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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1748431 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21570 on: June 17, 2020, 06:23:24 AM »

hi lupe murrays belt slip the other day i put it back on put it behind this little steel post turned it on smoken shut it right down okay put it in front of steel post oh its like a keeper keep belt there started it up works great so sorry murray. i took a picture of the belt so when i put a new one on will know how. i love my thistle trees all along shared fence very tall huge and planted my moms little cedars long ago they are huge too. got a tree growing in front of barn door i got to saw it down. you worked hard outside. good you can get around so well!

hi you guys i forgot to tell you jim saw his dad monday his dad never got his stimulas check tried calling get the run around so jim called speaker phone they said cant talk to you only his dad well he is right here so they ask him yes said his dad owed back support his dad said im 85 i dont owe back support oh your wife owes it no she did not jim said i work for ford uaw 249 going to call emmanuel cleavers office he is our dem congressman for last 15 years he loves the union always support him jim said what is your badge numbers They told him. then they said sir both names on the check she passed away jim said so reissue it to just my dad. gave jim a number but call it get disconnected so called cleavers office and they called right back faxed paperwork to jims office yesterday jim getting it this morning going over to his dad fill it out faxed it back. nothing like trying to screw an elderly widower. so i texed pop ask him if he got caught up on his child support.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21571 on: June 18, 2020, 04:17:53 AM »

Daily Updates
What if a bear approaches you? - UPDATE June 17, 2020
17 June 2020
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A question I got recently was: What can a person do if he or she is hiking and is approached by a bear? That would be very unusual because even in this community that has fed bears for decades, Bramble
we found that many learned to accept a person in a usual feeding area but nearly all, even the bears we walked with for thousands of hours, melted into the forest when a hiker appeared and did not give the verbal routine that told these bears they were safe. But think of a bell-shaped curve. There could be an outlier that is so calm and trusting that he or she could go beyond the norm.

Just as I was writing that, Lorie came and told me that Ursula was here. It is her first visit of the year. Her yearlings are off on their own and she might have mated already and is here to give her body a boost toward a successful pregnancy. If any bear would be calm and trusting, it would be her. When I first met her in the den where she was born, Shadow was off scouting the area where she would lead her cubs the next day. I touched noses with her, and we breathed back and forth together for several seconds. She was still in her critical socialization period, which meant she was still open to trusting strangers. Now, 15 years later, she still begins the year by touching noses. I don?t know how she immediately knew it was me, but I haven?t taken a bath for a couple days and I did say a couple words. Maybe she recognizes me by sight. Whatever it was, she immediately put her nose to mine for a couple seconds. She has never sought my company for play or companionship. She is always just doing her job of putting away nutrients for a successful life. In this context, the interesting thing is that in her 15 years she has never generated a bear complaint and to my knowledge has never gone up to anyone for food other than at one of the feeding stations she has known most of her life. The picture shows her rich golden muzzle.Ursula

Back to what to do when being approached by a bear. The question was asked by a woman who walks her dog in an area that has bears and carries a pistol just in case. My advice is to carry a little 1.5-ounce can of Halt pepper spray for confidence. For something different for a bear that has seen everything, maybe also carry a big, black plastic bag to flap up and down using two hands as the plastic swishes and crackles. Bears run from it. If a bear dares to approach someone out of the blue, it is good to give it a taste of the unexpected and teach it not to scare people with a fearsome plastic bag and a few drops of harmless but briefly burning capsaicin in an eye or two. It could save the bear?s life while giving the person a new confidence and willingness to coexist with these often misunderstood animals. The good thing about Halt is that it shoots a stream like a squirt gun for maybe 20 feet with minimum chance of it blowing back on the person, which the larger cans that shoot a fog can do.

 Halt is what I used to do the first face to face tests of how bears react to pepper spray back in the early 1980?s. They didn?t go away mad, they just went away?fast.

Today, it got up to around 90 degrees and the bears needed a treat. Mike and Lorie filled the tub. The first taker was yearling male Bramble, son of Donna. With no competition, he felt free to get in the tub for three different baths. I hope Ursula finds it, too.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21572 on: June 18, 2020, 04:25:48 AM »

hi jewelies it is 75 here 72 in the barn 11 raccoonies babies and 6 raccoonies. i tote out a big walmart sack full of stuff now along with a bucket of dry dog food pearls grain and her bite size shredded wheat helps her poop. joe uses mineral oil for his horses i use shredded wheat works great i need to bring up my moms little red wagon and use it in the morning. very good advice on scaring a poor bear save the bears life. see how afraid they are. yay urs back.. griz is barking and barking



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21573 on: June 18, 2020, 06:28:18 AM »

Good morning everyone- a bit of a sleep in sort of here. Was up super early then got sleepy and went back to bed for a couple more hours. Sun is up now and beautiful out.
The update was interesting. I've always wanted to meet a bear in the wild. We even bought a can of the bear spray the last time we went to Alaska just in case we felt in danger. I'm of the  mind that bear just stay away. So no up close bear encounters. How absolutely cool that Dr. Rogers goes nose to nose with Ursula. Wow!!

cal- too bad about jim's dad not getting his check. What a pain and where did they get the back support due stories? I can't believe 17 racoonies at the same time. I can see why you need the wagon.
I visited the garden center yesterday and got 5 annuals and now i'm satisfied that the bare spaces in my containers are filled. I also got the recycle stuff delivered. They must have had people dropping off the wrong stuff. There was a sign saying everyone had to stop in the office. So I did and told the woman I had stuff to recycle. She said fine- no one is back there but door is open. Thought maybe she'd come to see what I unloaded but she didn't.

Well- I have a list of stuff to do today. Want to finish early because Duke is coming this evening!! Yay!! He'll be here for the weekend. So fun.

Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21574 on: June 18, 2020, 07:04:26 AM »

hi lupe yay duke is coming and for the weekend!! i just came in from the barn two little ones came out when they heard me fill up the pans with dry dog again. oh who knows where they came up with that stuff on jims dad trying to brush him off and he was about to just forget but jim to the rescue and jim will not let it go. his dad will get his money people with those badges number might hear about it. maybe..

you guys look at this picture of mom that sue's husband benny got!!

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21575 on: June 19, 2020, 04:16:05 AM »

Daily Updates
Why are Bears Ganging Up? - UPDATE June 18, 2020
18 June 2020
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Fred & Chloe 6-16-20That?s another question I heard lately. To some people, it?s scary enough to see one bear; but bears ganging up? That?s either too much, or an opportunity to see new behaviors?especially if the bears feel safe enough to go about their lives.

Why groups now?

We have just come through the period of family breakup that precedes the mating season. Before family breakup, mothers were traveling with sizeable cubs that were about to be on their own. Now that we are into mating season, it?s male/female pairs traveling together. We?re at the peak of that right now with only a week or two to go before mating season is over. The pair shown is 4-year-old Fred (son of 11-year-old Samantha) and 2-year-old Chloe (daughter of 21-year-old RC) sharing a little closeness on June 15th.

Whether Chloe can maintain a pregnancy depends on food. Early on, I was anticipating a great berry crop because the cold spring delayed blossoming until it was unlikely that the blossoms would be killed by a spring frost. All went well. But now, the lack of rain raises a question. Rain is needed for good berries.

Another reason for groups of bears now is that yearlings are on their own, and they sometimes buddy up to travel together, play, and maybe help each other detect danger. I?ve never seen more than three (typically all males) traveling together, and we have that again this year. As is usual, all are from different mothers. Joseph is the son of 18-year-old Braveheart. Betelguese is from 20-year-old Donna, and Tom is from 9-year-old Oliana.

I have to admit that I erred twice lately.

In the update of June 15, the bear I said was Carter was actually his brother Casey tussling with Rusty.

In the update of June 13, I put the wrong month (May) on the picture of red maple seeds I took that day. That was the blue sky picture of nearly mature maple leaves with mature seeds ready to drop. I checked today, and all have dropped.

At the Bear Center, dear Ted demonstrated how to have fun in a pond and stream. You splash. You swirl the water. You enjoy staying cool. "Taught" caught 4 minutes of it in this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7TEGg-w2LY.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21576 on: June 19, 2020, 04:22:48 AM »

hi jewelies it is 72 here 72 in the barn 11 babies 6 raccoonies. i could not keep track of all the bears so dr rogers dont feel bad for a few mistakes! love ted swimming his fur is just so beautiful. i ordered my groceries online yesterday pick them up early this morning save me lots of time and walking i need to work in the barn again today



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21577 on: June 19, 2020, 06:04:55 AM »

Good morning everyone- 72 here and a little thunder storm just went through. It got warm and humid enough yesterday that we turned on the ac in the afternoon.
cal- do you get what you order or do they sometimes substitute in your grocery order? I'm glad you can do that. On the days I grocery shop I use that walking as my exercise time. with all your chores you don't need that! lol
Before duke came yesterday I got the dusting and vacuuming done- swept the floors-  cleaned the bathroom and did my filing- washed the windows on the porch and planted some sod that hubby picked up off the road. Apparently someone lost it off their truck. It wasn't much- not nearly enough to fill what I need but it was fun to get it planted. I still need to plant seed.
When duke came I stood outside and visited with his Mom. Duke smelled around a bit then went straight to the door. He doesn't like to be outside much. I'm glad I only have the seeding to do outside. It is right by the house so duke can be on the porch while i'm out. Maybe i'll make a little soft bed for him outside.

Watching ted in the water i'm convinced he is left handed ( as am I). He sure has fun. I an always amazed that Dr. Rogers and the Ely residents can identify individual bears. That is so cool.
Walking with my friend and spin this morning.

Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21578 on: June 19, 2020, 09:51:01 AM »

hi lupe they let me know my order was ready at 6:30 am so i went first hour reserved for old people special needs when you order if you dont want a sub you uncheck it like my ice drinks no kiwistrawberry then forget it.  they showed what was sub and what left off my order kiwi left off did not have it and one sub i got a 20 lbs tidy cat litter multi cat one and they did not have the 20 lb size gave me that 35 lbs bucket of that same price. i got 40 lbs dog food case of can dog food two big boxes can cat food 2 24 can cat food lots of heavy stuff so really nice for her to do it. i can hardly get around lupe very hard for me i think that too good for me to walk around that store but today i just could not been working hard around here and got to get back to it now raining on off here. hi duke! my dad was left handed too.
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21579 on: June 20, 2020, 03:48:18 AM »

Daily Updates
Three Quick Questions - UPDATE June 19, 2020
19 June 2020
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1. Do bears travel outside their usual home ranges to find mates? Females do. Promethia Moth
Promethia Moth
After they leave their yearlings, they cover their usual territories three times as fast as when they had their young with them and they venture into neighboring territories, all the while leaving a scent trail to lead males back into their territories. Often several males find the trail and follow, leading to competition when they get near the female. The winner gets to mate, at least until a bigger male runs him off. Males have big mating ranges, not territories. Their mating ranges are too big to defend as territories, so they overlap with the mating ranges of other males. They defend the female instead of their mating range, although they do discourage dispersing young males from settling in their home ranges.

2. How can I learn more about bears? Not to sound like an ad, but the North American Bear Center is full of information both in Ely at the Bear Center and on www.bear.org. My daily blogs since January 2010 are all on www.bearstudy.org . The last four entries come up automatically in a rotating banner on the home page of bearstudy.org. To see all of the blog entries, hover on the menu heading "Updates" and click on the drop down menu item "Daily Updates". You will find a list of them on that page. Another source are my publications about bears in this area of Minnesota. Hover on the word "Publications" and click on the drop menu item that says "published papers". Click on any highlighted title and the entire paper can be seen and downloaded. Not to brag, but number 55 on the list (Rogers, L. L. 1987. Effects of food supply and kinship on social behavior, movements, and population dynamics of black bears in northeastern Minnesota. Wildlife Monograph 97. 72 pp.) was voted among the top 4 contributions to an understanding of bears in a worldwide survey of bear biologists conducted by the International Bear Association, and it is about the black bears of this area.

3. What happens to the proceeds from the Wildlife Research Institute?s Black Bear Field Study Courses? All go directly into the nonprofit Wildlife Research Institute for research and education. I take a $15,000 annual salary.

Out the window today, Donna spotted a strange moth. It was one that neither of us had seen before. We looked it up. It was a male Promethia Moth, also known as a Spicebush Silkmoth at the edge of its range. I had to click a picture. I?ve always heard of them, but never spotted one; and suddenly today there were six. That?s how it goes.

One more thing, if anyone has left a message on my cell phone and wondered why I didn?t call back, today I got a message that was sent on May 26, setting a new record for late notifications.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Centere

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21580 on: June 20, 2020, 03:53:27 AM »

hi jewelies dont know what the temp is outside i saw lighting to the south i think it was 70 in the barn lots of raccoonies and babies fed pearl sweets came in going to get to feeding the dogs cats and head back to the barn



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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21581 on: June 20, 2020, 06:06:50 AM »

Good morning everyone- 68 here and damp. Yesterday the forecast called for widespread light rain. It precipitated all day with some downpours amounting to 2.7 inches. No wind or lightening- just rain. Poor Duke- he doesn't like the rain. I finally sat out with him for awhile waiting for him to pee. He finally let loose on the porch. That was okay because it later got rained on.

That is quite a moth on the update. I've never seen one here. Butterfly weed is getting ready to bloom- hope for monarch caterpillars. Milkweed is getting ready to bloom too. When I was working in the hillside north of the house I had to walk around those plants. I wish we had milkweed in the mix we planted in our field but they weren't offered. Seed is probably hard to germinate in that setting.

Not much on duke and my agenda today- watch Decorah and Ted cam- read- watch tv- eat-nap. What a life!!

Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21582 on: June 20, 2020, 01:40:51 PM »

Hi Jewelies!  Summer is back!  Temps around 90 for a few days. I found out yesterday that one of my stepson's daughters went to the beach with a bunch of her friends and now all of them are positive for ykw.  She's 18... guess it was their graduation vacation or something. 

cal... Belmont is on today!!  I forgot to tell you earlier... hope you already know it.   Love all the pics in the updates lately!  So nice to see the bears!

lupine... Hope you and Duke are having a nice day together!  I haven't been doing much outside work for awhile... too hot.  Just mowing when I have to.  Sometimes I wish I had a riding mower, but I have the ditch to mow and couldn't do it on a rider... So.....  lol

rues... Are you enjoying your pool?  Have you had the warm temps like we are?

Where's joho, Nora, JP, obsver, and our other friends??  Hope all is well with them.

Have a good day everyone!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21583 on: June 20, 2020, 04:23:03 PM »

hi ra! no i did not know the belmont was on! i do now thank you hit record added the extension 30 min. i did not watch tv all day i turn it off at 3 am in my room when i get up boo boos tv on but im in and out dark here getting ready to storm here i still got to go back to the barn now then when i get done this time eat go to bed well watch belmont race hope no horses or jockeys get hurt. wow on your stepson daughter hope they quarantine themselves. price to party. i heard 8 kstate football players have it hope coach synder is careful when he visits, wow ny all them buildings i would hate to live there. are they social distancing the horses? i see a rider wearing a mask oh most exciting to see ra! what beauty all horses are magnifient and they know it! that is pretty all building in ny along the water. yes ra hate hot weather ready for oct yes where are our friends?

hi rues! did you and crow get in your pool? wasnt it just chilly there?

hi lupe and duke! horse races getting ready to start!
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #21584 on: June 20, 2020, 04:25:08 PM »

ra i like tiz the law looks like my roxie and tuco rues is crow watching?
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day