to her kennel when Odin asked her too. She would not get off the couch for me.
I loved seeing that little possum. The deer were at first very afraid of him.
Well Hi EV1 and Bye EV1. GBU