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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1717271 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23970 on: October 12, 2021, 05:25:42 AM »

hi you guys its 48 here no rain but more rain tomorrow very good news on not feeding the bears stupid ban always has been tell people who they can feed on their own property food so scarce bears hungry course you help out what is wrong with people? anyway yay on keep feeding the bears. update pictures so good today too.

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23971 on: October 12, 2021, 02:38:49 PM »

5:09 on the rock.
Busy day.  Took rejected collar, too delicate, back to Tractor Supply.  Walked in the Columbia Park.  Lunched at 4 Keys in North Eaton.  Shopping for chili-o dinner sides for Deb and Sue and Meghan and me.
 We will be balanced at dinner 4 people and 4 dogs.  One is a puppy named Boise who thinks he is human.  Then there is Boss and Bode and another big dog. I forget his name, but I like him.  I love all the dogs and all the people.  I want hem all to feel welcome and comfortable in my home.  All but Deb and Boss will stay the night before heading for their home in New York State.
So I got to go cook.  CUL EV1


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23972 on: October 13, 2021, 06:45:25 AM »

hi you guys one of my cats sookies boys she has 3 black like her passed away yesterday at 11:10 am  he was 15 and pretty sure that tumor that popped up was cancer he went downhill pretty fast i am broken hearted. when we first built this house and the barn we put up almost 200 bales of hay in the barn i went out and saw sookie she was very feral and i caught her in a trap took her to ed and he saw too she was nursing i was upset ed said he will fix her right now put her in the house and i went to find the kittens. i walked in the barn and thought i will have to move all this hay by myself and find them have to find them first i went to move my wheelbarrow that was leaning against the hay and there they was little bitty kittens. i took them in my bedroom and in my closet my closet is pretty big 10x12 sookie came home and started taking care of them. boys love me so lost one of them lots of talking to god praying to heal my boy but that was not going to happen so praying to come get him i had him on pain med and he was purring almost up to the time god came her. he stretched his fronts legs out and held on to my finger with his paw oh i cant talk no more.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23973 on: October 13, 2021, 08:33:46 AM »

6:36 bales.  No excuses. I am just slow. LOL
Susie and Meghan and Boise and Bodie and Brooks just left for home in New York.  Eight hours away.
 Had a wonderful but too short visit including Debbie and Boss last night for an hour or so. Puppy Boise is the star.  A little 8 week old Papillion-Border Collie mix girl.  So full of energy and playfulness she tired us all out trying to keep up with her little legs.  Just so fast!
So sorry for your loss Cal.
Did not look in on bears or falcons yet.
 Nice cool cloudy morning here in the Cleveland area. 61 degrees and very little breeze at 9:30. Will walk or try riding bike a little later if rain holds off.  Gotta remember to go to the bank almost ran out of money again last night.  Had pizza delivered and could just barely scraped up enough to pay him.
For now I will say so long.  CUL and GB


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23974 on: October 13, 2021, 08:48:59 AM »

Tasha on pond cam FYI


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23975 on: October 14, 2021, 04:50:48 AM »

Tasha at Work - UPDATE October 13, 2021
Red maple leaf
Red maple leaf
As Tasha excavates away, a person wonders what kind of den she is trying to make. At this point, it’s looking like a nice deep bed spot to fill with leaves for more insulation than in the past. Sharon placed a big pile of leaves outside the den for Tasha to use when she is ready. Here "Taught" caught Tasha in a 3-minute daytime video and a 5-minute view of her at night. Nice to see!

Tasha continues to work on the rock den - 10/12/21

Tasha, night shift at the rock den - 10/12/21

At the WRI, the red maple tree that was just beginning to drop leaves when this picture was taken on October 10 now is down to five leaves.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23976 on: October 14, 2021, 04:57:07 AM »

hi you guys its 58 here more rain tonight but today rain free i hope tasha is a hard worker getting ready for denning. hope dr rogers gets another den cam permit dont see why he would not love to see spanky again.

hi joho sounds like you had a nice visit with everyone esp the dogs.

hi neva!

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23977 on: October 14, 2021, 11:34:12 AM »

Yes had a good visit.  Just so sad my brother and Joan could not be here.  They would have loved to see Susie, Meghan, Debbie, and all the dogs.  Bode, Boss, Boise, and Brooks. Just trying to remember all the names and genders. Girl, boy, girl(baby), and boy. EV1 had a good time and a good rest.
 They were on their way back from a month of far western road trip, and were really glad to see some greenery in the fields and yards.  New York will look really wonderful to them too, because it is home.
It is very nice to see Tasha working in the rock den.  High hopes for her to use it this winter.  She even took in some leaves.
Gonna go back and visit them now.  So CUL and GB


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23978 on: October 14, 2021, 07:39:17 PM »

lonely tree  24:48

 Hi Cal and Joho ...   

Cal - Do you have a rainy season, or is it all year?  We have a monsoon season, but for the last 20 years have been suffering through a drought.  This year was different and we had a normal rainy season and it was wonderful.  One of the ways you can tell an Arizonan from other people is that when it rains, they go outside and stand in it.  🌨🌨🌵 🌵🌴🌨

Joho -  Your family get togethers sound nice, even the dogs are special and included in your family time together.  I know how much you all miss Joan.  When we do things here, I miss that Larry isn't here to enjoy them with us, but I like to think that he knows and is smiling.

There was Oktoberfest up at the village in the mountains north of town, and at the Skiing site too.  I guess Fall is here???  Hard to tell in Southern Arizona.

Hi Rues and Ra, and Lupine - of course, you are missed.
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23979 on: October 15, 2021, 05:38:29 AM »

hi you guys its 48 here and rained all night now light rain

Hi Joho all the dogs name start with a B!  :) when i was a kid the people who lived next to us was dad Jack mom Joy and two sons my age and susies Jay and Jeff at christmas their card would say from teh 4 J's.

Hi Neva! use to be always rainy cand cold on halloween but now it rains here almost anytime not dead of winter snow and i like the snow clean for the dogs and the dogs like it. penny and brownie esp those two been digging a hole next to fence so looks like have to plug in electric fence again i have this tall big iron deal that was my moms she grew her flowers on it i was going to ditch it but thought i might need that for something its pretty if i can get that thing all the way up the stairs and out in the dogs yard lean it against the fence keep them away or plug in the electric. i have seen on the news flash flooding where you are. today on the morning news so sad showing iceland and how fast the ice is melting thanks to human no global warning my foot. you have a long drought funny standing in the rain i like to stand in the snow yesterday i just sat outside watching the skies watching my tvs flying overhead they were way up high way high i heard a little plane it was flying over the house and tvs were like right below it i was shaking my fist at the plane watch out for scout but he was probably not that close to it. just looked like it. they will be leaving any day now i will miss them. i guess your tvs stay all year? in the winter how cold does it get neva? do you have a furnace? i am so sure larry is smiling and watching over you guys he is one of your guardian angels. i was going to ask you when you write some stuff about your mom for your grand maybe you could share some of your stories of her i would love to read that.  okerberfest sounds fun lots of food? joho would like that  :) and skiing did you ever ski? 

i am with neva rues ra lupine missed


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23980 on: October 15, 2021, 07:56:28 AM »

5:57 cactus and water?
Yesterday was a different day.  Spent lots of time trying to find out why smoke alarm over my bed went off at 3AM.  No good answers anywhere.  Finally google says maybe dust, maybe surge in power due to Power Company switching something in early morning.  I decided this was the cause so that I could go to sleep.  Which I did an hour early due to being tired all day.
I mean this was a full fledged alarm.  Not some small battery beep warning. Never heard one before in the night.  We used to set them off by broiling or frying in our split level, but they were nothing like this one.  I was pretty shook up for a few minute until it stopped screaming.  I got up and headed out the bedroom door to see if the furnace room had smoke.  By the time I was 3 or 4 steps outside the bedroom screaming stopped.  Went around looking for cause.  Found nothing scary.  So I went back to bed.  Don't think I slept well, but I did sleep until about 7am.  The I spent the day trying to learn about alarms etc.
 Started with the fire department.  Got sent to the 911 office when I punched the button for alarm information.  Happened three times.  So I punched some button other than alarm info. and got a secretary who listened but was not much help.  Then I gave up on them and went to google.
 Got a lot of ideas there.  One was electric surge. Later I called the Ohio Edison Electric Company and got a machine that kept saying to report an outage etc.  I wanted to talk about a possible last night outage or surge as google suggested so I kept punching buttons on their robot.  Finally they say sorry nobody here til office hours see ya later.  So if no outage, no chit chat. I will call soon to confirm google info about early morning switching etc. Now I will say so long for a while.  GB


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23981 on: October 15, 2021, 01:55:45 PM »

hi joho i googled your smoke alarm too one said low battery or house is at its coolest between 2 am and 6am causing low battery and alarm goes off also insects dont ask me but said insects can set it off dust yes mine in my bedroom in winter was going off all the time i have my window open and a fan in it going tim burns wood which i hate smoke smell but it set off my smoke alarm i take it out in the winter rest of house has one well not in the kitchen never had one in there, inspector told us when we built this house did not have to put one in the kitchen. did you get to talk to anyone hard to do that anymore
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23982 on: October 15, 2021, 09:44:47 PM »

yes Cal,
I finally got to talk to two women at Ohio Edison.  Both insisted they had no way of knowing if there was a major switching action at 3 am in my area as had been suggested by google or the fireman.  They also insisted it was not caused by anything they did.  How would they know that?
I have the same kind of alarm I have always had.  The low battery alarm is a small beeping gradually louder as time passes.  This was a full fledged blasting alarm, and I think it was more than one unit.  Not sure because it stopped too soon. I am satisfied it was a surge of sorts, and am not worried at all.
Watching the ballgame now.  Umpire is awful. 
See you all tomorrow.  GB


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23983 on: October 16, 2021, 05:40:48 AM »

hi you guys its 42 64 in the barn here no moon but lots of stars out i like seeing the moon we are going to the feed store this morning and do some errands

hi joho when all mine went off it was a weak battery and of course the last one i got too. but got to have them yes how would they know it was nothing they did but i bet it was a surge. how is your bp?

hi neva! the other day on radio in pearls barn said weather as going to be cold and blustery at 57 i said say what 57 better dig out my winter coat

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23984 on: October 16, 2021, 08:21:25 AM »

7:40 snow trek.
Rainy here gentle and cool 54 degrees. Gonna stay in I think at least this morning.  Like to read paper with cereal and coffee, but no paper yet. C_T has an answering machined saying leave a message after waiting on the line for 6 minutes. WTH
 Sometime they will leave some outside the office for us to pick up, but with a machine i don't know if some are there.  Sometimes no-one is at the office on Saturday. So I think I will just run down and see if I can get one.  Better late than never.
BP still running higher than usual.  I think it is due to back injury and constant pain.  I know that pain can elevate BP.  Have a Primary Dr. appointment on Nov 2nd I think.  He will probably change something then.
Kind of glad the cooler weather is here.
Hope you are all well and comfortable.  GB