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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1066877 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28290 on: April 08, 2024, 02:41:57 PM »

hi joho i was really stressed out sweets bank stuff on hold to bank for an hour got in the car driving there finally off hold halfway there they knew i was mad got there no one in lobby no customers two cd workers which is what i needed was going to renew my cd but put it saving instead now i can get to it and if i get another one get at bank in richmond.dont wreck dog van

hi paulie jim called vet he wanted me to pick up high power antibiotics shots for sweets he now does not think still has worms but maybe blood infection i googled the meds respiratory and many other things big shot not one cc five on one for one time three cc in other for five days. i had to wait at bank for half hour hurry up people got to drive all the way back to vet then home i hate bank midwest in excelsior so gave sweets first big shot he cried loudly  :( dogs upset in kitchen second did not cry i feel like giving him imocin worm shot again today im misspelling. hunt and peck on this ipad next to sweets jim emailing said sweats no it is sweets i have to keep sweets attention just laying now looking straight ahead i am stressed!
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28291 on: April 08, 2024, 04:24:56 PM »

hi you guys sweets now eating again more alert so im feeling better hope once again he gets better vet said treated him for everything but antibiotics stuff i dont know could be something he missed but hope this works saw eclipse on tv went thru lots of states paulie what is your state?
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28292 on: April 08, 2024, 08:34:06 PM »

My heavens Cal you get an A+++++++ Plus for all your TLC for sweets. Sorry to read blood infection but that new med sure sounds strong and powerful. Sweets sounds determined and you definitely are. That should equal success for sure. Glad your bank ordeal is over.

Good news sweets is more alert and eating now and you are finally feeling better. Good!! Use this time to relax and get much needed sleep.

My state is Pennsylvania.

Prayers for sweets and you too sleeping better tonight.  :)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28293 on: April 09, 2024, 05:09:25 AM »

A Wolf, an Eagle, and show-stealing Mallards - UPDATE April 8, 2024

Bald eagle catches mallard - Sept. 2019
Donna and I arrived at the WRI when it was still dark, hoping to see the fisher, mink, fox, raccoon, and/or eagle, before she had to leave for home. The most we saw, though, as it got light, was a few seconds of the eagle landing in a shoreline tree out the window before heading over the lake. We wondered why he didn’t come for the ham fat we had waiting for him so Donna could see his dramatic swoop and grab.

After Donna left, I saw what might have distracted the eagle. Looking up from the computer screen, some 30 mallards were cruising as a group along the far shore with a wolf walking along with them on the shore. I’d never seen anything like that before and really wanted the picture, but they disappeared behind a wall of trees before I could click. Waiting to see if they would come into sight farther on, they didn’t. They must have settled near where they disappeared, which I doubly thought a couple hours later when the eagle returned and and went right to that spot and began making fast dives disappearing for a second or two, rising into view and diving over and over like he wasn’t getting anything. Then he disappeared like maybe he did and had flown off to eat it or deliver it to his mate in the nest. I’ll never know, but it brought back a memory. Where he was diving was the same spot where from which Donna and I had seen an eagle take a duck some five years earlier on September 28, 2019. She and I were sitting in a canoe a little over a tenth of a mile away from it when an eagle came flying low over the shoreline swamp and dipped down and grabbed a duck from the lake as I clicked. It was the first time I had seen something like that and I really hoped the picture would turn out, and it did!

None of the other expected critters put in an appearance today, but it was a good day of seeing the unusual as I worked.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28294 on: April 09, 2024, 05:23:50 AM »

hi you guys its 44 here 35 in ice 76 in kviv and 59 in the barn. i hate the update did not read but the first caption and that awful picture.

hi paulie. sweets was sleeping last night i looked down he had his little eyes shut sleeping and then kitchen coyotes had to start their howling but they did shut up for the night when i got up to give sweets a drink i do real quiet cause those dogs sleeping right by the gate. sweets ate some hay last night not a whole lot but this morning at 3:30 he pooped and instead of a hard ball it was little and loose. so that is good. not getting up but only been one day on new med today is day two and he will get his shot later i try to keep his meds same time every day have to get groceries at walmart at 7 am leave here at 6:15 had to move my screen down so when i type not looking at that eagle. oh i am so happy my bank ordeal is over i still have some small cds there so will have to go few more times but for now done with it. did you watch that eclipse? nice state you live in.

hi joho i hope you did okay with dog duties yesterday and the van did too. very nice you helping those dogs out i like that alot. i love my friends here everyone loves animals so much. i surely do miss our neva

got to finish feeding cats dogs barn done some cats them groceries are not going bring themselves here


gb all animals all of them god and god bless us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28295 on: April 09, 2024, 07:14:15 PM »

4:53 OK!
Go Sweets!
Had a good day.  Did not wreck the van.  Got five dogs and four cats fixed and back to be adopted at Berea (ARF).  Was a harrowing experience in a confusing city Akron/ Canto/ Kent/ Talmadge.  I was lost when my Tom Tom ran out of battery and van had no ds' slot for charging.  I got help from a little old lady who was watering her flower beds out front.  She was apprehensive, but finally felt comfortable enough to tell me to go a block turn right, go a block and turn right again and you are there.  I tried it, but the second right was a traffic circle, and my GPS came on just long enough to send me the wrong way. LOL  It was nip and tuck for about an hour, but I got there just in time and everything worked out OK.  Coming back was a little easier, because a nice lady at the vet took my new phone and plotted my trip home on some kind of service on my phone. That phone sure is smart. Who knew? LOL I will attempt to learn how to do this with my phone.  Debbie says there are probably at least two ways to do it.  We will see.  I will drive for them again.
Karen is resting up from having visitors all day.  I will go get some supper now.  Don't know what.
GBU EV1 Praying Neva is OK.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28296 on: April 09, 2024, 09:10:50 PM »

Cal, Awww to you looking down and seeing sweets eyes shut and him in a deep sleep. I bet you stress a bit trying to be quiet to not wake up the dogs sleeping by the gate!! I hope today's shot #2 will show more improvement for sweets tomorrow.

I didn't have the special glasses to watch the eclipse so didn't but I did sit on my deck in the warm temp and just relaxed watching the colors get dimmer and birds quieter for a bit then everything was back to normal.  :) Was just a partial eclipse in my area. Was cool and interesting though. Were you able to watch it?


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28297 on: April 10, 2024, 07:27:25 AM »

A Happy Birthday and More - UPDATE APRIL 9, 2024

Being a workaholic with important deadlines, I made it a work day while Donna made it a celebration by bringing a great pot roast and apple pie and spending the day. Together, we deviated from my deadline work to watch what the first beaver of the year would do. Watching and snapping this picture from over a tenth of a mile away, we saw it go to the same place the mallards gathered a couple days ago, dive down, find vegetation, and go to a shoreline mound to eat it. He then repeated this activity a couple times until we saw the pattern. Once, as he was busy on his mound, a pair of mallards passed by undisturbed.

We watched the eagle fly by a couple times but with other goals in mind and refusing to do his or her swoop and grab.


The woodchuck appeared and showed his familiarity with the this place and its people by letting me zig zag close for a look and a click. His main interest was the green grass blades that are beginning to poke up.


The day started with a visit from the new fisher who was carrying off ham fat and paying no attention to me in the window. Eventually, he or she acknowledged my presence and let me click this picture.

Total Eclipse
Total Eclipse

Amazing to me was this picture of the eclipse taken in Vermont by a photographer who is a friend of a friend. I don’t know his name or how he could have done any better in capturing the aura of the event. I can only say thank you to my friend for sending it.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28298 on: April 10, 2024, 07:55:30 AM »

hi you guys its 45 here 44 in ice 72 in kviv and 55 in the barn jim turned down the heat in there much better update today.  pictures today are good

hi paulie i did not watch the eclipse stayed in the house did not let the dogs out or indy out everyone inside i could see from under my patio door that it was getting darker. i have built in blinds in the door and they are always shut down but except for like 6 inches so i can see if dogs out on the deck wanting back in. penny is a window watcher and will move the room darking drapes look out the window so i had to watch her she did not try. we live like vampires all year long in here. keep heat in ac in try to keep dust out gravel road and construction and farmers up and down the road all the time dust is so bad in this house. jim tried to get sweets up last evening he did not get up jim said he is not even trying not moving his front legs at all well he does move them when he is laying there or he pees he wants off his pee pad. only improvement i see he is drinking lots of water easy for me to syringe it in him and he is peeing alot and his poop looks good his eyes bright and eyelid got pink to them so no worms so i think he is a little better but im pretty worn out and got so many other animals and really need to mow the yard got my mower going but no gas. big ordeal for me to go to town get out go in and pay for gas and get it. got to go to the bank tomorrow so will get it then jim said he will be really late today meeting with realtor about his dad condo. on my own sweets not eating as much as he was i just gave him a vitamin shot made for goats cant see where that will hurt. yesterday was shot number 2 today will be 3 i will give it at 10 am  i tell you i was saying to god jesus come on let my mom help me with sweets. if she was freely able to do that it would of been done.

hi joho you did so good i would panic at being lost i do have wait heard a noise in the living room dogs barking now okay sweets okay he is still laying down but has his head up  i have 3 walkers jim brought his dad which is way too high for me but it is a walker i keep one in the kitchen on the other side of that gate keeps dogs from jumping up on that gate and someone must of thought of doing that and hit the walker the noise and i keep one in the living room and one outside by back door to the barn i use them also for getting myself down on the floor for sweets and getting myself back up. on my car i use compass help me get home if i got lost on country roads if i have to go somewhere i google mapquest then print it out take it with me. i dont think i could handle a phone smarter than me. i do good with my ipad computer and my flip phone. i get too lost call jim  last night after i got up and cleaned up sweets changed his pee pad did his drink more hay i had my ipad next to me i googled obits in neva area. i was really afraid each time it brought up someone i said oh please do not be neva and it was not did not see there. you know she fell a few times maybe she is in rehab like alice but will be back home soon i pray she is.

hi alice

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28299 on: April 10, 2024, 09:12:58 AM »

That wicker chair did not stand a chance. LOL
Thanks Cal.  Also thanks for checking obits.  At my and Neva's age that is a likely place for news.
I watched the bears playing quite a while yesterday.  I really miss knowing who they are.  I never could identify them as well as the mods did.  So if I see two together I just just call them Lucky and friend.  The vultures are back in MO.  The Eagles are growing like weeds.  The falcons are back at GSB. The geese are still covered in down when mom leaves for a while.  I am trying hard to catch them jumping from the eagle nests.
I will say bye for now and get a second cup of coffee which is already cold. LOL


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28300 on: April 11, 2024, 07:13:24 AM »

hi you guys its 48 here 34 in ice 74 in kviv 58 in the barn i gave sweets his shot at 10 am and he cried his eyes out it pretty knocked him out he did not eat all day long woke up and did take alot of water peed so i was upset over that read on it says it stays in system for 3 days on a single shot at 8 pm last night he ate some hay and been nibbling on it on an off since. cant call vet they are closed on thursday never in all my years a vet closed on week day always half day on sat and closed sunday i read penicillin great for goats i have some injectable penicilin for that i think i will give him another shot of vet stuff but not till tonight. and maybe not the whole thing. he is not sitting up still laying down but picks his head his eyes look good moving all his legs around on the floor. i am trying to work on my ac books jim did that job i got to do her warranty bank stuff log stuff just stuff leave in an hour get gas for mower try to mow dogs yard sometime soon

hi joho i need to see some of those cams tv falcon i could go too be in the obits one just never knows if you do not hear from me for a long time leave a text on my phone jim will see it i think.


gb all animals and gb all of us
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28301 on: April 11, 2024, 08:08:28 AM »

Rainy and warm 57 degrees at 8:55
Need to go see foot doctor this morning.  Moved from Monday. He was called into surgery.
Karen has sore feet.  She will go see him next week.  She has trouble walking. I think he can help her.
She fed us with some left over walking tacos last night.  I enjoy eating them, but stomach gets upset later.  It was hard to get to sleep.  Plus, I started a cold yesterday morning.  By five pm I felt normal, and told Debbie I was over it already.  YAY for old antibodies I said.  This morning though the cough is back and nose is stuffy.  Weird pattern.  I guess it goes with age.  I took some Tussin and will still see the foot doctor.  I will wear a mask for him.
Please God let Neva be comforted and if possible let her know we care.
Bring your comfort to Sweets and Cal too very soon.  He is not an indoor goat. 
Comfort and heal Debbie too.  She is quiet about her discomfort, but it has been too long already.  She is wearing down. 
Now I will say CUL EV1 GBU all.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28302 on: April 11, 2024, 09:02:58 AM »

Good Morning,

Cal, You and sweets sound 'tuckered out'. You've got lots of other work with paperwork and other animals too on top of sweets.
Maybe when you mow you'll be able to relax some by just riding along .. being outside and with fresh air/pretty sky. Just focus on mowing and try to not think about worries .. zone out!! I hope that makes sense. That's what I do when I'd mow, garden, vacuum etc. Heck sometimes we all just need to get away from worries and thoughts.

Take care.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28303 on: April 11, 2024, 11:40:28 AM »

hi paulie i will mow when jim is here moves his truck back my mower on other side of garage door opener so helps me just put cats up open door drive mower out shut door go around to dogs gate undo chains holding gate shut and that big framed screen keeps rabbits etc out of dogs yard then mow i will just mow watch my tvs planes free my mind a little jim can check on sweets indy etc. i have not given sweets his shot yet for today will later he is dozing now when i got back from town its really windy i checked on hi, yell out hi my sweetie boy his tail waggin i read damp ground damp grass bad for goats he just maybe an inside goat one day at a time takes long time for goats to recover just trying to not lose him it does a take a toll on my mind my other animals missing me i can only be here and there still got ac work to do and tons of stuff better get to it

hi joho i know all of us wearing down hope debbie gets better karen too i saw bad weather for you oh i heard on indys radio in barn awhile ago OJ Simpson died of cancer he was 76
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28304 on: April 11, 2024, 11:51:17 AM »

Yes I saw that OJ died.  I did not know it was cancer.  Thanks for that info.
 I have always felt a great disappointment about his life.  I loved his acting, athleticism, and personality right up until he did to his wife what he did.  Then I was 180 degrees against him.  I don't wish cancer on anyone, but I am not sorry he is no longer among us.
Now come on Sweets, Cal needs a break.  So on your feet please, and take a little drink.