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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1121675 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27645 on: November 12, 2023, 08:28:50 AM »

6 minutes even to see this gentle looking goat.  I love goats! They are my favorites at the county fairs I go to.  They will often stick their heads out through the barriers to get a pat or a rub on the head.  I also like the way some will push up against the wire to get a full back rub.  They are just so friendly and affectionate.  Not "unruly" at all like some I hear about on Jewel who scare the daylights out of guests. LOL
 It sounds like there is a clear and present threat in that Akita.  Also, this is the first time I have heard that the stuck goat got out without you doing it.  About time I say.
 There was a time in our history I heard of when it was time to move if you could see the neighbors smoke. Not sure who said this.  May have been Davy Crockett or Daniel Boon.  Not a possibility anymore, but when to land was all forested it was I guess.  Where I live I don't see smoke, but I do hear sump pumps next door on left, and on the right front porch guitar practice (not bad).  Out front car doors slamming, lots of traffic sounds including Fed Express and UPS with sadly never anything for me, and out back the seemingly endless sounds of landscaping. 
  I think of moving every day, but won't. LOL I am here for life I think.
Nice out but cool and cloudy.  It has been very dry around here for a long time.  Very rare for November.
Browns will play today at 1 pm Eastern .  Against the hated Ravens.  We need help on offense. 
I think I better go reach out by texting to some friends and family now.  I wish you all a very comfortable November Sunday.  GBU, GB Isreael, and GB Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27646 on: November 12, 2023, 08:39:17 AM »

Snowman is getting pilgrim clothes right now.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27647 on: November 12, 2023, 11:31:11 AM »

hi joho! tims smoke from his outside wood stove that pumps heat into his house it is a worry cause they are gone so much they must have elec back up no propane tank yes first time tim got his own goats head out of fence. i do it jims does it not for tim but the goat so will keep doing it but that day tim had to walk down there fix our shared fence that his dog made hole in we do not have any animals in that pasture use to long ago three horses but now hay field and we did cross fencing in indys pasture now smaller perfect for him just him yes i have an unruly goat no denying that he is an unruly boy neutered but still unruly boy. he is cute. i wish he was not unruly maybe be a nice girl no big ramming horns but he is not has lots of personality so does indy maybe does too. it is funny when he scares a new one! we dont plan on moving even 40 acres not enough but better than right close. if i gotta move someday i thought assit living but now a condo like jims dad has its close to stores hy vee pick up groceries there too by all kinds of stuff two condos to one place big two car garage they mow do snow removal i would do that. have a garage i love my garage unload stuff from it and his dad one story has a basement laundry like here come in from garage laundry room kitchen. shared wall is where two bedrooms are GO Brownies! i will put the game on almost noon time to check indy again lots of stuff went on at my moms mobile home park but hers sat at the end and just empty land trees behind her home inside you did not hear anything outside.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27648 on: November 12, 2023, 04:32:14 PM »

 Goat ...  22:02      80°   (2:49 pm)    Clear & sunny w/ slight breeze.

Cal      I'm with you and Joho, I love goats, they seem to have a lot of personality.  I wish I had one of those tiny Pygmy Goats.  I hear that the city will allow them within the city limits because they are so small.  Too late for me to do that now.  They are sooo cute!   That is a scary thought, their dog on your property.  Can't have that dog start thinking that your property is his property to guard.

Joho     Where does one look to find a guy who is just simply someone who is a trustworthy repairman. Someone like Billy.  I hate to call companies to do anything 'cause they often have an agenda, and will turn most any job into a bigger job.  I can't tell which ones are honest and which are not.  It is frustratiing.  If you didn't already know Billy, or someone like him, where would you look for someone trustworthy?   

« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 04:38:13 PM by neva »
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27649 on: November 12, 2023, 05:30:56 PM »

hi neva what a cute little goat but even a little unruly goat can cause pain head butt your knee kick have to be sure it is not unruly my friend jill has the sweetest goats three boys been fixed horns cut when little they are not little like your pic but they are really sweet. no tims dog is not going to think this is his property but that is a very good point. i think if jim had not said anything to tim tim would of not fixed the fence or done anything i hope he fixed the fence at least since he was down there he got his goats head out of the fence how do you do that not check on your animals not keep them safe

hi joho! yay brownies!
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27650 on: November 13, 2023, 04:44:53 AM »

A Bear Visit Remembered - UPDATE November 12, 2023

Guy with chipmunk 7-20-23
A couple days ago, Lorie Kennedy sent a good memory of this past summer to local bear feeders. It was this picture of old Guy, a bear probably in his twenties (as indicated by his white hairs) sharing hazelnuts with a trusting chipmunk. While the chipmunk was stuffing its cheeks with hazelnuts from one end of their pile, Guy is calmly touching hazelnuts with his tongue, having them stick, and quickly pulling them into his mouth. It was the last day of a Black Bear Field Study Course, and several people were taking pictures. Lorie took the one shown here and told the story as below:

The Stars Of The Summer Of 2023—Guy and Alvin

Guy ambled to the WRI on the first day—actually within the first hours of filming a French Canadian TV program after not visiting the WRI for over 3 weeks. He calmly walked up onto the deck, sat down, and ate hazelnuts next to Lynn while he was being interviewed. After filling up o hazelnuts, Guy walked down to the beaver pond for a bath; all captured on film. Was his appearance a coincidence….or did our Guy just want to show the world how awesome bears are?

Alvin the chipmunk learned that red and green coffee cans carried a priceless commodity—hazelnuts! He continuously jumped on our legs, shoulders, and laps to receive and stash 9 hazelnuts per trip—yes, 9 is the max in his mouth. (Sorry, he does not take ½ hazelnuts. We can only assume it’s about efficiency and fit).

Thank you everyone for another successful bear season! We would not be able to sustain this amazing educational opportunity and feed the clan and their friends without you! We sincerely appreciate every one of you!

Thank you so very much!
Shadow’s Clan and Friends

I might add how thankful I, too, am for this wildlife-loving community that for over 60 years has kept bears out of trouble with diversionary food to bears and became known for its peaceful coexistence and lack of bear problems—a result that is so contrary to the usual beliefs about "A fed bear is a dead bear." This community and its surroundings hold some of the oldest black bears in Minnesota, including the second oldest black bear on record at 35. Guy is an example. He has never created a problem. Guy is a trusted favorite who is also trusted by this chipmunk.

Thank you, Lorie, and thank you all for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27651 on: November 13, 2023, 04:51:44 AM »

hi you guys its 38 here 39 in ice 47 in kviv and 50 in the barn. such a cute pic of guy and alvin such a sweet old bear.


gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27652 on: November 13, 2023, 07:25:37 AM »

6:23  Elephants.  Been chatting with Lor-e and other bear chatters this morning.  I think they were in Florida.  I know at least two were.  Lor-e and Becky.  Was nice to talk to them.  Lor is getting a new knee on Nov 27th.  I told her how much better off I am with my new knee.  Like a new person.  I can do almost anything, and go almost anywhere.  She needs both done, but can only get one for now.  Too bad.  For me the after surgery pain was much less debilitating than the worn out knee pain.  So both at once would be easier for me than one then another later.  The worn out knee makes it harder and less effective rehabbing the knew knee.
Well, I am not her doctor.  So I will pray for her comfort and rapid healing.
I also pray for you all to have a comfortable and happy Monday wherever you are.
It is nice here by Lake Erie.  It is 41 degrees and bright at 8:24.
Bye for now GBU EV1 GB Israel, and Ukraine too.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27653 on: November 13, 2023, 02:03:46 PM »

Hi again EV1. Got to see Debbie and Bash. Took her some of my special chili.  Which you know is made with French's Chili-O.  Also got her some cheddar popcorn from Jennie's.  Got some for neighbor Lorrie too, because she gives me lots of good leftovers.  I think she likes it, but not really sure.  There was a time she told me not bring something, but I don't recall what it was.
Sure is a beautiful day here.  60 degrees and sunny.  Just great.  I should be out and about right now, but I don't have anyone to take a ride with me.  Poor me. LOL
So I will just check up on all my animal cams and balance the bank books.  I may also review my Medicare Supplement plans.  Got a letter saying if any one of seven things have changed since last year I need a review.  All seven changed for me.
Well I called them three times.  Got cut off twice.  Then on the third try I was put on hold for like, I think, 60 minutes.  So I hung up.  I will try to do the review myself on the net.
Bye for now EV1 GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27654 on: November 13, 2023, 02:59:58 PM »

 Elephants ...  31:59     81°   (1:03 pm)     Clear &  sunny; slight breeze.

I hope all is well with all of you.

Cal      That is a sweet photo of Guy and Alvin.  Thanks for posting these updates. 

Hi Joho      You sound especially cheery today,  That's good that your day is going well... other than being put on hold for 60 mins. 
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27655 on: November 14, 2023, 04:55:12 AM »

hi you guys its 38 here 44 in ice 43 in kviv and 50 in the barn.

hi joho i hope you found out what you needed to know on your medicare without the phone. an hour is awful i would not hold for an hour at all jim would and has but i will not i can get alot of stuff done in an hour my time is important to me and my animals. so funny you do not recall what lorrie said not to bring i would not say anything if i did not want to eat it give it to something else and not say anything. but if it was that popcorn make a note put it on the frig we all go there a few times a day.  :) it was almost 70 yesterday and again today cali having her cough stuff when she is outside someday winter will come here and stay for awhile.

hi neva i saw on our news travis kelce went with  taylor swift to her argentina concert he was with her dad and she change the lyric to her song that included him he was really surprised and happy.  after her show pictures show she ran into his arms and gave him a kiss. she likes the both have their own careers and goal and still be with each other. other day on the news said iceland having lots of quakes

A volcano is southwest Iceland is expected to erupt in the next few days, the Icelandic Meteorological Office has warned.

Hundreds of small earthquakes have been rattling the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwestern Iceland over the past few days — an early warning sign of a looming volcanic eruption. About 900 earthquakes have been detected so far since midnight on Monday. A day earlier, more than a thousand quakes — all below a 3 magnitude — were recorded.
The Icelandic Meteorological Office estimated magma, also known as molten rock, to be about 800 meters or half a mile from the surface as of Saturday. The office added that it was likely to reach the surface soon.

On Friday, Iceland's Civil Protection Agency declared a state of emergency as a preventive measure, and ordered the evacuation of Grindavik, a coastal town of over 3,300 residents.

Officials did not say when residents will be able to return, but over the past few days, they have been allowed to briefly visit certain neighborhoods in order to pick up their belongings.

In response to the threat of a volcanic eruption, the Blue Lagoon, a man-made geothermal pool and popular tourist destination near Grindavik, also announced Thursday it will temporarily closed its doors until Nov. 16, "at which point the situation will be reassessed."

Volcano Erupts In Southwestern Iceland After Thousands Of Earthquakes
Volcanoes are a major feature of Iceland's geography. The country is home to 32 volcanic systems. Most recently, a volcano linked with the Litli-Hrútur mountain erupted in July and lasted about a month. It was the third eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula in three consecutive years. Prior to 2021, the peninsula did not see an eruption in over 800 years.

Among the biggest and most disruptive eruptions to occur in the country was in 2010, when volcanic activity in southern Iceland spread ash across Europe's atmosphere and disrupted air travel in the continent for several days.


gb urkaine gb all animals and gb all of us
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27656 on: November 14, 2023, 09:30:38 AM »

6:15 Finally done for this morning.  Neva, Lorrie did text "thanks" for the popcorn that I left on her porch with her empty dish.  So I guess that was not it.
 Been trying to get computer started for about an hour. Kept getting a "no internet" statement.  Finally called Spectrum.  Of course they always say the same thing.  No outage in your area. Well there is at least one outage right at my house.  So after a while they say we will send you a pulse or something then wait ten minutes and call back again if no internet persists.  By now I am in a bad mood and cruising my cams is not  as fun as I usually have.
After a while though and reading your posts and checking emails I feel a little calmer.  By the time I get done with the puzzle I am OK, and can write to you without using all CAPS! LOL
It is a bright warm Tuesday here, and I will take a ride into the country to visit an Amish friend and to have lunch at The Hungry Bear in Litchfield, Ohio.
I may stop at Letha House Park to walk and maybe fish a little since it is so nice out.  I asked three to ride along, but all were "too busy" today.  One was sincere due to an old friends birthday today.  I will see this one for pizza later.  She asked me to bring a pie dish so she can send an apple pie home with me tomorrow.  The dish is on the counter near my keys.  So I will go on my own as I did for two years.
Now I will get cleaned up and out the door.  Bye my friends CUL.  GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 09:42:38 AM by johoward »


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27657 on: November 14, 2023, 04:45:30 PM »

 Tulip Square ...  24:23     82°   (2:27 pm)    started out overcast, but clearing now. Very slight breeze.  We're supposed to have a chance for rain  Thurs - Sat.  We'll see.

I hope all is well for all of you.

HI Cal     I saw a report on the news about the earthquakes and volcanos in Iceland, and I can imagine how scary it must be for the people in that area.  It almost looked like one of the volcanos was right next to the town that they were showing.  Iceland is a small place, full of volcanos, where do you go to get away from it.  ... I think I would go to Denmark.

Hi Joho     How lucky, you have a friend that thinks you are worth making an apple pie for.  😊 
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27658 on: November 14, 2023, 10:28:36 PM »

Yes Neva, Very lucky.
Good Night, and GBU All.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27659 on: November 15, 2023, 05:15:40 AM »

hi you guys its 43 here 41 in ice 54 in kviv and 51 in the barn

hi neva i know i am so worried about little iceland all the people the ice ponies.  i dont know where they go when told to get out i guess higher ground i would never want to live on any island like hawaii and now i guess iceland cause yes where do you go just like that you can take the ferry to demark How long is the ferry from Denmark to Iceland?
Between June and August, the ferry ride takes 2 days, leaving Hirtshals in Denmark on Tuesday mornings and arriving in Seyðisfjörður on Thursday mornings. From March to May and mid-August to November, the ferry ride to Iceland takes a little longer than 3 days.  i guess you could fly i dont have a star deal on my driver license so that is out i guess. good i live here.

hi joho i bake a cherry pie for jims dad i use to make them but not for along time i get mrs smith and bake them here thank you mrs. smith i will do one for thanksgiving jim will take it down to his dad. i will be home taking care of animals  i use to bake alot had more time and i could get around really good homemade cherry apple lemon merange peach cobbler blackberry cobbler banana coconut cakes too still make my homemade rolls here and there will make some for thanksgiving i think jims dad they do theirs on sat. i hope you enjoy your friends pie. i think i will make my grandmothers pumpkin bread. make a loaf for my friend missy. she had some surgery and her kids who rent her house behind her needs furnace repairs and jim got the part missy ask if i would please come back with him so i said okay i will. if it is early not late and jim can fix it pretty fast. it is really old furnace really old they should replace it.


gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb