Good morning everyone- lots to read this morning- duke and I also slept in- no excuses here but we decided we like waking to the birds- love being able to sleep with windows open. jp ty for the teddy, sam and smilies. Sam doesn'e look too comfortable on that branch.
cal- ty for the story about your boobie- such a horrible time for you; she was a lucky person to have had you in her life and I know you feel the same way. What a beautiful picture of the two of you. Thank you for telling me the story- I know it was painful to tell. And of course you had me smiling in the end with the explanation of the name boobie.
I have seen fish on the cam at Katmai but no bears yet; maybe i'm not watching at the right time. Decorah fledged everyone- what a time for Mom now- keeping track of all 3 and making sure they are fed and also teaching them what they need to know. I'd be real curious to see if boots on the ground can tell if DM helps or if Mom won't allow it. i saw our 3 swallow babies peeking out from the nest yesterday. They'll soon be big enough to fledge. I saw our squirrel running in the back yard yesterdaybeing dive bombed by the swallows. Must be a nest back there too. We also have a small greyish bird who must have a nest in the tree where i park my car. Have seen it once and doesn't immediately fly off so we think there must be a nest in that tree. It was there yesterday when hubby and i came home after lunch. He couldn't i.d. it either.
We need to mow today- rain tonight and tomorrow. Really like the ztr mower- it's the same width as my other mower but i guess i don't waste time turning now. Only takes about 1 to 2 hours now. And no trim mowing with push mower- yay! Hauling all that mulch in the spring really pays off now. Duke goes home today- probably late- they are driving in from Ohio. We had an "encounter" yesterday between duke and tank- talk about a disaster waiting to happen like the puzzle. duke was sleeping by my legs on the recliner and tank came up on my lap. tank was playing with my ear buds- i don't like him to do that and i had lost track of where they were. Apparently they were down by duke and i pulled on them to get the wire our of tanks foot. He saw the bud and batted at it. Unfortunately, it was by duke and he got bopped on the head by tank. Mayhem ensued- never saw duke growl and bare his teeth. tank hissing and spitting and me in the middle. No injuries for anyone- tank went to hubby. duke turned around and went back to sleep.
Have a great day jewelies--hi to all rues, willi, ra, nora johoward, eaglette and all who read here.