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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1104862 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28095 on: February 26, 2024, 12:07:39 AM »

That is one beautiful dog. I think it has some Aussie blood, since it obviously loves koalas. GN GBU


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28096 on: February 26, 2024, 05:05:17 AM »

hi you guys its 41 here 42 in ice and kviv and 59 in the barn turned it down to 59 jim did and he got that ac going in the barn yesterday too. today will be in the 70's tomorrow about 80 then tomorrow night 20 with snow.

hi neva putin what a pos really he is sh** human waste no one allowed to say anything about him or prison you go your right even in death  Navalny is still fighting and that has putin all mad. why his people do not overthrow him is beyond me. he is such evil and no one became evil all at once. god come on

Warsaw — Russian authorities have threatened to bury Alexey Navalny at the Arctic prison colony where he died if his family does not agree to a closed funeral, the opposition leader's team said Friday. Navalny, the most vocal critic of President Vladimir Putin, died on February 16 after three years in prison on charges widely seen as retribution for his campaigning against the Kremlin.

Authorities have since refused to hand his body over to his mother, who arrived at the prison colony in northern Siberia last Saturday.

U.S. issues new sanctions over Navalny death, Russia's war in Ukraine
"An hour ago, an investigator called Alexey's mother and gave her an ultimatum. She has three hours to agree to a secret funeral without a public farewell, or Alexey will be buried in the colony," Navalny's spokesperson Kira Yarmysh wrote in a social media post.

His mother, Lyudmila Navalnaya, "refused to negotiate... because they have no authority to decide how and where to bury her son," Yarmysh said. "She is demanding compliance with the law, according to which investigators are obliged to hand over the body within two days of establishing the cause of death. According to the medical documents she signed, these two days expire tomorrow. She insists that the authorities allow the funeral and memorial service to take place in accordance with normal practice."

The mother of late Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, Lyudmila Navalnaya, delivers a video address in Salekhard, Russia, in this still image taken from a handout video released Feb. 22, 2024.
The mother of late Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, Lyudmila Navalnaya, delivers a video address in Salekhard, Russia, in this still image taken from a handout video released Feb. 22, 2024.

Navalny's team says Russian officials are "scared" of the opposition leader even after his death and are refusing to allow a public funeral that could become a show of support for his opposition to Putin.

The associates have also called Putin a "killer" who is trying to cover his tracks by not allowing independent forensic analysis of Navalny's body.

Russian police have arrested hundreds of mourners at makeshift memorials to the opposition leader over the last week.

Navalny's mother was allowed to view his body this week, but said the authorities "are blackmailing me — they are setting conditions where, when and how my son should be buried... They want it to do it secretly without a mourning ceremony."

hi joho wow we get some viewers here good we share bear news and other stuff.  i love how we love animals. yes joho i may not have time for emails and phone but i do to come here post update and say hi to you guys we are the three musketeers really happy debbie is doing better! now you need a penny or brownie dog no one be coming in thru garage without them knowing it. not cali she does not hear so these days. i went in this morning to change sweets water he got overly excited was giving me a ram in the back of leg NO NO he kept it up i petted me and he settled down but i took his bowl and brought it down by his back door next to indy. he lays there too at times and i can i just slide the door open and do his water hard for me to walk up that hay hill. i finally saw the last black list yesterday cried my eyes out i knew that bull was going to get him. he went there for that i think. when i saw name of the last episode raymond reddington good night i thought oh oh. and he went back to get that bull skull oh oh and went where that bull had been and then playing that music knock knock on heavens door and here is a bull i cried my eyes out thank you red for ten years of greatness


gb all animals gb navalny gb all of us

« Last Edit: February 26, 2024, 05:07:06 AM by calhound »
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28097 on: February 26, 2024, 09:03:09 AM »

 Good Monday morning EV1.
6:10 Good for olives I guess, but looks like boring weather to me.  I like Ohio.
Watched PBS "Good bye to all creatures" last night with Karen.  Every time they showed a landscape image Karen said, "I want to go there".  I think she meant it, and will get a trip tick from AAA soon.  I will wave to her at the airport. LOL
Debbie had a bad day yesterday, but feels a little better right now. Bash was talking to us while we were on the phone.  He says, "Mama" vividly now. 
While he was at an adult birthday party with Mary's friends he was at the bottom step in a split level home when the family dog showed up eye to eye above him on the top step.  Everyone in the house heard him distinctly say, "Oh Shit".  He hears this from his Dad I guess, but I am impressed to see that he knows when to apply this comment.
Bye now every one. GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28098 on: February 26, 2024, 09:34:51 AM »

hi joho went to walmart went in. see if they had any 40 can catfood had 3 i got 3 bash said shi* to the dog?  :) good dog was good cause if not friend needs to put the dog up. ca daughter and her man and four kids was in paris see her half brother she took zillion pictures pretty good not seen all of them yet so many but neat stuff youngest kid i think is now one now they are in italy her man does hvac work she is an RN.

hi neva i just now saw your pic of harlow! yes very beautiful dog is she unruly knock you down a sweets in disguise
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28099 on: February 26, 2024, 04:36:39 PM »

 Spanish Arches ...  30:50    76°  (3:11 pm) Cloudy and some rain.   

I am hoping that all who come here are having the good day they hoped to have.

Cal    Thanks for the song you posted, it is one of my favorites and that is a nice rendition of it.      You are right about Harlow, she is Sweets in disguise.  I have to be very aware around her.  She is strong and fast and though she doesn't mean any harm, she thinks she is playing, she would knock me down easily.  I have never been around a dog quite like her before.    I really do believe she is a Belgian Malinois, she has most of the traits of that breed, and if she has something else in her, it is recessive and not showing.  I had wondered what they were like and now I know they are a handful.

Joho     I am sorry to hear that Debbie had a bad day yesterday, I guess it takes time, maybe.   
 Well, I hate to admit it, but when she was quite young, my granddaughter got   "Oh sh*t!"   from me too.  Oh well ...  We got a few surprises in public places as a result.

"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28100 on: February 27, 2024, 04:32:34 AM »

Never turn down the wrong street
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28101 on: February 27, 2024, 04:34:40 AM »

Might They Like Eggs? - UPDATE February 26, 2024

Those were the words of "Eyes of the Night" when she arrived to begin her bookkeeping chores. To do a thorough test, she had brought four dozen eggs. She put out an egg surrounded by pieces of chicken to see who might come. The mink appeared, sniffed the egg, said no thanks, and made trip after trip for chicken.

Mink w/ egg
Mink w/ egg

An hour later, the nice male red fox became the next testee. He saw the egg surrounded by his favorite muffin, a piece of pork, and a piece of chicken. He sniffed everything and took the egg. "Eyes" put out another egg, heard a mousetrap click, and added a fresh, warm mouse. The fox came back, sniffed the mouse, and again took the egg.

"Eyes" wondered, “How many eggs might he carry?” She put out two eggs. The fox put one deep into his mouth and tried over and over to add the other but couldn’t quite hold it.

Red fox
Red fox attempting two eggs

In total, he took six eggs. When he came back, there was no egg. He took the muffin and added the mouse to his mouthful, and left for the night, leaving behind the pork and chicken.

The raccoon visited but didn’t get tested with eggs. Then came the Peekaboo raven the next morning. We thought he was here for the ham fat like he had taken the day before. I sat perfectly still and didn’t dare move to aim the camera as the raven walked out of sight and then flew by with his wide-open bill somehow holding an egg. The egg won again! "Eyes" still has eggs left to test the fisher, the shy fox, the two raccoons, and maybe another raven.

Whoops, the shy fox came just now, immediately grabbed an egg, saw me and somehow dropped the egg as he leaped and ran. Now raccoons are in the yard but no time to see what they do. "Eyes" will be watching.

On another note, "Computer Carolyn" found a link to the 15 or 20-minute Q&A on Wisconsin Public Radio’s ‘The Morning Show’ on Friday, February 23rd. https://www.wpr.org/shows/morning-show/bears-awakening-midwest-video-game-developers-wisconsins-young-workers When you open this link, a picture comes up with a red oval with the word ‘Listen.’ Click it and the interview begins.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28102 on: February 27, 2024, 04:50:37 AM »

hi you guys its 44 here 36 in 44 in kviv and 59 in the barn i feel bad for that mouse in todays update.

hi neva i know does not take much to knock us down and that hurts really bad danger all around us now it seems. your right they dont mean any harm just excited happy to be around us. sweets gets so excited and i am so happy he is back to that and he still likes for me to pet him and comb him out. but he has some of his unruly ways that i have to watch for.  laughing at your fine teachings to your grand back when. my great grandmother who lived with my granny and papa she was my grannys mom she had a little apt hooked onto their house with her own garage. and we saw them almost every sat or sunday when we was kids well my great grand taught us cuss words i would go back in and tell them to granny and she took me into the bathroom and washed my mouth out with soap but but. i heard much worse at my dads gas station. hear them now say some of them now.  :)

i got to pick up groceries i went yesterday but just got that cat food and few things snow tonight so going to pick up stuff in a few.

hi joho!

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28103 on: February 27, 2024, 09:04:01 AM »

4:49 All OK this morning.  No rain yet, and it is warm. 53 degrees at 9:46 am.
Got a scare last night.  Debbie called from Fairview Hospital.  She had driven Mary and Bash from her home to the hospital.  Mary was vomiting and in excruciating pain, but the fetus seemed OK.  Debbie took Bash to his home and left Mary with Bash's dad Matt in the hospital. At about 9PM Debbie sent me a text saying Mary was then home and Matt was taking Debbie to her home.  We are guessing Mary had passed a stone of some sort, and was now OK.  What a relief.  No word yet this morning.  I will check with Debbie soon.
I will try not to laugh when I hear Bash swearing like his Dad.
I enjoyed listening to Doc on the radio. Thanks Cal for the link.  He makes a good well reasoned case for supplemental feeding to prevent bear/human encounters.  He told the one caller to maybe put bear food out away from her house to keep the bears further from her kitchen while cooking.  It seems the bear was approaching her back door smelling food on her stove.  Natural food is very scarce in February, and since it is so warm bears are roaming around early.
Hi Neva.  Potty mouth that you were.  We still love you. LOL
I am unbelievably sad that Nickie Halley lost to Trump in her home state.
 Bye now EV1. CUL GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28104 on: February 27, 2024, 03:52:25 PM »

 Banana Inflorescence ...  28:53     72°  (2:34 pm)  Mostly cloudy and breezy.

I hope that all is well with you.

Cal     I wonder if those eggs were raw or hard-boiled?       My mother was born and raised on her family's farm in Maine and she used to pick up a colorful vocabulary from some of the hired farm workers there.  A skinny little girl with bright red hair and freckles 'swearing like a trooper', as they say.  My grandmother was not happy.

Joho      I'm glad to hear that Mary is okay. 
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28105 on: February 28, 2024, 05:06:54 AM »

hi you guys its 16 real feel is 3 wind really blowing ice on my sidewalk snow on the ground 25 in ice 43 in kviv and 59 in the barn

hi neva! so funny your mom swearing my mom sometimes would do that too. and i bet my grandmother did not wash her mouth out with soap i wonder that too about them eggs. i will ask. wait okay i asked will let you know when i hear back.  directv once again we not only lost a local channel but all of them. no local news or weather no PBS. channels i get for free downstairs with my moms cats. say satelitte that directv uses for local channel not working they are working on fixing it  i think i can add antenna tv and then toggle over to each from tv remote. jim getting a flat antenna today  i heard from rues have not for awhile told her about sweets and last episode of blacklist she is my blacklist buddy we loved that show loved red she was upset with the ending said should of had him living on island somewhere happy. she had to rush robin her daughter to er she was in so much pain gave her bunch of morphine and kept her overnight did scan a cyst on her ovaries told her to go see her gyn soon now her insurance will not pay does not think that was an er.  :( rues has arthur so bad in her hands in her fingers and legs crow needs another shoulder surgery hell getting old jims dad had leg surgery yesterday lots of pain in his leg had 90 blockage in one and 80 in other. he did good not in pain anymore.

hi joho happy mary is better  :)


gb all animals and gb all of us
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 05:42:38 AM by calhound »
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28106 on: February 28, 2024, 10:08:45 AM »

5:55 Hope those trees have lots of roots.  My wind today would really test their staying power.  Garbage cans flying everywhere.  Sounds scary out.  I heard someone shouting, "are you sure you are OK"?  I looked out, but could not see anyone. My neighbor Rick just stopped to thank me for helping his wife who fell setting the cans back up at the curb.  She gave me credit for what someone else did for her. She likes me. 
I took my laptop over to Karen last night.  I hope she can use it until she can get hers back from repair.  Or maybe replaced.
Was a tiny bit of predawn rain, but wind has dried it all up now.  53 degrees and cloudy.
I have finished my morning stuff.  I got email from USPS to order free covid tests from them.  I ordered twice per their instructions.  Now I will receive 8 kits.  They have extended the expiration on these.
Reached out to Debbie, but have not heard back yet. Mary stayed home yesterday due to illness.  Debbie went to her house to care for Bash.  She sent me a picture of Bash at the library.  He was happily playing in a big box thingy.  Deb says he loves the library. I hope he watches his language there. LOL!
Bye now EV! GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28107 on: February 28, 2024, 01:06:10 PM »

hi neva eyes of the night told me they are raw eggs ick i brought up my sister susies antenna hooked it to big tv in lr got 45 local channels then checked and directv fixed it but now antenna tv and those channels too.

hi joho nothing like giving the library a good cussing out!
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28108 on: February 28, 2024, 03:18:30 PM »

 Sea Tree Seat ...  31:03      65°  (2:04  pm)   Rainy today ... a nice gentle rain, off and on.

 Cal     ick is right.  I would have been inclined to offer the animals hard-boiled eggs.  That way they would have gotten all of the egg, rather then spilling it on the ground.  Maybe 'eyes' knows something I don't know.  I am sure they enjoyed having them.  Thanks for asking her.     I hope that things go better for Robin, Crow and Rues.  I miss her. 

Joho     That's great that Bash had a great time at the Library.  Yes, we can't be shocking the Librarian can we.  😮   I think there are many people that never think of libraries and have no idea of what a wonderful resource they are.  At least Bash will always feel comfortable in a library and grateful that they exist.  I used to take my kids there often, it was a part of our lives.   
I hope that Mary will soon get relief from her situation.... Debbie in hers too.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 06:53:16 PM by neva »
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28109 on: February 29, 2024, 04:59:02 AM »

hi you guys my computer is messed up cant get to my emails have to call my provider it said its updating now so on my ipad try to be back later
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day