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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1747441 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21600 on: June 23, 2020, 09:17:51 AM »

hi lupe yes i got a herd some will stay on hay i just herd novak djokovic tested positive for ykw after he played in exhibition games he organized his wife tested positive for it too.wow cool  sil still lives alone also that hubby has sisters brother too?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 09:23:16 AM by calihoula »
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21601 on: June 24, 2020, 04:23:08 AM »

black bear people of ely mn said this...No update tonight - all is well. LM
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21602 on: June 24, 2020, 04:26:22 AM »

hi jewelies it is 61 here 66 in the barn 6 raccoonies 12 babies.



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21603 on: June 24, 2020, 06:05:56 AM »

Good morning everyone- 59 here and sunny. Yesterday was just great- got all the irises in one bed dug up, trimmed and divided and relocated. I watched a video on the computer and an iris expert was showing how to divide. He said to discard the stem that bloomed this year as it will not bloom again. I took that to mean it will never bloom again. I never knew that.  I have one more huge clump in another bed to do and the next 2 days look perfect for that. I was going to mow after lunch but it was still pretty soggy in places so I decided to wait til today.

cal- hubby has 2 brothers and one sister. His one brother passed away a long time ago. It was his wife that was on the drive by on sunday. Then his other brother and wife are the ones in the memory unit of the local nursing home. Then hubby's sister ( who never married) is the one who lives close to us and just finished chemo. Hubby is the youngest by 12years.
I did hear about Novak- and others thatwere in that tournament. I happened to see tennis yesterday. It is a women's tournament- not usual rules but maybe a round robin???? Anyhow the ball persons have a tube contraption that picks up the balls and they dispense them from the tube also. Looks funny but it may be the new normal. I'm sure missing my tennis tournaments. The one yesterday was on maybe a fox sports network. Will be on again today through the weekend at 3 PM central time. The sportscasters were calling the game from somewhere else- maybe a studio in LA. They were from the Tennis Channel which isn't part of our cable so i'm not familiar.
I'm going to go back to the Decorah cam- all 3 babies were on the nest awaiting breakfast.

Have a great day jewelies and all who read here!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21604 on: June 25, 2020, 04:18:50 AM »

Daily Updates
Gerry the Bear - UPDATE June 24, 2020
24 June 2020
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Gerry on Grandfather Mountain
Gerry on Grandfather Mountain

I learned yesterday that Gerry the Bear was humanely euthanized on Saturday, June 20 at the age of 31 after 28 years of good care at Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. For the last year, Donna and I have talked a lot about going to see her. Two weeks ago, Donna said we should just start driving that day. A lost opportunity. Gerry will be a chapter in the book. She is the only bear that ever wanted to just be with me, sleep snuggled to me, and have moments of play. There are so many stories about her. I want to start writing the chapter about her very soon.Terri Grooming Gerry
Terri Grooming Gerry

Her story with people began in Michigan in early March 1980 when photographers found her den and eventually drove the mother away. The Michigan Department of Conservation took her in on March 9 and placed her in rehab care on March 11. The officials made an admirable search for a wild mother to adopt Gerry before bear families began leaving their dens in April. However, no wild mother could be found in Michigan or Wisconsin. The search stretched to Minnesota, and I got a call from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources official in control of my research permit. I agreed to place Gerry with the wild mother I walked with as part of my U.S. Forest Service study.

Lynn with Gerry
photo by Hugh Morton
Lynn with Gerry
photo by Hugh Morton
Meanwhile, Gerry had bonded with the keeper who bottle-fed her for much of that month and was beginning a life that made her loved by many (including me). The list of comments about newspaper articles of her passing show how she has affected so many. In the next few updates, I want to share some remembrances of her. With time short tonight, here are pictures of a couple.

One is of her foster mother Terri grooming little Gerry for ticks as Gerry completely relaxes with bliss in her eyes.

Another is my first reunion with Gerry at Grandfather Mountain in October 15, 1993 after Gerry had been there for 16 months. The third was the next day (October 16) when I joined her alone in her living area and snapped a colorful picture of her coming to me.

So many fond memories.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21605 on: June 25, 2020, 04:25:25 AM »

hi jewelies it is 63 here forgot what it is in the barn 3 raccoonies 1 baby. all my buckets were knocked over and tall insulation roll knocked over so had a party last night. nice and quiet this morning out there. sure the others will be here or are already out there. sad update good she did not suffer still sad though.



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21606 on: June 25, 2020, 06:15:03 AM »

Good morning everyone- beautiful clear cool morning here. Two nice days in a row. The update was sad but what a wonderful life Gerry had after such a rough start. The photos were wonderful. I can hardly wait to read Dr. Rogers book!

After class yesterday I went out to get that last bed of irises divided. It was hard work getting them trimmed because other plants that were blooming were close and I didn't want to mess up their roots. Trimmed off all the irises before I dug them. Now I have a whole wheelbarrow full of plants. I opted to mow after lunch. The grass was very long so i'll have to rake in places. Bummer.

This morning i'll divide and replant some irises. These plants are really tall, white blooms. They are pretty but not good here where there is so much wind. The blooms are bug but heavy and the wind knocks them over.

No monarch butterflies here yet. Butterfly weed is blooming and milkweed is almost ready.
Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21607 on: June 26, 2020, 04:20:13 AM »

Daily Updates
Gerry, Faith, and More - UPDATE June 25, 2020
25 June 2020
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A favorite memory of Gerry happened on a visit to Grandfather Mountain on June 15, 1997. Faith at 9 years old
Faith at 9 years old
I hadn?t seen Gerry for nearly 3 years. A group of us went into Gerry?s big enclosure. Hugh Morton and some of his friends began giving Gerry treats. I sat down next to her, but she just kept accepting treats. After a few minutes, she suddenly twisted her head and put her nose to my mouth and nose. Recognition. She jumped on me to play like we used to and hadn?t done with anyone for years. We rolled around with her mouthing me and holding me--all without harm. A black bear rule about play is to never bite hard. Knowing that, whenever our play had gotten too rough in the old days, I had an exit strategy. From a lying down position, I put an arm in her mouth, grabbed a foreleg and with my arm still in her mouth rolled her on her back. I then let go of her leg and began stroking her belly. This put her in a different mood. Each time, she got a blissful look in her eyes and lay still and relaxed. She never hurt me. The picture of Gerry from 1992 shows her gently and playfully mouthing the arm of one of her cubs when she was still in the wild.

Gerry playing with cub 1992
Gerry playing with cub in 1992
The picture of Faith is from our meeting 3 days ago, but I wanted to include it because her face and eyes look so gentle.

Yesterday, Mike Johnson spotted a Luna Moth on the outside of a window at the WRI. A few hours later, the sun was shining through it with a background of dark shadows. I?d never seen one lighted like that before and had to click.

As I sit here at my computer, I?m watching Daisy, great granddaughter of Luna Moth
Luna Moth
Shadow, and feeling thankful that so many of Shadows descendents have survived so much longer than the average longevity for black bears. In that line of descent, Shadow is 33, daughter RC is 21, granddaughter Bow is 14, and Daisy is 9. Keeping the trend going, up a tree is Daisy?s daughter from last year. All are examples of the peaceful coexistence that typifies this community.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21608 on: June 26, 2020, 04:28:28 AM »

hi jewelies it is 71 here 70 in the barn 3 raccoonies 2 babies. but when i said that yesterday and went back out lots more raccoonies and kids. they must sleep in sometimes. i had taken out a box of pecan swirls i got off day old bakery cart for pearl and sweets sat them down by the door cause i forgot my cans of more dry dog food. so went back in got that let the dogs out let the dogs back in went back out and could not find that box. thinking i know i had that so went back in looked all over the place nope went back out two raccoonies licking their fingers. nice update today faith has a very sweet face but bears do wish everyone could see that. wish all bears could live around the bear center be safe.



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21609 on: June 26, 2020, 05:54:01 AM »

Good morning everyone- warm and humid here with rain on the way. Really loved the update today- such wonderful memories for Dr. Rogers.
cal- I can't believe your critters walked off with the whole package of treats. That would have been funny to watch. Once when hubby and I were camping in the van in Michigan the racoons pulled our cooler off the picnic table bench and completely emptied it. They did leave the head of lettuce. lol Lesson learned and first on the day's agenda was to find a grocery store.

Well- I finished two of the beds that had the most iris in them. I just have 2 smaller ones to divide and they won't take much- one morning should do it. I'm hoping to get the grass raked and put on the flower beds to mulch before the rain hits. I have class this morning but should be done by 9:15. It looks like we're going to be in rainy mode for the next 7 days. I'm hoping we don't get hard rains as some of the rivers here are getting to flood stage.
Still watching Decorah and the babes are still coming to the nest tree. I like that.
Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21610 on: June 26, 2020, 06:40:00 AM »

hi lupe laughing at your camping raccoonies! oh so funny yes first thing on the list find a grocery store. i found my empty plastic box took out my spot light and got quite a few round deep holes in my old square bales on the skids against the back wall. yep took it back in one of them tunnels. oh those lids be nothing for a raccoonies to open that i did not see any when i went back in so like a fool left it. finder keepers! im sure they enjoyed them. i just went to the nest have not really been there much this time not after last year saw one out of the nest on a branch that was all happy they are all okay and free to come and go no nasty black flies to deal with. you love them flowers like dr rogers loves them bears! dont work too hard and keep cool. oh just went back to nest now showing i believe mom way up high in a branch. keeping her eagle eye on them kids!
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21611 on: June 27, 2020, 04:10:54 AM »

Daily Updates
Gerry - UPDATE June 26, 2020
26 June 2020
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Another memory of Gerry is from July 14, 1990 when she was a yearling on her own. I was at my backwoods office up against a writing deadline for the U.S. Forest Service and stayed late. Lynn and Jerry at Kawishiwi River 1989
Lynn and Gerry at Kawishiwi River 1989
I called Donna and told her I?d be home late or might stay at the Kawishiwi Field Lab that night. At 1 AM I was about to go home but checked Gerry?s radio signal. She was just up on the ridge bedded down for the night. I wondered what her heart rate was and stopped to see her. My watch didn?t work. I went back down to the bedroom door at the Lab where Gerry surprised me. I didn?t know she had followed me down from the ridge until I felt her beside me at the door, which gave me an idea. I let her in the bedroom where I would stay. Gerry explored around and eventually crawled up and snuggled down beside me. I again was amazed that this basically solitary animal could have an almost human need for closeness and comaraderie.

Lynn and Gerry in White Pine 1989
Lynn and Gerry in W. Pine 1989
From the time I was little, I had a good feeling when an animal accepted me?be it a young starling who flew down to my hand days after I had released it into the wild, or a snake that went from defensive and biting to being calmly relaxed as I held it before letting it go or taking it home in my shirt to make a habitat for it in our backyard. My nature-loving mother was wonderfully tolerant and encouraging of my little projects. Now, lying beside me was a young bear that had been raised by a wild mother but never forgot our first meeting when I greeted her like a bear nose to nose when she was still in her socialization period at less than 3 months of age.

But now my scientific curiosity kicked in. What might a bear?s heart rate drop to as it falls asleep and goes through REM sleep cycles? Does its temperature change? Does its breathing rate change? This was before corporations began trying to learn such things about bears using implanted sensors. Gerry with cub
Gerry with cub
My only previous opportunity to learn the heart rate of a sleeping bear was from Gerry 9 months earlier when I was lying down taking notes as Gerry and her family were raking bedding into a wild den a couple days before settling into it for the winter. Gerry came over to me, took a break, and settled down beside me. She fell asleep with my hand on her femoral artery as her pre-hibernation heart rate fell to 22 beats per minute as compared to over a hundred per minute in previous months.

Gerry totally trusted me as I gently inserted a digital rectal thermometer, put my fingers on her femoral artery, and minute by minute began recording her heart rate, breathing rate, and temperature. It all worked so well, that we did that several nights, also getting her weight before and after her night of sleep to learn her respiratory water loss. The scale was just outside the building.

Gerry,  Lynn, and Hugh Morton with others
Gerry, Lynn, and Hugh Morton - 1992
The bond between us was such that even when she had cubs a couple years later, I could still pick her up and have her relax in my arms. I was stronger back then. That is all part of why I would let no harm come to her when an unpopular recommendation I had made led to the two top USFS officials trying to fire me and working with the DNR to end my bear studies. That is when I found that high DNR officials were willing to help me behind the scenes. As part of that, a member of the governor?s staff had Judge Miles Lord come to the rescue of Gerry and myself. Gerry had a big public following as the result of a monthly Minnesota Public Radio update on Gerry over the years. With help from sources I would not have thought possible, help and decisions came down through the ranks, changing the previous plans of lower officials and paving the way for me to bring Gerry to my friend Hugh Morton?s Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. In the end, the incoming Clinton Administration fired the two top USFS officials for forest mismanagement and whistleblower harassment, albeit too late to save my bear study. Consequently, I retired and began working for the Wildlife Research Institute that I had founded a couple decades before.

The picture is of Hugh Morton photographing Gerry and me as we celebrated Gerry and her cubs? arrival at Grandfather Mountain. Hugh Morton was instrumental in all of it. Having run for governor of North Carolina and being officially recognized as a southern gentleman, he knew how to generate the right kind of help.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21612 on: June 27, 2020, 04:17:03 AM »

hi jewelies it is 70 here very humid 70 in the barn cool in there 4 raccoonies and 5 babies lighting all over here thunder i got the dogs out calihoula said no way no rain yet got the dogs in got in the barn and back in going to cut this short with all the lighting and thunder. i checked the nest no one is there



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21613 on: June 27, 2020, 06:08:23 AM »

Good morning everyone- it is also 70 here and humid. The sunrise was very red so I believe rain must be in the forecast today. We had some rain yesterday but nothing severe. 

We finally have a swallow nest up high on the house under the eaves. When I was working in the flower beds this week I happened to look up and saw one of the parents fly into the nest. I hadn't even realized they had worked on it to get it ready for eggs. So happy- even though hubby doesn't like that the nest is on the house. They really keep the bugs down.

I really loved the update- who would have ever thought that a bear could behave like that?

Nothing much on the agenda today but i'm hungry so it must be time for breakfast.

Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21614 on: June 27, 2020, 10:47:51 AM »

hi lupe was raining here nothing severe lighting went away just rain i went to walmart then feed store coming home saw mom raccoonies hit on highway and her three kids i cried all the way home. saw jims truck still in driveway should be working on missys new ac furnace. she is off today i pulled up next to the barn door it was kinda muddy pushed out those two hay deals rolled them in the barn mom and her baby oh goody ran up to me no no got nothing yet pearl talking sweets ramming be back out my newer escape has an auto 4 wheel drive piece of junk car slid bad no auto nothing i hate it love smokies with 4wd that you put it in like my four wheeler. jim says cant go to missys its raining well barely jim and she is off today you dont go there then go down to your shop smokie is still waiting for you to fix it right this time. i put stuff away got my stuff went back to the barn came in guess jim decided to go work on missys. not raining at all now sun out. cool your swallows are back mine make new nest in corner on covered front porch i got a fan blowing up at it. one time jim was going to knock it down i let him have it too. birds not hurting anything yesterday i went out the basement saw swallows flying around looked up at the roof hmm looked the other way another nest just built amazing i got a fan there too turned it on for that nest. this humidity is ugly. its me bear dr rogers is something!  :)
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day