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Bear News from Sharon Herrell - UPDATE August 2, 2020
02 August 2020
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Bear news from Sharon Herrell:
The pond area has exploded with beauty. The wild flower mix that the gardener suggested to Spencer has produced great colors.
Ted had an interesting walk this morning. He left his den and chose to walk along his fence before approaching the mound. He then rested facing the forest instead of facing the camera. Tasha
He sat for a while and then walked down to the viewing area. He ate a small amount of treats then walked back to his den. He took a couple of breaks along his route. Ted is slowing down and as his caregiver I respect his time and the energy it takes for him to get to the viewing area; it is excellent exercise for him.
I watched Tasha as she walked into the pond. She was manipulating the logs to get an apple that was lodged beneath one of them. She pushed down and moved the log, dislodging the apple. She grabbed it and took it to the grass above the falls and ate it. She then ate some of the raspberries standing up and pulling the plants towards her.Lucky
Lucky bear was stung a couple of times this week while he sat pestering Ted. There is a spot near the cedars that Lucky lays in and plays near Ted's den. When called to get him to the viewing area, Lucky paused with one paw up as if he were going to prance.Holly
The bears are always doing interesting things, but Lucky is by far the most creative as Tasha is talented.
The bears started hyperphagia a couple weeks ago. Are the bears telling a story of what is to come in weather? Holly has been eating and warning Lucky to stay away from her food. She was also seen with dirt on her nose and fresh dirt was noticed in the Tasha dug den. The race to dig has begun.
Thank you for all you do,
Sharon Herrell, Sr. Bear Keeper