Hi Jewelies! We awoke to a couple inches of wet snow this morning. It was the pretty snow that covered everything and stayed off the roads and sidewalks! Schools were on a 2 hr delay. By 10 it was raining and all the snow was gone. It is still raining! There are flood watches out! It's cold out, too.
Cal, I like your advent barn with Pearl! I put her in mine, too! I did color in the ducks yesterday but I did them all in brown! I have a terrible time with the marble game. I can never win! That Boltz at the wolf center is beautiful! Hoping Ron is ok.
Jp, so good to see your post! Thanks for the morning greeting and Minnie with cub!
Lupe, my holly tree was a gift from a bird that had visited a neighbor's holly tree! The seedling popped up one spring and I let it grow. It is too big for where it is now right next to the garage door. So this spring we are going to cut it down.
I know what you are talking about with their pointed leaves! Those things are dangerous!
Ra, it is so nice that your grands visit you! We were talking to a cousin today in Walmart. We aren't close with her and we rarely see her. She told us she has 14 great grandkids! She wondered how many we had. She was really surprised we said we had no grands or great grands! I like cabbage in my veggie soup!
Jo, hope Joan had a good day today. Take care.
Here's a pic of the tree at Rockefeller Center Robin took Saturday night...