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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1745378 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21645 on: July 06, 2020, 04:11:58 AM »

black bear people of ely mn said this No update tonight - all is well. LM
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21646 on: July 06, 2020, 04:17:17 AM »

hi jewelies it is 72 here 71 in the barn. 4 raccoonies 9 babies. im going to walmart this morning going in shopping no online then after that the feed store.



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21647 on: July 06, 2020, 06:05:36 AM »

i forgot yesterday i went behind the barn to raccoonie entrance really over grown back there hard to get around looking for that brush did not see it but i saw that plastic container that had pearls pecan pinwheels in them! i fished it out no problem for them to open that up.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21648 on: July 06, 2020, 06:11:31 AM »

Good morning everyone- another clear morning- three cats fed outside. Yes-I know I only have 2 but for the past 3 days a stray we have seen infrequently has been coming at meal time. He is a tabby with a round face; very alert and scared of us. I'm sure he has fleas and ear problems but we'll  have to live trap him to get him treated. Sigh! I hate to do it but he is clearly miserable.

cal- did you get your brush yesterday or is that on your list today? I have always been the kind of person to try to get everything on one trip to shop; however, sometimes i'm the kind of person who forgets my list. lol

Yesterday we went on a ride and found the most wonderful place to go especially in the fall when the leaves change. It is south of Eldon across the Des Moines River. We were on gravel roads for a long time and then we decided to head home. With an hour yet to get home bertha had a hiccough- the dinger dinged 3 times, the engine light came on the dash and a message that said "Engine power reduced" came on and stayed on. Hubby said he noticed that before the dinger dinged. Well- long story short we made it home fine- yay bertha!!
Hubby read the code and it was for the gas pedal and electronics that go with it. Luckily hubby is a mechanic and we need bertha this week so it will get fixed today. We hope!! Bertha is 12 years old with more than 150,000 miles on her.
Were any of you watching Katmai on Saturday? A wolf was catching fish for 4 hours at the falls. It was magical- beautiful animal. I don't post there but the mods were saying this was a first. She was alone for awhile then one bear came but was at the far end of the falls. The wolf would catch a fish and take it onto the shore out of the camera sight and then she'd come back. In all it was estimated by the people watching that she caught 30 fish and must have been feeding others on the shore. I like to think there were pups and other females there too.
Time for breakfast- have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21649 on: July 06, 2020, 11:53:58 AM »

Hi Jewelies! Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend. We had hot dogs and hamburgers on the 4th. I had intended on cooking them on the grill but like most places, we are in a heat wave. I ended up frying them up on the kitchen stove! We ate inside, too! Ugh, it's too hot to go outside unless you get in the pool. I have to limit myself because I burn easily. So, I'm staying inside except when time to water plants twice a day. Robin has been coming up and floating in the pool a couple hours everyday. She has a nice tan, if you like tans. I used to think I had to have a tan but I out grew that! This has been the 1st time in years that Robin has been home over the 4th. Last year she was in Boston and this year she had planned on taking the "old lady" bus to NYC. She and some friends were going to meet up and go to a Broadway play. Ykw ended that plan. :(  My state had the  largest amount of positive cases over the weekend...194.  My county contributed 74 to that list. Governor is expected to announce today that masks are mandatory inside buildings. We always wear ours inside stores but there are a lot that don't.

Cal, our Walmart is remodeling. They are removing the tile flooring and leaving the concrete exposed. Looks like they are using a sealant to seal it. Looks shiny and slippery but it isn't. I think it looks good but my sister thinks it looks like a warehouse floor! We are only there on Wednesdays now so it doesn't matter what the floor looks like. They have things moved all around as they remove the tile so you have to hunt for items or ask a clerk for help.   If our Molly was still alive I don't know how she would have made it through the weekend. People went crazy over fireworks this year. It all started Thursday afternoon with what sounded like gun fire. A neighbor was setting them off all afternoon. They weren't the kind that light up the sky just noise makers that sounded like explosions. Then at night it really got bad. The boom booms just keep going on and on. It sounded like we were in a war zone. Remember last year Molly fell into the pool when someone set one off and it scared her. Saturday evening was even worse. People were setting them off from every direction. It was constant until after 11pm.  This year there were 4 fireworks tents set up in parking lots between my house and Robin's. A local news reporter interviewed a couple people that were selling fireworks. They both said they had never sold so many fireworks before. I blame all this on the legislators. They opened a can of worms. >:(   

Lupe, we tore out a flower bed that was between our fence and driveway a month ago. It wasn't very wide maybe 12 inches. I planted grass seed in it and it came up pretty quickly with all the rain we had. Some of the grass is tall and thick so I'm going to do what you did...I'm going to use clippers to trim it! I had to scratch the hard soil and replant more seed in a small area where none came up. After it all fills in I hope there will be enough room to run the mower over it. If not, I'll use the weed eater. My Christmas cactus needs repotted, too! Don't think I'll have to worry about raccoonies!

Ra, hope you and your family had a nice 4th! Bet you are boiling in this heat, too!

Have a nice day and stay safe! :)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21650 on: July 06, 2020, 11:58:06 AM »

Governor just announced everyone over the age of 9 must wear a face covering inside buildings! Took him long enough to do it.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21651 on: July 06, 2020, 03:57:48 PM »

hi lupe well i did not go to walmart yesterday worked getting old grab and go alfalfa out of the barn took out old hay just worked on stuff jim went to his dads for the day. last time i went no list oh i will remember stuff sure thing. so made one forgot it i was getting pearls sweets raccoonies mice treats two boxes of little debbies pecan spinwheels two boxes ld fancy cakes rues loves those day old bakery cart box of plain cake donuts box of cinnamon buns two boxes of great value cinnamon brown sugar pop tarts package of vanilla creme sandwich cookies pkg of iced oatmeal three pkg of vanilla creme wafers two boxes twinkies two pkg pecan shortbread cookies. i was thinking people will wonder about me walked past toilet brushes got to other end of the store auto shane said for me to get fuel injection cleaner for smokie i past plumbing oh that toilet brush had to go back for it. get to checkout lola going on break she said her grandson at school practicing in this heat wearing a face mask! its like a 100 here with heat index awful. so new lady checking me out i got other stuff too but she says boy you really have a sweet tooth! i laughed out loud got the giggles. told her for pearl sweets raccoonies mice. oh my so funny. scary reading about bertha! hope hubby got her fixed smokie did great going to the mailbox he has 118,000 miles on him. lupe nice to help that boy.

hi rues! no way would i want to eat outside! no hot flies bugs not a big picnic fan. give me my extra cool room here my ottoman my dogs my tv. i got to go do pearl and them one more time at four take me an hour oh i love my new toilet brush only a dollar long handle instead of having to take off that window screen and lay on my back scoot in there i can sit and reach up there i am cleaning it every day just so hot here looks like burning up some grass in the dogs yard. they go out go back in. today as i was heading for the barn i saw something in pearls pasture black some white a skunk so cute too must of went over to the pond. wow big job your walmart is doing is it a big supercenter i think it is but forgot. did you guys get robins driiveway all cleared out from cruddy neighbor? i use to have a great tan but now i mow with a flannel shirt on jeans have not wore shorts for last two years. jims arm all tanned can see his wrinkle arms better now really shows the wrinkles. i keep mine covered up.  :) pearl time kc mayor have to wear face mask inside and outside too. how is your boo doing?

hi ra! just saw patrick mahomes signed biggest contract in nfl history 10 years 400 million plus lifetime chief :)
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21652 on: July 06, 2020, 04:52:04 PM »

Hi Jewelies!  SO hot... stormy, too for a couple more days.  I have called one my youngest grand's old boyfriends to come to give me an estimate on mowing my ditch.   He has his own landscape business and is a very nice kid.  He's coming to see me Thursday.  I can do the flat parts, but the ditch is getting too hard for me.  Love this getting old sh*t...

cal... LOL!  You DO really have a sweet tooth when you buy all that stuff!  OMG!  That contract of Mahomes is unreal!  $400 million??  Did you ad an extra zero??  I like the lifetime Chief clause.

rues... Yes,it is very hot here, too.  We didn't do anything special for the 4th.  I guess I'm the only oldie here that likes to have a tan... I sit in the sun in the spring when there's no bugs and it's not so darn hot.  there's no way I could sit out there now.   Our Walmart is remodeling, too.  What a mess!  I had to go Monday and couldn't find anything!

lupine... I love reading about your road trips and about your gardens!  Hope Bertha is ok...

Hi to all!  Have a good evening!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21653 on: July 07, 2020, 04:24:15 AM »

Daily Updates
Great Group - UPDATE July 6, 2020
06 July 2020
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It is nice to have the Black Bear Field Courses started and be among people who are amazed at what black bears are really like and want to know so much more. Sun shade for bear course attendees
Sun shade for bear course attendees
A couple who have wanted to come for years finally found a way. A science teacher who loves teaching in innovative ways is looking forward to all she can share with her students. Another is a lady who has loved bears for her entire life and has followed the saga of these bears for over a decade. She is here as a birthday present from her husband.

For eating, Mike and Lorie made two picnic tables so we can eat outside. In case it rains, they bought a big canvas sun shade. For any mosquitoes, they arranged fans. All worked perfectly with one problem. It was hot. God fixed that with a rain shower that dropped the temperature from 90 to 67. Deer, bears, and woodchucks watched as we ate.At 8:23 pm July 5 in Ely
At 8:23 pm July 5 in Ely

The good temperatures of yesterday continued into today. Then a forecast thunderstorm suddenly hit with a wind that made big white pines bend with a flexibilityI didn?t know they had. When the sun shade levitated on its ropes, the group ran out the door in stocking feet to hold it down and began dismantling iDeer
t while branches from the bending white pines showered down around them.

Now, the evening is calm, the sky is clearing, and bears are showing themselves one after another?Braveheart, Ty, Bramble, Pete, VDot, and others. Their antics create laughter and excitement. It was extra good to see 18-year-old Braveheart who I haven?t actually seen for a year or two. She is still her same old calm and reliable self?so many memories with her. Everyone was glad to meet her.

The laugher and excitement I hear downstairs is making me smile as I write this.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21654 on: July 07, 2020, 04:36:52 AM »

hi jewelies it is 72 here 71 in the barn 9  babies 4 raccoonies. update just so nice. how fun to see the bears that would of been fun for me long time ago but not now. way too old now and cant get around very well. i do like reading about it watching ted and them on the cam. just wonderful what good shape dr rogers is in!

hi ra! patrick is making 400 million plus dont forget that plus. :) lola saying no one is worth that well if anyone was it would be him and i am mighty happy he is ours for lifetime! yes i love that part too. hope for him to not get hurt hope that for all really. when i went back to the barn i saw pearls cereal box forgot i got her 4 boxes of great value frosted shredded wheat too. i give her a half box every morning when i go back out around 6:30 let the raccoonies thin out some. i give her that instead of grain lots of stuff in grain might not be so good for her but this cereal has lots of minerals vitamins and fiber really keeps her going which as you know it such a good thing for a horse i told joe and when he did her nails she showed him too. he said that was a good idea. he gives his mineral oil once a month along with grain. is your walmart taking out the tile too?



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21655 on: July 07, 2020, 06:08:00 AM »

Good morning everyone- another clear morning and pleasant to sit on the porch and talk to new guy. He didn't come to the porch until I left but at least today he didn't run off.

Bertha got fixed yesterday. But I took him to town to the rec center and then I got gas and our class went to our local caf? for coffee afterward. We usually have coffee at the rec center but they haven't been cleared to offer that yet. Although no one had a mask on inside we felt safe- our group stayed away from others. It was good to have a gab session face to face.
Funniest thing about bertha- the engine light never came on for me- hubby said he was going to get the part anyhow. Our local car parts store had the part on hand so it must have been a popular thing to break!! Part is on and we have to go to they city  each of the next 3 days. It will be a test.

ra- I do like a tan- but it's too hot out to sit now. Just from gardening and mowing I get some color but I wear t-shirts and shorts. I use that time sitting in the sun to meditate- the sitting part is easy but i'm not good at the meditating part--yet.

rues- the last time I mowed I decided we should put in a pool behind the barn garden. Of course, I was just fantasizing! We do have plenty of space and back there it would be hidden from the road. Maybe it would be too dusty for a pool here. I met a car on our road yesterday and almost had to stop because the dust was so thick. I hosed bertha off when I got home.

cal- your shopping list was sweet- so many critters to feed! I don't think we'll have to mow this week- we haven't had rain in 2 weeks.
Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21656 on: July 07, 2020, 09:03:38 AM »

hi lupe just took a box fan out two baby raccoonies eating their dry dog food one was behind the one eating every time it tried to get past other being hateful so i told it share! it got past my step ladder is front of those pans against stack of pearls grab and go i tied it to the ladder raccoonies watching eating hooked it up and it came on they got that nice breeze kept on eating. pearl hitting her gate what about ME! yes pearl got goodies. so hot already doesnt look like rain here either well less mowing but foggy this morning dew on grass so,probably will grow. i thought bertha was a girl. smokie a boy. my emission light has always been on since i bought it. it was a salvage. shane said put that fuel cleaner in low gas tank fill it up with gas will clean out the injectors light go off. will try it i got the best one 5.00 shane is my mechanic!

hi ra well just flashed patrick mahomes contract worth 450 million dollars guess that is the plus said highest one in sport history! wow and its us! im happy to have him lifetime chief!  go chiefs!
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21657 on: July 08, 2020, 04:11:10 AM »

Daily Updates
Drought, Bear Food, Bears, and a Beautiful Day - UPDATE July 7, 2020
07 July 2020
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Despite an inch and a half of rain the last couple days, we are still 47% below normal for rainfall this year. We wondered why we have been seeing so many bears. We checked foods in the woods. Juneberry and chokecherry crops, two favorites, have failed. Blueberries are patchy.yearling male Bramble
yearling male, Bramble

If the rain we?ve seen the last couple days continues at normal levels, blueberries could still have a crop as they continue to blossom. Pincherries might also provide some help.Loon w chick
Loon with chick

Berries that ripen later (like dogwoods) could still come through. Hopefully wild sarsaparilla berries will, too. They are the big favorite in the last week of July and the first week of August.

A big plus for August is that hazelnuts, the big favorite of all, looks to be developing a good crop.

It is for times like this that this community has been feeding bears for so long (since 1961). In years of scarce wild food when communities elsewhere have bears going house to house for bird seed and garbage, this community hardly knows there is a problem. Bears here go to their regular feeding sites instead of house to house.

Bald eaglets
Bald eaglets
Loon feeding chick
Loon feeding chick
Loon w chicks
Loon with chicks

On this good day with a good group, it was adventure time?a trip to a rock den that has probably housed bears for millennia was accompanied by learning to spot bear sign. We got calls that sent us rushing to put on masks and jump in the 10-passenger, air-conditioned van and see mothers with cubs.

We also did a pontoon ride to see Lily and Hope?s den and an eagle?s nest that has two nearly full size young that will be flying soon.

Common Merganser family
Common Merganser family

We also checked on the local loon pair that has its first young since 2017. Donna and I saw the pair a couple weeks ago on June 21 with their two newly hatched chicks. The chicks were riding on the back of what we presumed to be the mother. It is impossible to tell the adults apart except by voice. One chick was under a wing and the other was visible on top of the other wing. Today, we saw how much the two have grown in 16 days. We quietly watched as the mother kept the chicks close by her for protection from eagles and other predators while the male brought fish after fish to the hungry chicks. They are accustomed to people, and they ignored us sitting quietly in the pontoon boat watching them in action. The many fish that the male brought helped us understand the chick?s fast growth. At one point, the mother checked the sky, and its red eye caught the sun while one of the chicks was in the frame showing how big it had become. Another time, the family was near the shore in different light, making the water pretty in a different way.

White water lily
White water lily
Yellow water lily
Yellow water lily
Along the way, we saw a family of common mergansers and blooming white and yellow water lilies.

The temperature was perfect. No wind. A sunny day with a blue sky. It couldn?t have been better.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21658 on: July 08, 2020, 04:21:01 AM »

hi jewelies it is 74 here 71 in the barn. 4 raccoonies 9 babies it got so hot yesterday felt like 100 barn went up to 80 in the afternoon but so hot out and it is a barn with a metal roof but some trees are giving off shade to it i love the update! pictures are so wonderful what beauty happy dr rogers has that ac van now sure the others were too. today is mine and jims 32 anniversary when he gets home we are going to the feed store get pearls hay and big sacks of dry dog food they have on sale then probably go thru a drive thru and get something to eat. ykw showed up big time around mo down south at summer camps pack up and sent home. kansas really is bad huge spike says cause of not restricting enough if they go to ny ct or new jersey have to quarantine for 14 days first. lupe so cool your state is one of few with no spikes doing very well. nice to know that for you hubby nora and the eagles.



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21659 on: July 08, 2020, 05:26:49 AM »

Good morning everyone- i'm early today because sil has PET scan scheduled for 7 AM.  I need to call her in a little bit to make sure she is up- not a morning person like me. Looks to be clear out; I remember her first scan in January- very cold. We'll get results tomorrow on an appointment with oncologist.

Checked Decorah and there was an eaglet sleeping on the nest! So nice and the other day when it was raining in Ely, Ted was in his house. Such a smart bear.

cal- I was thrilled to see Mahomes picture on the news here. I told hubby that I was going to watch a zillion football games this season. I sure hope we have a season. I'm still hoping they'll get to do the US Open tennis tournament at the end of August. Ykw has such far reaching consequences. My friend was let go at a local university as they try to plan for reopening. I'm so glad I don't have to make those decisions.

cal and jim---Happy Anniversary- I love your special plans- feed store and drive thru --Celebrate!!!

Have a great day jewelies!