Swans ... 21:20 71° and sunny. (2:12 p.m.)
I know that everyone has noticed this long ago, but I so admire Dr. Rodgers photography, it is excellent. It seems like he has taken photography classes or just has a natural eye for composition. If he were not a researcher, and I am glad that he is, he could very easily be a successful photographer. just my opinion, but I bet it is a shared one.
I found out that one of my husband's nieces and her husband are adopting a family this Christmas. They are seeing to the dinner for them and gifts for all in their family, and the only reason I know about it is because David, Linda's husband is so excited and happy about it that he told my daughter, Michelle. They live in the Columbus, Ohio area. I think he is finding as much joy and happiness in it, as the family will. I bet this won't be the last time they'll be doing this.

My granddaughter has decided to get dinner from a BBQ restaurant, a good one. Good choice. Brushfire BBQ
Cal, I was wondering, when you go out to the barn and don't see racoons, does that mean they are hiding behind the hay, or does that mean they have gone somewhere else at the moment … sleeping elsewhere? Thanks for the photo of Pearl and Sweetie. I love goats. I have always wished that I could have one of those tiny ones -- they are so cute! (I do love horses too)
Joho , Did you manage to get out and about? Anymore fishing? I would think that'd be one of the most relaxing things in the world, as a personal sport. I wish I had had the opportunity to do more of it as a kid, other than that one time. My son loves to fish, and even tried it off the coast of the San Diego area, in a smallish chartered boat. He says he very much prefers lake fishing.