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Sharon?s Bear News, Ted?s Wagon, and More - UPDATE October 5, 2020
05 October 2020
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Ted and the Raven
Ted and the Raven
Ted and the Raven
Ted and the Raven
This week's news includes: a story of younger Ted, Tasha's dilemma, and Lucky yawns.
When Ted was a very small cub, he had a little wagon. When he got into the wagon you could see that the wheels were bent. Now, let's fast forward to 2007. It was a warm fall day, Lucky and Ted had already made friends and Lucky followed Ted everywhere. During that time, the falls closest to the rock den had stopped working and Glenn Krause, a faithful volunteer, and Joel, our intern at the time, decided to try to fix the waterfall. Joel and his mother are the folks responsible for delivering Lucky to us.
The bright yellow, red and orange leaves were falling rapidly, it was a warm day which allowed for some work to be done inside the enclosure. The tools were gathered and put in a wheelbarrow which Joel pushed into the enclosure and parked above the falls. It sparked both Ted and Lucky?s interest.
Lucky yawns
Lucky yawns
Now, let's use your imagination. The tools were emptied on the ground, Glenn was on his knees diligently working to clear debris from the entry point of the falls. Joel stood handing him tools. Lucky just weighing around 45 pounds decided to get on Glenn's back. He was gently biting his head and neck just being a small cub. Joel was trying to pull him off but the harder he tried, the more it pushed Lucky to hang on. Ted approached gently wooting and saw that the wheelbarrow was empty. So--did he remember the little wagon as a cub? Did he see a toy that he had and enjoyed during his cubhood? Now, remember, Ted, at that time weighed over 800 pounds. Ted put one foot in and then the other, and wheelbarrow tires popped! The noise didn't hinder Ted, he tried to fit himself into the bucket of the wheelbarrow, with now flat tires. The delight on his face was pure joy. It was a funny experience for all involved and a story for the ages. The falls never did get repaired that day.
In other news: Lucky was given another whole bale of straw and immediately raked it into the large bunker. The weather has been cold and even snowy, Lucky has tucked himself into the den but still greets guests with a yawn.
Tasha, now displaced as Holly took over her dug den, has been coming to get her dinner and has appeared in the viewing area a few times. She currently weighs 362, which is a little larger than last year. We are waiting to see how she handles digging a new den or using the old one she first denned in the fall of 2016.
Holly has placed a stick at the entrance of the den, to me it means Do Not Disturb Until Spring!
A hare was resting quietly in the chalet enclosure. Its rich brown coat made it stand out in the grass just beyond the cedar tree.
Thank you for all you do,
Sharon Herrell, Sr. Bearkeeper
PS: "Pooch Pal" captured photos of Edgar the Raven giving Ted a wake-up visit three days in a row.