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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 2007537 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20325 on: December 09, 2019, 04:58:28 AM »

Daily Updates
Shadow?s Clan - UPDATE December 8, 2019
08 December 2019
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Today was a day of the team completing the naming 39 of the 41 new members of Shadow?s Clan. The two cubs that were not named are Valentine?s two brown cubs that we do not yet know the sexes of.

(click here for Shadow's Clan Tree)Shadow - 8-5-19

One of the surprises of the year was that 5 of the 13 mothers gave birth to 4 cubs. These five are 19-year-old Donna, 14-year-old Ursula, 12-year-old Lily, 10-year-old Samantha, and 8-year-old Oliana. They accounted for 20 of the 41 cubs we recorded.

The other big surprise of the year was seeing Oliana who had disappeared for 6 years and probably produced a litter or two that we didn?t get to see.

The clan includes up to 7 generations and is the only black bear generational data of its kind that we know of. Shadow lives on?soon to be 33.

The information is a result of team members, including community residents, keeping records, taking ID photos, comparing photos to others taken years ago, and assembling the data year after year.

Thank you all.

And a thank you to everyone for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20326 on: December 09, 2019, 05:14:00 AM »

hi jewelies it is 48 here 54 in the barn. was hoping to hear about jewel hope she is okay. that one bear missing for 6 years but came back. hope shadow will be able to take care of herself like she has. if she has trouble hope she knows to go to dr rogers. the weather lady i just saw says now our extreme temp drop today at 5pm. wind chill single digit so i believe after i do my chores take smokey to town and fill him up with premium gas.

hi jp! Chiefs won yesterday did you see the game?beat the cheaties!! at cheatie stadium!

hi ra! not only did we win against pats we won our division 4 years in a row. radiers lost to titans  21-42! GO CHIEFS! we started off nervous or too excited getting them penalties i was worried about penalties but we then we did awesome! like we own cheatie stadium!

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20327 on: December 09, 2019, 05:15:43 AM »

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20328 on: December 09, 2019, 06:27:25 AM »

Good morning everyone- 45 here and super foggy; should clear by 9 AM and yes we have dropping temps here too.

cal- super game yesterday- I even had hubby cheering for the Chiefs; penalties were worrisome too but they still won- that Mahomes is so fun to watch. I worry that someone hasn't seen our Jewel but am so thrilled that the Shadow line is living on. What a legacy and all those wonderful people helping.

ra- no I had never seen a bear carry straw in its mouth either. I don't know whether Ted was thirsty afterward but I sure was!lol

rues- my Christmas card has 2 dogs on it too- a coincidence?  Poor Crow- forgetting how old he is.lol

Today I will get my winter decorations out- aka Christmas decorations. I like to leave them out til February thus the winter season. Plus I need to get a few things for my niece's gift. It seems I may have overindulged and will need 2 boxes but don't have quite enough to fill 2. So will get more to fill the second one.

Steelers won yesterday too- i'm almost sad that football is winding down. College bowls soming up - Iowa plays UCS Dec. 27 at 7 PM in the Holiday Bowl.  And Iowa State plays Notre Dame on Dec. 28 at 11 AM.

Have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20329 on: December 09, 2019, 11:06:37 AM »

hi lupe! well that 30 mph wind is here and it is really cold too. i took smokie to walmart got stuff went to price choppers got more stuff heavy stuff too 28 lb box of fresh step 25 lbs plus 3 free lbs that hawaii orange one smells good for my office here and two more one for my room one for mom cats.pop and stuff got gas for smokie  gosh took me forever to unload stuff outside get back cats get it in the house.  these cats in my office wound up big time flying thru the air when i came in paper jammed in my printer and i did not do it. made two copies of nothing. what fun iowa state playing chippys notre dame i am sad too football winding down. yay steelers won! how does iowa play in the holiday bowl?  yay hubby  has now  entered chief kingdom!  he will be happy here!  :) patrick fun is fun to watch all of them fun to watch sammy the cheetah

JP!! my sports guys on the radio said my kstate wildcats will be in the libery bowl playing....Navy!!  12/31 at 2:25 pm on espn central time see you in memphis then!! :)

going to my advent calendar find the sheep and then out to the barn
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20330 on: December 09, 2019, 12:59:55 PM »

wee oh the wind price choppers had general mills cereal four for four dollars had to buy four i got two honey cheerios two lucky charms for my barn mice.  went out there threw down some charms mice turned up their noses where are the vanilla cookies cheese crackers good stuff. i saw sweets looking at something in his stall getting ready to ram it a little wooley worm so i threaten him lucky for me he bought it cause of course idle threat. so i was able to get it out with my cane. gave it a talking to i am putting you under my work table so i dont step on you pearl does not step on you and the birds dont eat you and that goat doesnt ram you. water in a bowl right there here are some charms. well sweets and pearl think those charms are magically delicious. with 3 new unicorns
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20331 on: December 10, 2019, 05:02:44 AM »

Daily Updates
More Snow - UPDATE December 9, 2019
09 December 2019
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More snow today created a fresh winter wonderland.Chickadee

The link to the Shadow?s Clan Tree was broken in the subscription e-mail sent last night. Here is the corrected link. (click here for Shadow's Clan Tree)

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

« Last Edit: December 10, 2019, 05:04:27 AM by calhound »
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20332 on: December 10, 2019, 05:04:34 AM »

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20333 on: December 10, 2019, 05:11:44 AM »

hi jewelies it is 17 here 45 in the barn furnace was on then kicked off. i removed that one shadows clan i did yesterday and put the link for the one dr rogers had now. its better to read for you guys now too.

Hi JP! My friend rachel and her pretend husband go on cruises all the time and they went to key west! i said hey i got a friend that lives there! funny the difference between the bear way up in ely and you way down in key west. i am sure you would not want to live up where the bears live and those bears would not want to live in key west! can you see that all the key west people plopped in ely and bears down there hanging out.

Hi Lupe
looks like the bears getting all your snow for now. someone ate those lucky charms i think it was the raccoons. i threw out vanilla creme cookies this morning the mice were sitting there waiting for them.

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20334 on: December 10, 2019, 05:12:48 AM »

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20335 on: December 10, 2019, 06:01:55 AM »

Good morning everyone- wow- it is 10 here and breezy. When I got up at 4 my little Spitty was on the porch so I put out the heated water bowl and a bowl of food. He ate it all! I hope he went back to snuggle with Shadow in their box. He actually walked into the kitchen- I usually leave the door open a bit while I get their food. I almost thought he was going to come in- but he scooted out when I walked that way. Bummer- I would loveto have both of them in the house. Just feel terrible for them when it's cold out.

Yesterday it rained overnight and then was foggy and damp most of the day- then about 10 the wind picked up and the temp dropped- a brief snow didn't drop much. When hubby went out to go to town around 5 he said his doors were frozen shut. So i'll have to go out early when I leave this morning in case I need to thaw a door out. Not fun at all. It's been snowing a lot in Ely- Ted still snug in his chalet. I probably say this every year that I want to send him a warm wool and flannel blanket and then have someone go put it on and cover him up.lol

cal- don't know how iowa got in the holiday bowl- I do think they had a winning season- 2nd in their division- and they have such za loyal following- lots of people travel to wherever they play.

Iowa basketball team won over Minnesota last night- they are really developing well- fun to watch.

time for breakfast- have a great day jewelies!


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20336 on: December 11, 2019, 04:54:56 AM »

Daily Updates
A Little Cold Snap - UPDATE December 10, 2019
10 December 2019
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With the temperature at minus 10 F this morning and maybe colder overnight, Beaver Lodge
Beaver Lodge today
beavers avoided it with a well mudded lodge covered by a foot of insulating snow. The temperature inside the lodge likely reflects the temperature of the water under the ice, which is probably close to freezing?some 40 F warmer than the air.

Beaver lodge on 11-4-19
Beaver lodge on 11-4-19
With the lake well frozen and no wet spots by the lodge, I believe the beavers are sealed in for the winter and dependent upon their food cache seen near the lodge. It is well visible in the November 4 shot but shows only a few wisps of branches above the snow in the December 10 shot (today).

I?ve wondered how beavers can survive on that little food for over 5 months of ice cover. I don?t know if beavers reduce their metabolism in winter like bears and deer (a little) and chickadees (at night) do. Part of the answer is that beavers make a well insulated lodge that reduces overwinter heat (calorie) loss.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20337 on: December 11, 2019, 05:09:40 AM »

hi jewelies it is 24 here feels like 17 45 in the barn. i am going to have to google beavers cause i sure would like to know more about them. their home and the winter.

hi jp! in the mallory square cam i can see palm trees in the back with purple lights on the trunk and green light at the top is that for christmas or something. i dont remember seeing that last year. do lots of people put out christmas lights?

Hi Lupe! I got some of my housework done and some laundry not all of it by any means and no gifts wrapped at all. the girls jumped up on the stove hit my lock oven deal and later jim yelling the oven is broken cant get the door open so i came out and hit the button held on to it till it started blinking jim was sitting in a chair over there and said i did that did not work but you have to wait green light blinking and when it stops then unlock and it was unlock i went back to my room he said how did you do that. his dad sent home tons of food berry pies pizzas whole roast beef potato carrots mac and cheese little ham sandwiches that the church brought over and friends he could not eat i put out the berry pies in the barn last night and some cake still one really fat raccoon in there this morning finishing up that pie licking its fingers  :) dogs enjoyed some of the other on their dry food doling it out. i wish spitty and shadow would come in too. boy i am so happy coaly cat is in so is he. can you pick up spitty and shadow pet them?

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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20338 on: December 11, 2019, 05:10:21 AM »

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #20339 on: December 11, 2019, 06:14:35 AM »

Good morning everyone- 16 here with a dusting of snow overnight. When it is light out i'll go out to see who was out foraging for food. I've noticed the birds coming to my feeder more often now so the food supply in the field may be dwindling.

cal- did jim eat any of the food he brought home? or did the herd get it all?lol  No- I can't pick up spitty or shadow. The only time I can pet spitty is when he is eating or if I'm sitting in my chair on the back porch. I have picked him up and set him on my lap and he just panicks. Can't hold him without risking bodily injury- mine not his. Shadow just lets me pet her when i'm gardening- then she walks between my legs- rolls on my feet. I have bent over to pick her up just a few feet off the ground and she seemed okay with that but I have never pushed for more. Both of these guys came here as young kittens probably born from farm cat moms or feral moms. I can't even pet shadow while she is eating because she mostly runs away from us. Such a bummer- but they both have good places to sleep and good food and water.

I got my winter decorations down yesterday- my snowmen make me smile!  Today I want to get my niece's boxes packed up and sent. I guess Christmas is 2 weeks from today. Cards should be done soon.

I'm looking forward to lunch today at Second Street- cheeseburger and sauerkraut soup- yum.

Have a great day jewelies!