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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1708110 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24285 on: December 15, 2021, 06:21:35 PM »

big huge winds here i looked out my bathroom window baby possum is here blowing its hair in the corner between my bathroom wall and garage wall i got a big tomato cage with a tarp around it like a teepee  i threw cookies in there and on the sidewalk baby got cookie went in teepee. we got another hour then should be over hour long time
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24286 on: December 15, 2021, 07:43:07 PM »

That sounds and is so scary, Cal.  You all are in my prayers. 
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24287 on: December 16, 2021, 05:20:03 AM »

Duluth Bear - UPDATE December 15, 2021
A nice article in the Duluth News Tribune today was about the bear denning in Duluth. Below the article is more about the situation based on information on bears over the years.

Congdon bear shows face, then hunkers down

Duluth neighborhood bear hibernating under family's front yard.
Written By: John Myers | 10:04 am, Dec. 14, 2021

Duluth Bear
 A black bear that dug a den under a front yard in Duluth's Congdon neighborhood has apparently decided to hibernate there for the winter. After coming and going for several weeks from the den, he hasn't come out since the last major snowfall.
Contributed / Jeanette Anderson
Duluth’s semi-famous, late-hibernating black bear has shown its face, but not for long, and now appears to have finally hunkered down for its winter nap.

The bear, which dug its den under the Anderson family's front yard in the Congdon neighborhood sometime in November, hasn’t been seen since the season’s first big snowfall Dec. 5.

Before that, the bear had been making nightly excursions to neighbors' garbage cans, gardens and front steps to find trash, pumpkins and anything else edible.

Jeanette Anderson received some advice from independent bear researcher Lynn Rogers, of Ely, who came down to look at the den. Some friends of Anderson purchased and set up two trail cameras on trees near the den, just in time before the bear decided to stay underground.

The cameras captured the bear emerging from the den for just a few minutes on one night.

“It’s as if he came up and knew something was different with the cameras flashing and then decided to go back down and stay,” Anderson said. “There haven't been any tracks in the snow.”

Most northern Minnesota bears go into hibernation by mid-October, with some as early as September and maybe a few as late as November. But Martha Minchak, assistant area wildlife manager for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, said Duluth bears, maybe due to the easy access to ample human food, seem to stay up later, leading to nuisance bear calls all winter in some cases.

Upon seeing photos of the Congdon bear, Rogers, who helped form the North American Bear Center in Ely and has studied bears for more than 50 years, said the bear under Andersons' yard appears in good shape.

“I can’t tell if it is a male or a female. I’d guess the weight at 200-250 from the look of the head, ears and body,” Rogers told the News Tribune. “If it’s a male, that would make it an adolescent at 3-5 years old, depending on how well fed he has been. If it is a female, she could have cubs in January.”

Duluth Bear
A trail camera photo of a black bear with its paw up on a retaining wall next to the den it dug under a Congdon neighborhood front yard. The bear came out for a few minutes early Dec. 5, 2021, but hasn't come back out since the big snowfall later that day.
Contributed / Jeanette Anderson
Rogers said most bears hibernate on schedule, even if extra food is available, and said the Congdon bear is an outlier for staying active into December. Most bears would emerge from the den in spring, often in April. But with this bear, it's anyone's guess.

Rogers, who looked deep into the den while visiting the site earlier this month, said there is a vast area underground for the bear to call home. The den is marked by a retaining wall on one side and a series of large, underground openings created by big chunks of rock, apparently deposited there when the neighborhood was developed 100 years ago.

Duluth Bear
This black bear, photographed by a trail camera, hasn't been seen out of its den since Dec. 5, 2021.
Contributed / Jeanette Anderson
Rogers said the bear likely poses no threat to people, and he hopes people won’t be a problem for the bear. Unlike many cities where a bear would be an unusual curiosity, Duluth has had plenty of bear visits and bear residents of its own.

“Duluthians have seen enough bears that they are unusually tolerant. I remember a big male that was eating a deer carcass right beside the Lakewalk some years ago. People walked past the bear, rode bicycles past the bear, or were walking their dogs. The bear ignored them, and the people enjoyed the experience,” Rogers said. “Some stopped to take photographs to send me and then continued on.”

Anderson said that, after a News Tribune story on the bear earlier this month, some people have figured out where the bear den is and have come to ogle the 24-inch hole in her yard. Now, she hopes people will just let the bear sleep this winter. She’s considering putting up a "No Trespassing" sign to encourage people to stay away from the den.

“I would hope now he feels safe and can winter right there,’’ she said. “I don't want to create a nuisance bear. But I’m not going to throw him out at this point. I’m really hoping no harm comes to it.”

John Myers reports on the outdoors, environment and natural resources for the Duluth News Tribune.

Duluth Bear
A photo from a trail camera of a black bear that's apparently hiberating under a yard in Duluth's Congdon neighborhood.
Contributed / Jeanette Anderson
Previously In the Duluth News Tribune:
Bear moves in under Duluth front yard

Related Articles:
After adventurous day, Duluth City Hall bear moves on
Bear attracts crowd during Duluth Civic Center ramble
Drowsy bear draws a crowd along Duluth Lakewalk

Previously, I wrote:

I can’t tell if it is a male or a female. I’d guess the weight at 200-250 from the look of the head, ears, and body. If it’s a male, that would make it an adolescent at 3-5 years old depending on how well fed he has been. If it is a female, she could have cubs in January.

I don’t know why it is so active this late. Pregnant females are usually the first to den, usually in September or early October and occasionally in the last week of August. For most other bears it is mid-October. Denning in early November is very uncommon, although we did see that this year for a yearling male.

Around Ely, bears generally den up in September or October whether supplemental food is available or not. With so little fall food (Oaks are uncommon and there is little fall food around Ely here on the Canadian Shield where soils are shallow, sandy, and gravelly), they would be wasting energy. Down closer to Lake Superior, south of the Canadian Shield, the Superior Lobe of the Wisconsin Episode deposited much more fertile, deeper, more loamy soils that produce more food (especially acorns) due to the fertile soil and the lake effects of Lake Superior. But I doubt if the short distance between Ely and Duluth is enough for bears to have evolved a genetic difference in denning times. A fact I should work in is that in the Eastern deciduous forest in the Eastern US, bears will stay up all winter pawing through the snow for acorns, beechnuts, and hickory nuts in years of good crops, but bears in northeastern Minnesota generally don’t respond to supplemental food (garbage, bird feeders, and deliberate feeding) by staying up longer than usual.

I really have no explanation for this bear staying up so late. For most behaviors, there is a bell-shaped curve with a few bears out in each tail. This bear is far out in a tail.

From what I could see of the den when I visited it, the hole goes down to an underground labyrinth created maybe a century ago when the Congdon neighborhood was being developed. The bear discovered this refuge and comes out in the middle of the night when the neighborhood is quietest. Now that this phenomenon has been discovered, I hope it can continue. I haven’t heard of any bears being a problem because of it. I hope everyone can let the bear be, maybe give birth to a litter this winter, and have people excited to see the family that gave birth in their neighborhood. Duluth is a special city that has long tolerated bears in neighborhoods, along the lake walk, and in other dens I have heard of.

I know many people fear mothers that have cubs, but that reputation is from grizzly mothers. Mother black bears are not the danger they are reputed to be, especially where they are accustomed to people.

On that note, an old fear-based belief is that bears become more likely to attack when they become accustomed to people. I have tested that old belief for decades and actually the opposite is true. When wild mothers and others became accustomed to my presence, they tended to ignore me and go about their lives with me nearby (1 to 15 yards away) recording more details of black bear life than had ever been possible. Top USFS officials tested the safety of my work and gave me permission in 1989 to use volunteers to gather even more data that they could use in forest management. I trained nearly 200 volunteers to gather data, and these people who had no previous experience with bears accompanied the bears without a problem.

Duluthians have seen enough bears that they are unusually tolerant. I remember a big male that was eating a deer carcass right beside the lakewalk some years ago. People walked past the bear, rode bicycles past the bear, or were walking their dogs. The bear ignored them, and the people enjoyed the experience. Some stopped to take photographs to send me and then continued on.

Today, a resident of this den area who is copied on this email wrote “We're hoping this is a wonderful opportunity for people to learn about the behaviors of black bears and not see this bear as a threat. Seeing the still images and the still images combined to form videos, it appears like this bear is pretty curious and cautious. Just the sort of shy bear I would want in my front yard.

Thank you for all you do. I hope this bear fares well.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24288 on: December 16, 2021, 05:27:33 AM »

hi you guys it is 35 here no 70 something two raccoonies but saw many in the night on the sidewalk and possums everyone eating all the food.

hi neva thanks i was praying too i dont know if any limbs are down in the pasture i dont think so on the news showing all the damage around there. big light display in the city down but really weather man said big winds coming take down your display or try to stable it said tens of thousands still no power this morning so i feel very lucky we never lost ours and have to hook up for the barn and pearl and sweets barn very nice and warm with their electric furnace. man had to respell furnace determine it had an extra n in there. when that storm passed i checked on pearl and came in went to sleep i was pretty tired.

hi joho where are you? hope you are okay and your family is okay.

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24289 on: December 16, 2021, 06:09:37 AM »

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24290 on: December 16, 2021, 08:55:01 AM »

6:22 on biker.

I am OK.  Been spending a lot of time out and about with the very unusual weather we are having.  Lots of fishing and walking.  Some biking, but no catching of fish.  They are in hibernation.  Can't even entice them to come and eat the bread slices that they usually engulf.

Everything is OK.  Don't worry unless I say to worry.  I will let you know if I am in trouble.  Which I am not. LOL

What a good story about the Duluth Black Bear.  Maybe will have cubs.  Sure did pick the right yard to dig a den in.  Others may have been too freaked out to leave it alone for the Winter.  Not a good image of the bear eating the deer on the side of the walkway.  I would have moved the deer a little I think, bit a good news story never the less with Doc contributing too. 

Pretty scary weather all over the place, but here just way too warm.  Windy today again and hot.  61 degrees already at 10am.  Very unusual Christmas Season.

Well too nice now to stay in on the computer, so I will say CUL and hit the outdoors while I can.

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24291 on: December 17, 2021, 12:41:46 AM »

Hi cal! I thought about you and your family and friends during the awful storms and winds yesterday, and stopped in the thread here in hopes of seeing good news on how you and all fared. So glad you are all ok, and you didn’t lose power even - very good! Thanks for posting all that news about the Duluth black bear. I’m going to share the link to your news of that with the Beak Room, since someone there (maybe Lani? I’m not sure right now exactly who.) shared a brief part of that news of the bear denning in someone’s yard. But I really enjoyed seeing all the rest of that story, and I think some other Beakers will, too. You know I’m a big fan of Dr. Rogers and all he does. So cool he came to check out that bear’s situation and discovered all that about the underground there where the den is.

I hope all the Jewelies are getting along ok, and fared well after this latest storm, too. Take care, All, and Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to you all.  :)
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24292 on: December 17, 2021, 06:37:17 AM »

Hi you guys hi baz its 26 here one raccoonie saw possum kid last night from my window joe came yesterday at 3 to do pearls nails i had a christmas sack of stuff for him dawn and their son ty joe told me he lost dawn i cried my eyes out last i saw joe back in oct he had been sick with covid i was upset they were not vaccinated dawn worked at cameron hospital and joe said workers told her oh dont get that.  >:( so joe made it did not have to go in the hospital but said he had never been so sick in his life ty took care of him and the horses and the dogs and worked his job. joe said dawn was better in fact talking about her getting out then she got worse in icu she had the delta covid and her lungs harden and organs shutting down joe said he would say how are you today she would give two thumbs up but at halloween she did not head down joe was so worried doctors told him  she only had 48 hours left sob joe did go get vaccinated while dawn was in the hospital and ty too. they are getting their boosters next monday. i am sick of covid worried about going down to cas christmas eve he is fully vaccinated but i am worried now. i will miss dawn poor ty lost his mom he is 22. poor joe. their poor dog jack a heeler missing her.

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24293 on: December 17, 2021, 04:11:22 PM »

  Garden Bridge   21:02              56° …  windy and sunny, with a few clouds.  To a desert rat, that feels a bit on the cold side.

Oh Cal …  I feel so bad about your friend Joe and his family.  I have found it shocking that some hospital workers wouldn't take the vaccine.  I would think that after all that they see and are aware of from their work in a hospital or other health care facility, that they would not hesitate to get the vaccine.  I don't get it???  My younger brother is an RN, and has been for many years, and I'm thankful that he has gotten his.  I was happy to find out that my other brother and his wife got theirs too … I hadn't thought that they would.
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24294 on: December 17, 2021, 08:54:07 PM »

Call It must have been an awful shock to hear from Joe.  I am shocked even as far removed as I am.  Her story is so so sad.  Her coworkers are not good people to me.  Any of those highly educated and believable crazies that go around shooting their mouth off and getting others to follow their false information should at least be made to hear the stories told by the families of their victims.  I mean I am really sick of hearing again and again how people are convinced to skip protection for all the bonehead reasons and wind up dead or crippled for life.  Leaving many to try to get along without a mother or father or child.  Sickening!
Joan's death is still too fresh for me to just punch out and watch TV.
I am sorry for Joe's loss and for you too and Ty.  Only 22 and no mom forever, and for no good reason. I could just swear!
So much BS from the very top on down. Joan died because Plaquenil stopped her heart 30 days after she started taking it.  We were so happy she got it for her inflammation, because Trump kept saying it would also protect against Covid.  Boy that was great, but it was NOT TRUE, and instead it stopped her heart.  Thanks Trump you forgot to mention this side effect.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24295 on: December 18, 2021, 05:40:30 AM »

hi you guys its 28 full moon is pretty. did not see any raccoonies saw my little possum last night eating little debbies them mom came and other little possum.

hi joho. i am so sad about dawn and joe and ty the dog jack yes did not need to be. joe said he asked her to please not give up but she was tired he said tired of being like that being in the icu when the nurse pulled back her covers cath full of blood her kidneys shutting down oh sob. i agree with everything you said. i hope those who said such a stupid thing feel remorse forever. should sue them. might help them feel remorse having to pay joe and ty. i have lots aches and pain but i dont want to take anything!! my grandmother took medicine for her arthritis and it cause her kidneys to be damage and she had to do dialysis she told me to not ever take any. i am so sick of covid sick of people not getting vaccinated to help end this Dawn she loved camping and horseback riding and playing bingo. she had such a good sense of humor she loved loved her family and friends. sob

hi neva

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24296 on: December 18, 2021, 06:59:31 AM »

6:31 got an early start here due to rain and cold outside.  36 and constant rain.
 Hope all; are well this morning.  CUL GB


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24297 on: December 18, 2021, 12:05:29 PM »

3:51 horse by fence. hi joho your up and going early its cold here but no snow or ice too cold for rain constant rain boo to that keep dry and warm cul
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24298 on: December 18, 2021, 07:34:59 PM »

   Horse ...  28 +      about 58° or so.   Zoe didn't want to go outside this morning, we had to put her coat on her. 

I do agree with you both.  I'm so sorry Joho, about your Joan's passing and how it came about.  And about your friends too, Cal.  It shouldn't be that way, we are living in strange and uncomfortable times.  Here, we are just going to hunker down and stay away from people, crowds, as much as we can, and hope that will be enough.  I keep thinking that this is not the world that I grew up in, nor did my kids.

Well …  I got my cards sent, and am waiting for one more gift to arrive.  I just have to wrap gifts, which I don't like doing anymore.  The girls got the tree up and decorated and the lights on the house.  I hope that somehow, we all will have a good Christmas day with loved ones.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 07:38:04 PM by neva »
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #24299 on: December 19, 2021, 05:51:26 AM »

hi you guys its 18 here 52 furnace running in the barn one possum on the sidewalk all the food in the barn was gone all the water so all the raccoonies came and ate. i saw my little possums and mom eating all the snacks last night on the sidewalk and ate alot of dog food i put out puppy chow they like it the best.

Hi Neva, that is cold for you guys zoe needed her coat good the girl has one. i would like to just stay home i think for christmas eve day too but i am going to get all my present to ca and cindy in one big box that ca will get out of the car for me and one for jeanne and scott which jean jean will get for me. not eat or anything jim is cooking so not staying long but i would like to see my niece jeanne so i will not sure about next years your so right i did not grow up in times like this so happy i grew up when i did. i do not plan on wrapping gifts like this next year took me forever and i got so much stuff to do with my animals that comes before anything else. no tree here course could you see that here! my only christmas deal my moms wreath hanging on the front door and my christmas weiner dogs in the kitchen by the toaster and the dogs do leave them alone. i had cnn on i just had to change it sick of covid news breaks my heart now even more

hi joho you know missys dad obit did not say he died from covid either or my cousin rusty either. joe told us he sent off dawn funeral expense to fema i think jim had asked him if he did that cause the gov is going to reimburse him for it cause said it was a federal disaster oh its a disaster all right. today jim will have to hold sweets horns tight and i will try to get his halter on i need to trim his nail bad at least his back ones and he gets upsets so got to try to  hurry but really cant hurry on that. joe does not do goats.


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