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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1742987 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21750 on: July 23, 2020, 04:15:54 AM »

Daily Updates
Scarce Food, Visible Bears, Diversionary Feeding Being Tested - UPDATE July 22, 2020
22 July 2020
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Shadow and Spanky
Shadow and Spanky

Despite recent rains, effects of the drought continue. A long-time blueberry picker reported that he picked for an hour in a location that is usually reliable and got only a cup. Bears in some areas are going house to house for food. But in Eagles Nest Township there is little of that while bears are being seen in unprecedented numbers at the diversionary feeding sites, showing that the sites are being effective again this year as in the past. Nothing is perfect. In bad food years, the occasional bear can resort to bird feeders or take advantage of other human food that is available, but for the most part the bears are going to the diversionary feeding sites as they have since such feeding began with Ed Orazem back in 1961. It continued and grew over the decades because it worked.I became aware of this nature-loving community in 1985 when I saw a newspaper article about Ed in the Ely Echo that began with ?There have been a lot of problems with bears in and around Ely this year, tipping over garbage cans and getting into gardens, but south of town, on Armstrong Lake the bears just aren?t interested in causing problems. The main reason is that the bears are being served at an outdoor restaurant, owned and operated by Ed Orazem.? A picture showed Ed sitting next to one of the bears that had lost its fear of people. The article went on to tell how he began feeding bears. It worked, and he and others have continued feeding in Eagles Nest Township ever since. 1985 was the worst year in Minnesota history (to this day) for wild berry crop failures and number of nuisance complaints. Eagles Nest Township stood out for its lack of bear problems. That has continued to this day.


In 1985, some 20 miles to the east, I was doing a diversionary feeding experiment (1984-1991) near the U.S. Forest Service Kawishiwi Campground with similar results. The feeding completely eliminated problems in 1985. Throughout the 8-year experiment, no bear that found the diversionary feeding site a quarter mile from the campground ever became a problem. The peer-reviewed study results can be seen at Rogers, L. L. 2011. Does diversionary feeding create nuisance bears and jeopardize public safety? Human-Wildlife Interactions. 5(2): 287-295. Click on the highlighted title to see the entire paper. In this USFS study around the Kawishiwi Campground, the feeding immediately drew bears away from the campground and adjacent residential area. Two bears that came into the periphery of the Kawishiwi study area 2 miles from the campground became pests and were removed; but overall during the study, problems were 88% lower than in the previous 3 years when 6 bears were removed for approaching people for food. No bear that found the feeding site became problems.

In 1996, when I began studying the effects of such feeding on the bears of Eagle Nest Township, bear problems in the township were 80% below the statewide average on a per-bear basis.

Regarding berry failures this year (2020), the food crisis was made worse near the town of Embarrass (15 miles southwest of Eagles Nest Township) by a frost on June 10 that Eagles Nest Township escaped. The Embarrass area is more low-lying and traditionally more susceptible to late spring frosts.

Ruby-throated hummingbird
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Locally, at a diversionary feeding site in Eagles Nest Township, 33-year-od Shadow made an appearance yesterday with her 5-year-old son Spanky, who was not accompanying her but close enough to be caught in the same picture. Shadow, in the lower left corner of the picture, shows her white face. She is the 2nd oldest black bear on record. Less than 200 yards away, her 21-year-old daughter RC was seen with her 4 cubs (two males, two females). I snapped a picture to record the amount of white on RC?s face, but the light was such that I couldn?t distinguish between glare and whiteness.

A ruby-throated hummingbird posed for a picture but did not turn so the sun would light his red throat.

Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21751 on: July 23, 2020, 04:28:45 AM »

hi jewelies it is 71 here 73 in the barn and only one raccoonie and my baby. still food in the pans  from last night and some water too. when i first looked at the update pictures i said that is shadow in that one and it was. and of course having feeding places for the poor they would not need to go looking for food anywhere. they want to eat like everything else on this planet.

hi ra and joho. thanks we are very sad jim is also very mad at dees two lousy kids well not kids never came to help never cammie told duane to go take dee back and forth to the hospital  he said he was working and his dad is very sick too she told him tell jim to do it. they came right over when ron was gone. looking for money asking duane is that your cow or rons? but ron knew that would happen one of his crummy son doing it too. ron sold the farm to duane and duane wife is executor her name on money and ron had a will all goes into a trust for dee that she cant handle cause she has alz and would give it all to them &^%$ kids. ron did not want to be hooked up to anything just went oh sob been crying my eyes out.



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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21752 on: July 23, 2020, 09:42:26 AM »

Cal, I'm so sorry to hear about Ron. :'(


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21753 on: July 23, 2020, 01:42:26 PM »

hi rues thanks dee in such a loss. jim and duane been being there for her and duanes wife. after her rotten kids ransacked the place no money they left left dee all by herself. duane called
police on them elderly abuse cops came out but did nothing. when i see them later at rons memorial at the farm if they even show up doubt they do going to tell them you two should be poster kids on getting tubes tied and men getting fixed. lupe emailed me from hubbys desktop she is having computer problems with her laptop.

ra dr buzards office called changed my time to 11 fill out paperwork since not been there in forever and made chages but i will be leaving i asked her can they send prescription to walmart pharmacy yes they can but this time i have to go in i want to be sure my insurance will pay if he does that might stay with him little longer i told her we hate excelsior hospital not paying an extra 77.00 to see buzard there on top of our copay and they tried to stick us with extra charges our insurance lady rip them a new one too :) crooks he is moving into excelsior hospital real soon.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21754 on: July 23, 2020, 03:23:05 PM »

Hi Jewelies!  Still hot here...  Today I called the department of transportation and asked them what I needed to do to get a deer crossing sign out here.  They took all my info and said someone would be in touch with me.  Hope it goes through.  I live right in the middle of that big curve one side and a hill to the other side, and I'm afraid somebody is going to hit one of the deer... don't want a person or a deer to get hurt.

cal... thanks for letting us know why lupine wasn't here today.  I thought maybe she was sleeping in late... really, really late!  lol  When do you think someone will make a decision about Dee?  It doesn't sound like she should be alone...  I'm glad Ron and Duane had their agreement ahead of time.

Hi to all!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21755 on: July 23, 2020, 04:32:35 PM »

Hi Jewelies! We got a break from the 90's today! Off and on showers with highs only in the 70's. It has been a breathe of fresh air. Back to the 90's tomorrow. Thanks for all the info on shingle shots!

Cal, it's unbelievable how Dee's kids are acting. What horrible people. Thanks for the update on Lupe! I was wondering where she was!

Ra, that's nice of you to think about getting a deer sign! Lots of those deer signs around here!

Jo, hoping Joan had a good day!

Stay safe everyone and have a nice evening!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21756 on: July 24, 2020, 04:21:58 AM »

Daily Updates
How Berry Shortage is Affecting the Bears - UPDATE July 23, 2020
23 July 2020
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RC and her 4 cubs
RC and her 4 cubs

In this year of severe berry shortage, 21-year-old RC is trying to make milk for 4 cubs (3 females and a male) and having trouble. That?s her crossing a road with them following. They are only a quarter to half the size of Pixie?s 2 cubs (one shown climbing a tree).

Pixie is a 5-year-old, a daughter of 20-year-old Donna who is a daughter of Blackheart who is a daughter of 33-year-old Shadow (current ages). RC is Shadow?s daughter. (Click here to see Shadow's Clan Family Tree)

Pixie's male cub
Pixie's male cub
During bad food years in my old study area (1969-1987), I found that many cubs and yearlings died, mothers could not maintain pregnancies, and many bears sought garbage and bird seeds. In desperation, they searched from house to house, went to garbage dumps, and traveled to cities as far as 68 miles outside their usual home ranges.

The current food scarcity may parallel the record failure of 1985, but I?m hoping this eases with the ripening of hazelnuts that should be a reasonable crop.

Now that RC has arrived in this area where people provide food that is keeping bears out of trouble as well as possible, RC will stay out of trouble and her cubs will likely survive.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21757 on: July 24, 2020, 04:35:20 AM »

hi jewelies it is 73 here 73 in the barn 2 raccoonies 4 babies. when i saw the pictures on the update rc and her 4 cubs reminded me of that beatle picture. thank you kind people of ely feeding her and her cubs and all the bears that you help save!  hope those hazelnuts get going soon oh griz

HI Rues! yesterday duane told jim that dees rotten greedy kids oh they came back the next day called the bank had dee on the phone and in the background telling her what to say about the money duanes wife alonda name on all that red flag too bank told dee we can hear them in the background dee. acct locked out they know dee has alz and alonda is in charge ron knew exactly what they would do. but our big mower you hook it up to a tractor to mow is over at rons jim went to get it yesterday and they said no nothing leaves this property. so i dont know what happened i worked in the barn and went on to bed. pretty soon it will be duanes and alonda place so i figured just go get it then but you know jim. i dont know where the receipt is for it we bought it years ago been letting ron use it forever and then duane. i told jim better get it back over here before something happens to ron.  nice you got cooler weather i think it is suppose to be 100 today i need to mow going to try to do that this morning.



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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21758 on: July 24, 2020, 11:08:13 AM »

Cal, you are so right...the bears crossing looks like the Abbey Road picture! Right before I came here, I was checking in on the Abbey Road cam! I check in there everyday hoping that one day I'll see Paul there! lol!  That's so sad about RC not having enough milk to feed her babies. I hope Dee's terrible kids will now give up and leave her alone! Who told Jim he couldn't take his own mower? Are there guards protecting the property? Mr Raccoonie has been back to the pool to get a drink or to wash his hands! Doesn't look like he is disturbing anything. So I don't mind his nightly visits! It's been cloudy all morning and very humid. Sun is just starting shine brightly now. Ugh.

Lupe, hope you get back online soon! Miss your posts!



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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21759 on: July 24, 2020, 03:36:24 PM »

hi lupe i agree with rues get your laptop going we miss you!! hubby work your magic!

hi rues no guards just rotten kids rons one son moved rons four wheeler and his gator jim thought he took them he was mad but jimmy said no put them in the barn. jim saw them in there jimmy said what is going on jim told him locked out dees greedy kids all kids locked out jimmy too everything goes to dee and jimmy yes jim should be. dee said that is jims mower  jim just dared them greedy guts to open their mouth they did not jim and duane and jimmy loaded it up tonight bring it here its really big and heavy. i dont want to go over cause i would not be able to keep my mouth shut with greedy guts. besides tired almost done with my day. oh so happy you let raccoonie use your pool :) maybe bring some babies and you can have babies too. another black snake in my barn. next to my work table is a flat area of hay i feed my mice there bowl of water there i bought this wooden block with holes they play in it well lots of holes mice holes in hay up around it. snake came up thru bottom laying its head there. i got my trash can tried to go past hay and pearls gate with it course here comes pearl to the gate whats you doing? shh pearl. i got past it peeking around the hay corner a mouse saw me running to me i mouthed NO waved get back your blowing my cover! snake turned it head said i think i have heard about you bye went back down the hole. so when i went back out talking to sweets looked over there is that snake in that corner but my ladders are there and furnace i got my trash can went over there if i could of moved faster could of grabbed it but it went behind the furnace in the wall there. i waited no snake hit the wall pulled out the insulation looked behind no snake. it is stapled to the wall so cant go,up but hole for ac to come in.i think it went out but will be right back in. so have to watch for it. wish we lived where it was cold all the time. i mowed at nine got down at almost 11 good i did i was soaked in sweat now its so hot heat index 100 it also tells you how many cases of ykw and deaths my county has 45 cases no deaths. have you ever saw paul on that cam? what a neat cam i will have to google that. i have key west mallory square on my desktop and when niece jeanne went there she called me we are at mallory square and i saw her and scott took a printscreen and sent it to her.  :)
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21760 on: July 25, 2020, 04:33:29 AM »

Daily Updates
The Den Cam Paper - UPDATE July 24, 2020
24 July 2020
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Animals Cover - July 2020
Animals Cover - July 2020
I am very proud of the team. The paper is the cover story in a high-ranked open access journal?all far beyond what I had hoped, given the history. The den cam paper is the first one listed in the table of contents: Click here for the table of contents or to download the paper.Faith and Lily 04-11
Faith with Lily 04-11

More to come.

Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21761 on: July 25, 2020, 04:50:35 AM »

hi jewelies it is 73 and humid and 73 in the barn not humid. 9 babies 3 raccoonies and when i went in my baby came running tugging at my jeans gave her a cookie and looked over at sweets and my two big ladders up against that wall next to furnace and thermostat and stuff running from outside ac condenser into the barn a baby raccoonies clear at the top of the ladders like stuck. went back to pearl my boombox cd out of it and laying on the hay cassette tape deal open and my little brick i have sitting on top of it on the floor. pearl said it was a huge party in there during the night and could i stop that. no pearl i cannot. so put out dog food get them busy eating and went to the ladder moved the first on over against sweets stall and got to the side of the one she was on told her you are messing with our lifeforce out here the ac! i pulled it back away from the wall she then got on the one leaning against sweets stall got on top of his bar deal sweet looking up what the  she walked along that and at the end my hallway on the other side is stacked hay with a brown tarp over it she jumped almost made it on top but did not but she slid down the tarp to the ground an ran back with the others. i hope scared her enough to stay away from there. i went to that paper deal dr rogers it is very very long i tried to copy it put it here but said message too long so i did not no time to read all that either.

hi lupe sure do hope to see you today!



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21762 on: July 25, 2020, 01:40:40 PM »

hi jewelies lupe still mia shoot i went back out to the barn well many times but when i went at noon went in high sweets heading down my hallway hi pearl looked over in that corner that she cant get too snake along the wall at the bottom. got my trash can oh god please let me get it there is a wooden fence there then pearls gate and then back of sweets stall so pearl cant get out and look at the furnace look in raccoonies pans etc. before i had two gate that divided up her area two horses then just pearl so i pushed them gate all the back gave lot more space for pearl feed the birds back there and mice. the wooden gate on my side hay stacked up but lots of loose hay next to that wooden fence so like a hay ramp so i was able to walk up the hay ramp and get over that fence walked along the wall sat down my trash can bent down he was under the insulation but it doesnt go to the whole bottom loose. he was heading up the wall but must of heard me stuck his head under looking around i did not move he then turned around facing toward me and moved as his head went past me i reach down and grabbed him he was pretty dang long too pulled him out and threw in the trash can part of tail not it i put it in got that lid on thank you god came out duct tape the lid got him out in smokey this time i drove past the school house went by tims all the way down over that wooden bridge took first right stopped on that corner crooked river runs lots of water and shade let him out there he took off toward the water.  :)
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21763 on: July 25, 2020, 04:48:25 PM »

Hi Jewelies!   Hot and steamy today... I sound like a broken record!  Got my mowing done though...

Oh, cal!!  You and your snakes!  I don't know how you do it.  I sure couldn't catch one and put it in a bucket!!  Glad Jim got his mower back home.  Cable guy came yesterday... I told him that they had already run two new cables from the street to my house and still having problems.  He looked up at the cable crossing the road from the power pole and said that cable has 4 splices in it!!  He ran a new line over the road and (knock on wood) my service had been perfect ever since.  Internet is so much faster now!  Hope I haven't jinxed myself... if I have, I'm telling them I want Eric to come back to fix it. I made sure I got his name.

rues... So, you're going to have raccoons, too... Nice of you to let them share the pool!!  Aren't they cute though?  One of these days maybe you'll actually get to see it!

lupine... Hope you get back online soon... we're missing you!

Hope everyone is doing good and has a nice evening!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21764 on: July 25, 2020, 07:32:39 PM »

 Hi Jewelies! Weather guy said today was our 21st  day of 90 degrees temps in July. Tomorrow we will break the record. I remember summers when we never got to 90.

Cal, glad Jim got his mower back! Those kids would probably have sold it! You are getting good at catching snakes!  That's something I could never do! How can Poor Pearl get any sleep with those raccoonies partying all night? I read an article today about this dog that went missing from his new home in Olathe. In Lawson, MO, a family came home and found a dog sitting on their front porch. Turns out it was the same dog! He apparently found his way back to his former home! They said it was over 50 miles away! He was reunited with his family. It's amazing how animals can find their way back to their old homes.  My county now has 221 ykw cases and 3 deaths. Sadly I have never seen Paul on the cam! But I keep watching for him!

Ra, glad you got a good cable guy! It took us 7 or 8 before we finally got one that fixed our problem! We are planning on mowing in the morning before it gets too hot. We didn't mow on Thursday because of the rain. That little bit of rain made the grass grow! I don't think I have ever mowed on Sunday! I think the raccoon came from my neighbor down the street's abandoned house. Our neighbor abandoned her house for reasons none of know why. It was a very nice  3 bedroom brick house with a huge garage. It sat empty for several years. Then the house was condemned. There were all kinds of wildlife living in it including raccoons. The neighbor next door to the house offered to buy the property. She said no she was going to let the house fall to the ground! He sued her, the city and the bank that held the loan. It was bringing everyone's property values down. He won the suit and bought the property. He is now in the process of tearing it down. All those animals living in it had to relocate! I don't know where they could have gone.   Blindspot had it's series finale. It had 2 endings, one good and the other not so good. They left it up to the viewer to decide which one they preferred. I preferred the happier ever after one! :)

Have a great evening and stay safe! :)