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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 2045305 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28260 on: April 02, 2024, 10:35:15 AM »

hi paulie im getting ready to do my last feeding everyone one more time to check indy big bad storm heading here. sweets watching hgtv 100 day dream house nibbling on hay i put on his pillow. i learned a ton from my old vet ed a ton been to his and pams farm he had maybe still does a mule named jack cats dogs cattle sheep goats alpacca two of them do you have any pets?

hi joho where are you are you okay?

hi neva     
Cal, I just now read your yesterday afternoon post. I saw on news lots of nasty storms moving through some states.
I chuckled reading sweets was watching HGTV nibbling hay on his pillow. Lucky sweets cozy being well cared for by you ... and all your other animals too.

Yes to me having had pets. I grew up with always having a dog. Not now. I've always had dogs then cats. For years at same time I had two dogs .. a Doberman and a mixed breed, three cats and thirteen zebra finch birds. They along with four children kept me busy. After those two dogs and were gone I had an awesome Saint Bernard who lived to almost 13 yrs.

After reading your post today you sure do keep busy! I hope sweet's shot went well and he continues to improve.

I don't post here often but have also noticed neva's absence. I hope all is okay.

johoward, I don't know Debbie of course but after reading about what she said I like her! Good for her!!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28261 on: April 02, 2024, 11:04:35 AM »

hi paulie! sweets got his burner shot earlier and he cried his eyes out kitchen coyotes then howled and bark house full of crying but after he stops crying he falls into a sleep. i then went to the barn check on indy boy again and my barn birds mice fill up raccoonies pan with more dog food and a stray cat that hangs around he goes into this dog house i sat in with all my tall cedar trees my mom got me way long ago they were like 5 inches tall but now huge good wind break good place for dog house i put it out there when coaly was a stray hanging around well long ago he is now a laundry room garage sometimes cat. so new one moved in. i put his food by side door out of garage he can look out the house and see me. i cannot pet him but i do take care of him. love your pets and also 4 kids wow to you. my mom use to have those zebra finches long ago pretty little birds dobies are so smart my exbrother in law that was his breed. st bernard cool dog too we loved our mastiffs still love them and our half mastiff half  black lab mix augie scootie grizzie. augie loved jim best like jim said that does not happen often but he did. jim would sing to him  i love my augie doggie doodle all day. when heaven was knocking on his door jim could not stay in with him broke my heart so hard you know but i stayed with him to the end not leave my augie  day two on sweets medicine waiting for him to pee he has not peed again since yesterday not drinking on his own but not fighting me on syringing water in him. i am in my office to work on our mo sales tax we have a side business ac and heating

joho i have neva address i think i will send a card put her daughters name on it too see if she is okay. barn still not flooding and tons of rain big crack of lightening last night scared sweets and kitchen coyotes told it off but i think maybe when jim went out and dug a run off from that big trench he did with the back hoe helped i told him it should.
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28262 on: April 02, 2024, 11:09:35 AM »

Hello Everyone! 


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28263 on: April 02, 2024, 11:38:29 AM »

Hi EV 1,
5:36 Canola fields are beautiful. Rainy this morning, but now warming and cloudy.  Did not go to the mailbox yet.  I have some bills to send, and should take them down there soon.  Maybe I can beat the mailman.  He comes way late in the afternoon a lot lately.  I like to walk there, but not in the rain.
Did not do much or see anyone yesterday.  I did go to Drugmart for five prescriptions.  I was surprised how little they cost.
  I think Biden has been at it again.  He has done so much to curb inflation in so many areas, and gets NO credit.  Let's hear it for the boy! 
 Hi Neva.  You are missed.  Hope you are well and only having technical difficulties.  Like Cal's cut cable etc. I don't crawl back of the TV console any more to check connections, etc.  It would take an earth quake and a tornado to loosen all my plugs, and then put them back in the wrong place as suggested by the Spectrum trouble shooters again and again.  I just tell them NO!  You fix it!  That is what I pay you for.  If you can't send a signal then send a repairman.  Today they said my trial has ended and now my bill went up another twenty dollars per month. They are forcing me to cut the cable.  So I will.  If you miss me here you will know why.
 I really like the internet and the TV shows, but I am Scotch and $185 a month for just these two services is too high.
Have not heard from Karen or Debbie today.  So no news.
Sounds like Sweets is improving.  LOL! Jim came back to see if he left his barn door open.  When he gets older with a big belly like me others will let him know.  They let me know all the time. LOL.
Yes Cal.  Send Neva a card with a note of our support. Ask her to text me, because when I text her it goes to someone else I do not know.
Bye now EV1 GBU, Israel, Ukraine, Debbie, Sweets, Alice, and Neva just in case.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28264 on: April 02, 2024, 01:30:05 PM »

Hey, both mom an dad in a blizzard on Decorah North Cam. 


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28265 on: April 02, 2024, 02:34:17 PM »

hi joho so funny jim checking barn door he did not want to have my beloved barn birds going out would break my heart and jim has a huge belly and his barn door is open alot people tell him all the time i dont anymore go ahead jim go on out!  :)  sweets starting to really wake up now boy be up tonight but thats good he will doze off and im right next to him on couch last night i woke up opened my eyes sweets was looking right at me! did a little bleat. we have to be quiet cause coyotes now sleep by gate between kitchen and living room. your right on your cable we can really get hurt going back behind tv check all this stuff pay them to fix it! i was irked at my internet deal i pay 75.00 a month for it just internet and landline line for our ac business and 7.00 for that wifi solution so they can see my stuff fix it from there. directv is 175.00 a month for hbo and cable channels. i hooked up free antenna tv to jims tv and livingroom sweets tv can flip over to it one time it was like 60.00 with a game channel too lots of games you could play keeps going up. i will do neva card tonight mail in morning on my way to pick up groceries i will ask her to text you forcing you to cut the cable i hear that i need my internet but we dont need hbo probably lucky and holly you saw

I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28266 on: April 03, 2024, 05:56:25 AM »

hi you guys its 39 here 38 in ice 48 in kviv and 59 in the barn i was worried about sweets yesterday he was out of it almost all day long he would take some water i syringed him eat just tiny bit of hay he got more alert late in the day he did not pee again. last night he was laying and just looking up at me i kept getting up jim went to bed long ago i cannot lift him but wanted him up and turned to other side. jim got up at 4 i was upset told him i am afraid for him jim got him up and turned to his other side and got him sit upright and sweets put his front legs tucked under his chest like goats do. i was so happy cause he did not fall over this time he stayed upright still is upright and really alert. really looking at the tv and when i let the dogs back in he leaned over to look in the kitchen at them. he still did not want water i got hay by him will put his water there when i get back from picking up groceries. going to put my walker in front of that gate which is locked but want the dogs to stay away from it while i am gone cause i got to go pick them up

hi joho i did not have time to write neva yet i will sometime today

hi paulie hi alice


gb all animals and gb all of us
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28267 on: April 03, 2024, 10:12:11 AM »


That is the most American thing I've ever seen and I love it.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 10:18:37 AM by calhound »
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28268 on: April 03, 2024, 11:21:16 AM »

4:32 Hope he has some water in those saddle bags.
Sweets seems better. I heard today that Bird flu is in Kansas cows and people too.  That cow on the highway was a good old time cowboy adventure in the modern day setting. Dam that FedEx driver.  He is not from around there!
I did play some rummy with Karen last night.
Hi Neva.  Sure hope you are well.  It has been too long.
Bye ev1.  GBU , Israel, Sweets, Debbie, and Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28269 on: April 03, 2024, 04:25:28 PM »

hi joho i heard that too on bird flu kansas new royal stadium tax did not pass by alot  :) sweets peed a ton he has been sitting up,laying up all day he can shift sides he is eating his hay watching tv but no water i put his bowl by him he moved away on his knees thump thump okay i will move it syringe some in him that will come back too he is way better today than yesterday huge winds here today yes get out fedex driver that horse knew what to do too. jim cooked hamburgers mac and cheese i came in no clock on oven panel no nothing he got that panel wet it has been crack for long time due to dogs jumping up there it did this before at thanksgiving i ordered a control panel then this one dried out starting working but i think new one is in my office in case it does not jims heating element still works what he uses i use the oven make biscuits cakes i watch a video on changing them out looks simple did karen beat you at cards?
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28270 on: April 03, 2024, 09:28:48 PM »

Hi cal, You're sound asleep now I hope. Heck of a busy day so I'm just checking in on you and your sweets. So cute sweets was laying and looking at you yesterday. Good news he was doing better today.
The cow wrangling video was awesome. Just another day at work. These guys are good.

I've been thinking about ra. We've gotten out of touch. I'll have to contact her.

Wishing you a good night's sleep and a better tomorrow. Take care.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28271 on: April 04, 2024, 06:24:35 AM »

hi you guys paulie you are one of our guys alice you know you are neva still mia i did not get that card done i am just always doing stuff so its 35 here 35 in ice 50 in kviv and 59 in the barn.  yesterday afternoon jim stayed with sweets and i went to the barn raccoonies had been in sweets area dug up stuff cause after cookies throw in there for my birds and mice that front door could not shut for all the hay so i cleaned all that up took awhile then that door would shut tight i took my camera and took some pictures for you guys course got to upload them on my computer and back run today get gas really low on gas for my car i dread getting it so hard to get around with just a cane but at least this gas station i can use the first pump right by that door.

hi joho i just now found that control board deal for the oven jim really got it soaking wet i hope the attachments to the stove are okay just took out this control board found it in my office under lots of stuff in bottom of file cabinet. if it works i will still order a new one a back up.

hi paulie yes i was sleeping i think at least laying down on the couch next to sweets. he thumped his way next to the couch next to me. he still does not want to drink from a bowl but will if i do it till he is full of water. this is better cause i wake up and he is right there but i miss my bed with cali and my old cats too. that cow video was so good. reminded me of so long ago i was a kid just broke my first horse and had her on a big pasture by juanita moms best friend she would not let me catch her chasing her all over mom got a friend of juanitas to come and he rode his horse in there and he lasso tuco my horse and she flipped on her side he dragged her a little ways mom wanted that i tell you she came to me after that had her for 40 years she is buried out front here a headstone made of granite with her picture on it. all my horses are buried here. one of my sisters too. so funny i just saw some older emails from ra she said on it sleeping cal  i need to email her time just gets away and she was working hard out in her yard she has a boyfriend her grands her daughter her cat i email and hear from rues too i will email ra you should too make her happy to hear from us i know that. i will do it right after i post here

hi neva please be okay


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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28272 on: April 04, 2024, 10:29:31 AM »

Hi Cal, Awesome horse story and wow to 40 years. Very nice all your horses are buried there.

Thank you for update on ra. She does love her yard. Good news all around for her. Yes I'll email her then.

I hope sweets has healing progress today.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28273 on: April 04, 2024, 11:40:58 AM »

7:09 Only 2 seconds off average.  YAY!
No Cal, Karen had 250, and I had 505 this time.  We played at my house.  She says I usually win when we play at my house.  The last time though she had 360 and I only had 225.  We are pretty well matched at rummy.  With poker though she is a beginner, and I usually win.  She is not much for risk.  If she bets 15 cents instead of our normal ten cents I think about folding, because I know she has a good hand.
I know you don't like sharing negative news Cal, but I am very happy to hear about thump, thump, Thumper's progress.  He seems to like being in the house now. What if he decides he should always be in the house?  He seems very smart.  Do goats learn to use indoor facilities like, say, a litter box? How about your floors?  Could his hoofs mar the floors? Keep the news coming.  For the girls too, and the birds and cats and coons and possums and mice and snakes.
 I will be glad to see some photos when you get a chance.  You can text them if that is quicker for you.
I have seen a lot of the bears on Bear.org lately.  I think it is Lucky and his once in a while girl friend.   They are rolling around and playing quite a bit for mature bears. Like they are celebrating Spring.
The geese in the Decorah Eagle nest are nice to watch.  I was amazed that she ate all the snow off her back while the North Eagles were covered in snow.  The nests  are fairly close together, aren't they?
 Eating is a HUGE thing every day in the eagle nest, but the mom goose does not eat until the babies jump out of the nest and go with her to the water.
I am going to be quiet now for a while.  So GBU EV1 


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28274 on: April 04, 2024, 12:32:55 PM »

hi joho i went to town bank gas gas first its on up the road no one there i got first pump got out with cane and lady working there came out to me said just gas yes and ty so much then bank truck blocking drive thru man was talking to that truck driver saw me told him to move up ty no one there jeanie got my money just like that heading home i did not give sweets his shot or liquid wormer only do that if im here so got home but went to barn first did indy back in did my sweetie boy he was sitting up eating hay watching tv now he laid down with his head on his pillow sleeping. i have already thought of keeping him in the house jim said this long cage deal its only 3 ft tall panels had it for my sick raccoon i brought in maybe we put it up by couches give him half of livingroom we got a big livingroom not lots of furniture two couches side table we may have to move where jim sits my pop lots of pop i drink my hutch with bevel glass doors on top have precious stuff in there i cant have him ramming it or our tv foyer has my grannys side cabinet precious stuff there too so i dont know not worry about it today yes he is happy in the house. his poop like a rabbit we just sweep it up his pee got thick paper towels under him just throw those away but when he is standing dont know try to keep him on that carpet area rug i just dont know dogs in the kitchen door out to dogs yard in here have to keep them away from sweets cant just let him out there he starts that ramming im hoping since he has been in here he will not do that if he ramming walls doors furniture me back to the barn not seen any snakes yet but joho i let tweety back out in the barn two days ago i cried she flew up to duct work where there is one nest is way on too i took a pic of duct tried to get her and her two friends but they kept flying here and there her friends so happy male singing loud so she did good maybe not get her again maybe and her friend kitty boy in the garage when i need to use my car got to put them in a big carrier out there so i can get out of the garage i just go to the bank gas and walmart harps get food and all the way to city dr foster on implants heading there soon finally get ready for new tooth he will uncover my deal send me on down to dr platt and same time out in bottom implant jim called said give me that laughing gas before shot in the roof of my mouth i cant go there again i cant keep that gas there give it again for shots in bottom for second implant my first husband family big pitch and spades players me too play all night long.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day