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Appreciating Your Support - UPDATE December 8, 2020
08 December 2020
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Mink Stripe
Mink Stripe
We arrived home last night surprised at how a person can feel after surgery. This afternoon, Donna brought me to the WRI where I was happy to see your support on Facebook!
Feeling hampered and worn out, I got a boost with the appearance of the first mink this winter! It was Stripe from last year, same as ever. She was eager for me to crank open the window by my desk so she could make 7 quick trips, caching 7 slices of bologna?almost a half pound for a mink that weighs maybe 2-3 pounds. Mink Stripe with Donna Rogers
Mink Stripe with Donna Rogers
It was great to see her after beginning to worry. Maybe the others will come back, too. The pictures show Stripe?s white chin with its dark stripes as she reacted to Donna holding a piece of bologna.
Heading home. Hoping to regain energy soon.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
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