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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 2007626 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20400 on: December 18, 2019, 06:34:17 PM »

Hi Jewelies!  Pretty chilly here today, but supposed to be in the 60's Christmas week!  Guess I'll have to dig out the Christmas t-shirts, instead of the Christmas sweaters!!

cal... I loved seeing Sammy doing angels in the snow sunday night!  Looks like it was a fun game!  Glad the Chiefs won!  Thanks for the triangle puzzles!!   :D   So glad Ron is doing better!!  I hope you and Polly have lots of time to play your games while she's there!

rues... Thanks for the pic from Robin's trip!  I bet the photo pales in comparison to seeing it in person!  Oldest grand got a new job this week... she's been working at a new donation center, something like Goodwill.  So far she really likes.  She bought a pair of name brand shoes today, nearly new, for $2!  lol  I told her she's going to have lots of clothes and shoes and hardly any money!  lol  She said there's a lot of name brand stuff... of course just what a teenager thinks is essential! 

JP... Good to see you!  I didn't do the duck painting either.  I don't have patience for that and besides that, I'm having trouble with my mouse double clicking all the time and it was very frustrating!!  No comment about the !@#$% circles today??  Wow!  lol

Johoward... Hope you and Joan are doing ok!  Also hope she is well enough to enjoy the holiday.

lupine...  Thanks for the cute card!!  Vegetable soup and chili on your lunch menu sounds good!  Have you got all your chores done and your house is sparkling now?  Funny how we do that when company is coming!  I bet most of the time they don't even notice, but we still do it!  lol

Hi to all our Jewelies!  Have a good evening!  Masked singer is on tonight...obsver, have you figured out any of the singers this year?  I don't even know most of the ones that have already been revealed!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20401 on: December 19, 2019, 04:59:14 AM »

Black bear people of ely mn said this  No update tonight, Dr. Rogers is calling it an early night, all is well. LM
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20402 on: December 19, 2019, 05:07:55 AM »

hi jewelies it is 29 here 44 in the barn.

Hi jp! i was surprised you did not *&^$% either yesterday with the circles i say to myself i would like circles today and you came and worked it! :)

Hi Ra! suppose to be 60 here too for christmas every day will be warmer starting today. that chiefs game was so much fun to watch. patrick got some extra yards running and sliding in the snow. jims sister worked at a donation center but it shut down. she said donation down people keeping their stuff now instead of donating she is old enough to draw her ss so she is going to do that. sister will have to open one of the gifts i got her for christmas today it has her new game in it and yes hoping we get to play it some today.

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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20404 on: December 19, 2019, 06:10:46 AM »

Good morning everyone- it is 20 here and we are supposed to be in a warming trend also. Our little bit of snow on the ground porbably won't last til Christmas. I had a very productive day yesterday. I ended up with 6 quart jars of chili and 5 quarts jars of vegetable soup. I made the veg soup with my chicken broth so technically not vegetarian veg soup. Sorry cal- i'd make a special batch for you. We always say that soups are so much better after the first day so I decided to make both early. Plus I don't like to do much in the kitchen when Duke is here- he really likes to be right with me and i'm afraid of stepping on him. Duke comes tomorrow- yay- so i'll finish cleaning today.

ra= i'm pretty sure no one notices a clean house when they visit but I just feel better that it's clean.

cal- so glad sister is coming- game time!  Yes- usually no kissing until the last moments in Hallmark movies. I haven't watched many movies this season for some reason. I guess I feel i'm watching these new programs and spending as much time as i'm willing to give. Crossing Jordan, Cagney and Lacey and The Closer take up 5 hours. no time for movies!!

Hi to jp and jowhoward! Hope all is well. 

Nora- do you have snow?
Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20405 on: December 19, 2019, 06:34:56 AM »

hi lupe! i would like to wake up sister so maybe game time dogs are baying again she is a sound sleeper! i just did my advent calendar what fun it was too! i know you would make me the special soup and when me and calihoula can get up there i will love it and would take you out to eat oh wait do have a eating place that cali can go to with us? she would be unhappy left alone maybe hubby could dog sit!  :) just kidding  may be get it to go! i hardly ever have time to watch a movie i try to on christmas with sister. we are going to get last star wars movie at bargain spot pirate movie. jims sister wanting me to come after christmas on sat i think she is cooking christmas dinner will make anything i want that is vegan. hmm let me think...
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20406 on: December 19, 2019, 01:03:05 PM »

Hi Jewelies! Brrr, it's cold outside! It was 16 when I got up this morning. It's up to 32 right now. We will be above average next week, temps in the high 50's. Weather guy says  zero percent white Christmas! Yesterday Robin had a hearing in one of our southern mountain counties, usually referred to as "Coal Country". It's about a 3 hour drive one way so Crow told her we weren't doing anything so we would take her. She didn't say no! Lol! Whenever we go someplace like this I always google the town on my phone to see if there are any interesting things to do.  While she is in court we check the place out. There was this old theater right across the street from the courthouse. It was built in 1938 at a cost of $150,000 and at the time was the most advanced theater in the state. It even had air conditioning! Nowadays it is used mainly for special events. Yesterday was a special event! I don't know what was going on but I'm sure it was holiday related. There were school buses and cars everywhere in this tiny town! We like to never found a parking space. After driving around the block several times we finally found a spot and it was close to the  courthouse. At one time this coal town was thriving but with most of the coal mines closed now it is in despair. It is  so sad to see all the abandoned homes and buildings. :(  We had a long day. We had left at 10:30 and didn't get home until almost 5. It was the first time we had left Boober  alone that long since Molly died. Weren't sure what we would find. But everything was ok. He did so well and we were so proud of him!

Cal, yay, Polly is there! Have fun playing your game! Robin and Mike the chef are going to see the Star Wars movie. Can't remember when she said they were going, though. The guy at the Salvation Army here said their monetary donations were down almost $30,000 this year! But he said they would try to help as many people as they could. Lots of folks around here are struggling to get by. Good jobs are not plentiful here. I'm really enjoying my advent calendar!

Lupe, yay, Duke is coming! What fun for you! Last week I cleaned house and ran the sweeper before Tela came because the sweeper scares her. She is so frightened by so many things. On the other hand, Wilson follows me around while I'm vacuuming! Nothing scares him except big trucks like UPS or the trash truck! Lol! I loved Cagney and Lacey. It was one of my all time favorite shows.

Ra, how cool the grand is working at the donation center. I bet she can find some good stuff there. I remember when name brands were a must for Robin. Not so much anymore. Now she buys most of her stuff from eBay. She gets some great deals. The bus company is planning another trip to NYC over July 4th. Robin  thinks she may go on that one, too. There's a couple plays on Broadway she wants to see. Once again she asked me to go and once again I declined. Lol!

Hi Jp!

Have a nice afternoon and evening! :)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20407 on: December 20, 2019, 04:56:03 AM »

Black bear people of Ely MN said this...No update tonight, Dr. Rogers said all is well, just heading home early. LM
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20408 on: December 20, 2019, 05:19:14 AM »

hi jewelies it is 35 here 44 in the barn.

hi jp! hope you are still doing good! did you make a ginger bread house or a barn like me and rues?

hi rues! i loved reading post! wow i thought that is a whopping amount of money spent on that theater for back then! and wow it has ac state of the art. how cool you and crow got to see it! when i was growing up my dads gas station gargae to repair cars was in mission kansas and on down was the dickinson theater. mom would take us kids alot shows were either .50 or a quarter. the lady that owned it was a customer at our station and dad fixed up her car so good he was the mechanic all around long waiting list to get to have him work on your car. back then we go get the car and then take it back. she was so happy dad fixed her car she gave us lifetime passes to the shows. and always free popcorn and a drink we would sneak in candy bars we got from the station. i dont know if it is still there probably not. when i hear coal mines i think of blacken lungs sending in a poor bird to see if air down there and coal miner daughters. jim was saying to me isnt wv a rich state no jim its like one the poorest states. when i read how long you were gone first thought boober all alone so happy to read the boy did good. yes such a good boy. we love him. sister and i hope to play today i dont know i need some dry cat food so walmart maybe feed store she needs to get up earlier if she wants to spend more time with sister yesterday i went to verison in excelsior and dumped sprint went with them got a really nice new flip phone. someone else was buying same one and sister just had to get same phone as me. i got my pin and acct from sprint so easy for liz to switch or be in hell trying to get free sister has nothing and liz called sprint on the speaker phone lady told sister i can not give any info when others are there ? so sister said okay now it is just me but not really we was listening. and that lady was saying we have deal and liz mouthed NO sister said NO we also have a deal no you can get no sister please just give me my acct and pin number we can give you no because you are a loyal customer we can no no no please acct pin number and finally she gave it to sister and when she did liz hung up. so sister happy with her new phone too and we got the basic plan all talk and text we want 30.00 and my new phone 4g instead of 3g i got better reception up here. i loved my old one missed some easy stuff on it but it quit ringing and was messing charging up. liz was laughing said you guys are so fun no no no. i like the store right in excelsior too i can pay my bill there if i want or mail it in. i sure do wish i was young again i would go with robin to ny see plays!! :)

hi jewelies hope everyone is okay

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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20410 on: December 20, 2019, 06:03:18 AM »

Good morning everyone- what fun to read all the posts.
rues- your day sounded just great; wish I was along- you got to spend time with Robin and see different stuff. It's hard to believe a building built in1938 has air conditioning in it. What a luxury. It is sad to hear of all the mines closing but WV is such a beautiful state I would focus on that and tourism to heal the economy. Yay- Boo did good. Do you ever take him with you? The only dog we had loved to ride in the car and so does Duke. Duke just sits in the passenger seat and looks out the window- sort of- he is kind of short.

cal- your phone story was amazing. We still have our TracFone just for emergencies. WE buy a year's service and get 400 minutes once a year. I think we've accumulated 4,000 minutes so far. I do use it for long distance calls instead of our land line sometimes. So our bill is $100 a year. Of course it isn't smart just a dumb phone.

Today will be busy- after class I get to pick up cream puffs and get them distributed to the neighbors and family. Then I need to finish cleaning. We got behind a bit yesterday. We went to Stringtown to pick up things for the meat and cheese plate (charcuterie, if you please) and we just spent time looking about. Their peanuts for birds are stil $48.00. No- we didn't get any. I did get a new cheeses. It is a dill Havarti- I've had that cheese but not with dill in it. and I like dill. Will have to wait until tomorrow to try it.

It warmed above freezing yesterday and all our snow is gone- it was just a dusting but what a bummer. Nice weather predicted for the next 9 days.

Hi to all who read here- have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20411 on: December 20, 2019, 06:20:33 AM »

First feeding of new bobblehead on Southwest Florida cam now!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20412 on: December 20, 2019, 05:21:08 PM »

HI Jewelies!  Another good raking day here.  Only 2 or 3 more days and the leaves might be finally all taken care of!  lol  Then on to cleaning up the beds, transplanting a couple of azaleas, and some mulching.  Oh, and cleaning up the lot behind me. Whew!  Remember the dog, Molly, that used to come and visit now and then?  Well, she came back today!  I hadn't seen her in a very long time, and thought the worst, since she likes to run down the road.  I wonder if she broke out of jail!  lol  She now has a collar with her name and phone number on it!  That was new.  I called the number and left a message that she was here, but she was headed back home a few minutes later, so I didn't get a call back.  Handsome was mad that I had her on the porch!  lol

rues.  It sounds like you and Crow had an interesting day while Robin was in court.  I was amazed at the theater having air conditioning, too.  Glad Boober was good!

cal... You and Polly were so funny at the phone store!!  Hope you like your new provider!  I wish I still had my old flip phone.  I had a weird thing happen yesterday... My email provider is really good at putting spam into the spam folder, but two of the messages said they were from "me"... that's what it said!  I looked and yup, my email address, too!  How can they do that??  Glad I noticed it before I blocked everyone in spam!  Wonder if I would have blocked myself...  Just like the calls I get from "home" with my actual home number.  So sick of scammers!!

lupine... Hope your lunch turns out well tomorrow!

Hi to everyone!  Have a good evening!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20413 on: December 21, 2019, 05:12:08 AM »

black bear people of ely mn said this..Dr. Rogers is trying to finish a paper and said other than that nothing fantastic has been happening. So, no update tonight. LM

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20414 on: December 21, 2019, 05:32:24 AM »

hi jewelies it is 31 here 44 in the barn

hi jp! i saw on the news cnn talking about hand gestures made in that game...The US Naval Academy and US Military Academy at West Point said Friday that the hand gesture some cadets and midshipmen were seen making on camera was part of a game known as the "circle game" and not a white supremacist symbol.

The circle game is commonly played when a person forms an "OK" with their hand below their waist to trick a second person into looking at it. If the second person is caught looking at the hand gesture, that person is then punched by the person who made the gesture.
The academies were investigating to see if the cadets and midshipmen were making a sign that can be associated with white nationalism, which is someone forming the "OK" sign with their fingers and thumb to symbolize the letters "WP" -- which stands for white power.
The academies launched internal investigations on Sunday after cadets and midshipmen were captured on ESPN's pre-game show for the Army-Navy game making the hand gesture, which some interpreted as white nationalist and others interpreted as innocent.
"We are confident the hand gestures used were not intended to be racist in any way. However, we are disappointed by the immature behavior of the two Fourth Class Midshipmen, and their actions will be appropriately addressed," Naval Academy Superintendent Vice Adm. Sean Buck said in a written statement. "The Naval Academy is fully committed to preparing young men and women to become professional officers of competence, character, and compassion in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps; in this case, we recognize there is more work to be done."

Hi lupe! boobie had a tracfone too just for er. she used her land line to call me and stuff. i am really pleased with my new phone and verizon before no service in richmond so hoping when i went to walmart there no car trouble but i have great service in richmond with verizon no wonder they are number carrier around here. sister having to fight with them to get her acct number and pin number. its funny now NO  NO NO. lol me and liz had to keep from laughing cause sister on the speaker phone and hope no one walked into the store. Is the Duke there!! did he dream last night of sugar plum fairies?  :) i love my flip phone its plenty smart to me. i still have no woodpeckers.

hi ra! i hate telemarkers i dont answer my phone unless a name i know shows up and when it is a number i dont know i google that number sure enough scam call so then i put that call in my contract under ahole and then i was ahole 1 and on and on so when i was at the verizon store liz she says i can bluetooth your contacts over well i said okay and it was talking awhile she said you have alot of contacts i am on julie right now well liz before julie i know alot of aholes. she laughed i said telmark i put them in under that. she laughed sister took like 30 seconds. i got scared when you said molly dog was back well good they put a collar on her with info now if she gets it on dead curve someone can tell them to come get her. keep her in the house and fence yard people!! oh handsome get it over it! :) my new flip phone and it has the same rugged coat as my old one

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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb