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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 953867 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28275 on: April 05, 2024, 06:56:11 AM »

hi you guys its 2 here 39 in ice 61 in kviv 59 in the barn. i got up little before 2 am and sat sweets bowl of water next to him and he got a drink! still thumping around jim tried to get him all the way up but he did not want that thump jim said boy i do not think you want to walk but he did good got a drink more progress and moving around alot thumping but moving. jim got water on the control board deal on our stove took it out so have to get a new one cause they do not even make that part for it anymore. its almost 20 years old. i found one NFM in stock so jim will go over to kansas to get it that one i had did not work it turned on the clock and said oven was preheating i even put sweets can biscuit on a cooking sheet but it never heated up i got to print out the new one at nebraska furniture mart jim waiting on it gotta go


gb neva and all animals and all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28276 on: April 05, 2024, 09:19:17 AM »

7 something on slow laptop.  Just trying it out, because it would not work for me at Karen's house last week.  She wound up buying a new teeny little Apple Ipad.  She calls it "bigger", but it is so little it makes my eyes water trying to read stuff.  This old laptop is very slow, but it is normal size and easy to read with text at 100 %.
Just got word from Kelly that Redding eagle chicks have popped through.  So I will leave you for now and cruise my nest cams.
Grey day.  Cool and damp too. 
Debbie better today.  She has only Bash to care for.  So she will be OK.
Sent Dog Shame to three text buddies.  Thanks Cal.
GBU EV1 Especially Sweets who is improving. TYG


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28277 on: April 06, 2024, 07:39:33 AM »

hi you guys its 38 here 32 in ice 64 in kviv and 59 in the barn really windy last night at 7;30 i was just laying down on the couch i had scooted sweets over next to me and gave him a few cookies he started bleating like in distress jim ran in sweets fell over on his side good i always have a pillow for him cause lots of time he is sitting up and then wants to lay down sleep lay his head on his pillow i thought he was bloated goats do that alot i made a gasx gave it to him and he went right to sleep. i made another one to have on hand. i was watching him and my lottery dream house he was burping away in his sleep all night he made lots of noises slept thru the night he woke up at 3 am so i got up then he sat up ate i gave him a drink he was thirsty now his bowl next to him but he went back to sleep his head on his side pillow jim just got up i told him do not make him get up he has been up yesterday jim moved him using his horns and sweets do not like that and he  started shivering i put a coat on him jim left and he got better. goats are fragile jim said he knows that so have to be careful with him. now when he can stand and ram but maybe he will not get to that point no more worm burner shots do it again in 3 weeks.

hi joho jims mom had one of those tiny apple ipads so small compare to my ipad like looking at jims fancy phone on that little screen. but a really slow one would be bad too. why i pay for my internet with pretty good speed. lady wants jim to put in her furnace so i may be on my own all day i did everyone this morning no help jim sleeping in. new stove sitting in living room i read the manual on it googled it last night i think too many features on it too many i think for jim. take time to get use to it nothing like our old one and we are creatures of habit. so good to read your debbie is better!  :)


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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28278 on: April 06, 2024, 07:41:23 AM »

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28279 on: April 06, 2024, 10:26:01 AM »

5:31 Beer truck. I don't like green beer.  I like Miller's High Life. Just sayin'.
Sounds like Sweets is improving.  Thank you God.
Watched the Iowa ladies win their final four game last night with Karen at her house.  Was a very good game, and we felt like Iowa was outmatched most of the game.  We were both hoping to see Clark pull them through in her last chance for real greatness in college, and finally she did. 
What a classic defensive battle.  So much violence for these "ladies".  I did not like that.  This is a non-contact sport, but not the way they all played.  I mean, going to the locker room two at a time to staunch the bleeding.  Tomorrow's game will probably be worse, because the violence was so effective.
I will be rooting for the Iowa team again.  Did anyone hear anything about the NCAA men's games? LOL!
I won't see Karen today.  Maybe tomorrow or Monday.  She is busy baking for her grand child's birthday cookies on request.  I will go to Shannon's at 3pm for her and Nick's birthday party.  I will see Debbie there.  Sure hope she can get over this SIBO.  It is really dragging her down.
There is a lot of hype of all kinds around here for Monday's total eclipse.  It will be right over my house. I have a Dr. appointment at 2PM.  So I have not made any special plans to watch the eclipse.
I will say bye and GBU now.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28280 on: April 06, 2024, 02:15:37 PM »

hi joho sweets not so good he is not thumping not sitting laying upright on his side jim got him up but he went right back down second time he got him up his back foot caught he cried loudly i got it out so worm medicine over today jim called vet he is out of town  :( i have liquid wormer so gave that to him guess call vet monday get more burner shots for now just let sweets lay like this he is watching me im on the couch need to feed cats did dogs but im just here im extremly stressed out if penny and brownie open their mouth again outside they go sweets at least his eyes closed now sleeping i think his ramming days over im afraid thumping too sob i think vet needs to think about a different wormer for that one worm first time sweets came back good but not anymore dogs barking out they go im not watching the eclipse either hope debbie gets better too
« Last Edit: April 06, 2024, 02:27:19 PM by calihoula »
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28281 on: April 06, 2024, 04:45:23 PM »

Hi Cal, Just caught up reading about sweets. I was glad to read happier news but darn it reading today about him. Darn it too the vet is out of town.
You must be exhausted but I know and understand you will keep on doing your best for sweets and all your animals.
I'm saying prayers for sweets yes but I'm saying prayers for you too Cal. Take care.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28282 on: April 06, 2024, 06:06:33 PM »

hi paulie jim said that ivermicin that vet gives for sweets our tractor supply has it he went and got it said they said should give him this vitamin b too and can take 4 to 6 weeks on him hard to get it gone and when gone give this daily med grain then iver again in three weeks so i already did his burner shot and he is kinda nibbling on his hay not big but at least something he wanted me to syringe some water now he is kinda dozing oh paulie ill never give up but my body hurts i got all animals fed jim did indy im on my couch next to sweets now ty for praying for sweets im happy jim got that ivermicine and i have safeguard i bought so i got what vet was giving me but its here i got it. my boy sound asleep head on pillows facing me im pretty tired now i can make my little cheese pizza watch hgtv please god

I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28283 on: April 07, 2024, 06:35:52 AM »

The Eagle Wins Again - UPDATE April 6, 2024

Bald eagle
Up against tough competition, the eagle wins again for creating the most excitement. He keeps me guessing. He’s here big time for a day of repeated visits. Then he’s gone for 1-3 days making me worry. The other day, after not being seen for a couple days he came swooping in for a piece of ham fat and flew back toward the nest that is 1.14 mile away, according to Google Earth. In fifteen minutes he was back, grabbing another piece and heading toward the nest again. Then came the big surprise when he came in the dark at 8:06 PM, grabbed a piece and flew up to a branch to eat it. When he was flying up to the branch, his dark wings and body were invisible and his head and tail were barely visible. When he got up against the overcast sky there was enough light to see him like a shadow against it. That was the first I knew that eagles can fly at night.

Today, he flew over, which made me put out his usual meat, but he didn’t come back. A few hours later, he flew over again but kept going. An hour and a half later he came back flying wing to wing with his mate only two or three feet away. He didn’t stop to get what I’d put out and continued with his mate toward the nest. Less than an hour later, though, he was back. He swooped down, grabbed the meat, and flew to a branch to eat it. After about 10 minutes of letting him eat, I walked out with a bigger piece and saw his reaction. He knew what I was doing. He might have been done with that piece because he turned around, faced me, and watched as I put it in place. I walked back inside, leaving the door open as I grabbed a camera and stood in the doorway entirely visible. The meat was about 10 feet away from me, is all. He hesitated, but not long. Suddenly he leaped into flight heading straight toward me and the meat. Would he actually take it with me right there? The picture shows him coming directly with his eyes looking ahead, but he chickened out at the last moment and headed back toward the nest empty handed. I was surprised he came that close.

I’ve been saying him, but I really don’t know if the eagle is a him or her. Could he be the female of the pair? It would help explain his absence for days at a time because females do by far the most incubating in the first weeks after laying the eggs. The males spend the most time as the eggs get closer to hatching. I’ll never know, but I very much suspect that our pontoon boat ride to the nest and the den where Lily gave birth to Hope will reveal eaglet heads sticking up from the nest. But it could also be that he finds a road kill and joins other eagles, ravens, and crows in eating it for a couple days.

Mink Spot
Mink Spot

Other news is that the mink that also goes days without an appearance, making me worry he’d been eaten by one of the fishers, greeted me five minutes after I arrived a 5:45 AM this morning. He came out from under the front deck and headed up the stairs. Nothing was out yet. He checked around and went back down the steps. Then he surprised me with his enthusiasm when I stepped out with a small piece of chicken and said, ”Come Mink.” He immediately came running up the stairs to my outstretched hand, stood up and took the chicken then went down under the front deck to eat or cache it. I was putting out more meat for him but he was back quicker than I thought. He stood and watched where I was putting it and made me feel good that he calmly watched me walk past him as I headed back inside to quickly grab a camera to get a picture of him and took it lit by the deck light. I named him Spot for a double reason. He has a round white spot on his chest the size of a quarter, and he has a tiny spot of white on the side of his neck that you can see in the picture. The hairs are exactly like they were when I took a picture of him here last year at about this time.


It is the same for the woodchuck that revealed his presence on April 2nd, just a week earlier than I took a picture of him last year, identified by the misshapen ear you can see.

Red fox
Red fox

Then, just now, the nice male fox came. I put an egg out and went back inside. He took it and went to bury it. While he was gone, I put out some small pieces of ham fat that he also took to bury, but quacking mallards on the thawing lake made him leave the fat to run where he could better see and/or hear what he wasn’t accustomed to. He eventually returned to bury the egg. Then, coming up to take more meat, he made me feel good how calm he was, letting me walk past him to go inside without him shying away. He reminded me of the bears that became so accustomed to me and others that they grew to ignore us, considering us inconsequential. We were able to record more information about bear life in the wild than had ever been possible. I suspect that such studies could be done with a lot of wild species, if a person spent enough time becoming ignored.

Common redpoll
Common redpoll

As a final note, despite the excitement that goes with the eagle, mink, woodchuck, and fox, the best picture is one that Peggy Stubbs took a few days ago of a common redpoll male sitting pretty. She captured the pink breast and red head about as well as could be done, so we’ll end with that picture.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28284 on: April 07, 2024, 06:47:01 AM »

hi you guys its 50 here 36 in ice 64 in kviv good update doc should come read on decorah eagles and others here happy to see mink and all the others. running late sweets woke up at 11 pm i got down and gave him water syringe it but he was thirsty i put down some hay on his pillow well i put another pillow in front of his pillow he nibbled on it went back to sleep he woke up at 1 am and i did the same i went back to sleep woke up at 3 am and he was awake did the same he pooped but still laying on his side but looks more alert i guess i dont know i will give all the same medicine i did yesterday today jim had to go in ford then over to that ladys house for furnace i think i dont know i asked him to go do indy cause i am overwhelmed to the max here. jim was going to get sweets up but i said leave him another day i will see how he does today. if he wants up he will make a big deal about it.


gb all animals and gb all of us
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28285 on: April 07, 2024, 10:35:25 AM »

4:58 Good Sunday morning ev1.
Had a good Birthday party for Shannon 29 and for Nick 13.  Debbie made the cake.  I got three pieces to take home along with the makings of a walking taco which I will put on Nickle's Italian bread for lunch.  There were twelve of us there, eight adults, three children, and Abby the lab, but Shannon did a good job getting everyone taken care of. Nick gave me a good tutorial on operating the Roku system as well as my Motorola Razr phone.  He was proud to show me the mood lighting he had installed in his room. It was impressive.  He is very talented.
I got home about 8:30, and called Karen.  She was still busy baking for her niece's visit on Tuesday so we did not talk long.
Total eclipse is to be here tomorrow at 3pm.  I will be at the foot doctor at that time I think, but I don't care. I am not as excited as a lot are around here, and on the weather channel.
God bless Sweets and all who love him.
Bye for now.  I am pleased to see the many babies in the nests doing well.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28286 on: April 08, 2024, 06:39:59 AM »

hi you guys its 45 here 38 in ice 73 in kviv and 59 in the barn indy will not go out today eclipse and not letting the dogs out either during that time

hi joho sound like a great time you all had and you got good eats to take home.  saw on our local news lots of people went to cleveland to see the eclipse at the rock and roll hall of fame it showed. sweets ate alot yesterday did not drink on his own or get up but he ate alot of hay i offered him a cookie he ate it right up. he needs to pee but been pooping. i am giving all the meds i have. i have a mouse here in my office it is under that cedar chest jims mom gave me long ago my cat sweetness and he is pretty old but he took off out of his bed slammed up against that chest mouse got back still under it. cat is back in his bed watching the cedar chest if he falls asleep mouse can get out and go right under the door out to living room.

hi neva i am still trying to find time to get that card in the mail first have to find a card i pray you are okay maybe hurt in a fall and laid up for a bit. we are worried we are very worried


gb all animals and god bless all of us
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28287 on: April 08, 2024, 08:16:17 AM »

Good Morning,

Cal, Nice that Jim got that med at tractor supply. Good to read that sweets is eating better. Your vet returns to the office today, correct?
Hope so for your sake!! and sweets too.

I hope your cat gets that mouse!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28288 on: April 08, 2024, 11:03:37 AM »

Good morning EV1. Especially silent Neva.
Not doing anything for eclipse.  Says 62 degrees and sunny now .  Good for the viewers. Dr. Pham called and  canceled my 2 o'clock until Thursday.   So I could go do something, but I will probably nap. Tomorrow I will drive the van for ARF for my first time at 2pm.  Debbie gave them my number yesterday, and they texted me last night.  I hope I don't wreak their van.
 I will take my old Tom Tom with me.  It found my Amish friends in Wisconsin.  So it should find whatever address they give me to go to.  My new Razr could probably do that too if I knew how to use it, but I don't.
Sweets sounds a little better.  You are winning.  Keep it up.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28289 on: April 08, 2024, 11:18:01 AM »

I just saw the MO vulture in the barn.  It is on You Tube today, not RRP.
I am anxious to see the geese hatch at Decorah.  I hope to catch them jumping out of the nest like I saw in CA nest cam a while ago.  I am watching two cams there.  Both Decorah nest cams have geese.  The north cam of courser has the giant baby eagles growing like weds.