El Paraiso - 21:08 It's 78° and sunny -- when isn't it sunny here? I hope everyone is having a good day.
Yesterday my daughter, Michelle and her daughter, Bella (Isabella) went up into the mountains north of town and did a bit of hiking and visited a village that is up there where there is a shop that sells home-make fudge, among other things. It is worth the trip up there just to get this fudge, and it comes in many different kinds. I can't hike so I stayed home, but remember all the times I have been up there. I wouldn't mind having a cabin up there and living there at least part of the year. It is cooler in the summer.
My niece named her daughter after my mother, Charlotte. I love that name ... anyway, I am starting to write about my mother for her daughter, who is still a young child. I want her to know about the woman that she is named after, It is bringing back a lot of memories of my childhood and listening to my mother's stories.
Is this the season for Fairs? Of course, I hear others mentioning them, but I've never been to the County Fair here, but I have been to the State Fair in Phoenix a couple of times and it was great. One of the times, we went to a 'Lonestar' Concert (Country music), Ordinarily, that is not my kind of music, but these guys are good. Maybe this is the time of year for the Fairs because a lot of them center around agriculture and animals and this is where people can display what they've produced. Maybe that is the reason for the timing,
If you've gone to a Fair, what was your favorite thing there?