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 on: Today at 06:37:16 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by clynndunn
Wells Fargo Osprey Cam - It's hard to see but there are 3 hatched now! One to go!

 on: Today at 06:24:21 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by clynndunn
Good Morning Beakers!  CATURDAY!

Phyl, very interesting article on Siamese Cats! I knew about their points but had never heard about the fur being darker after surgery, I wondered why Sophie's tummy was darker!

Love all the cat pics, and that wooden structure is so unique! Love those planters in the wall! I have that experience when making the bed, they just seem drawn to it! The umbrellas on the balcony! And the Box Guide, all good!

E4E, good to hear that your Mom is getting relief from the cortisone (?) shot!  Ed is still going to P/T once a week but he went back to work last week. The P/T has really helped!

Puff, your story of Puff reminded me of my Max, he was losing weight and it turned out to be diabetes. Two shots a day, just under the skin, after eating. He lived for almost 2 years after the diagnosis, but he also had a condition called megacolon, which was devastating. He eventually quit eating much which is not good for giving insulin. He was 15.  Bogey was my 'Puff' soul cat, he died in 2000 from renal failure, he was 11. And like you, it still can bring tears thinking about him...

Lisa, your insulin shots are exactly like the Ozympic that I take, only mine is just once a week. My A1C was 6.4 but my doctor wanted me to take it for the heart benefits, helping prevent strokes. I am so glad they progressed past the syringe that you had to fill. I had to do that with the above mentioned cat!  Brien is reminding me of oldguy when he was going through all the stuff...

nr just posted on FB that two have hatched so far at the Wells Fargo osprey nest! She is trying to get a picture!

 on: Today at 06:24:00 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by Puff

Only in Italy: Umbrellas and Cats

Would you believe - Obviously a cat lover with time on their hands!  Smiles.  Italy. . .


 on: Today at 06:08:50 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by Puff
Interesting fish story of the morning. . .

I don't know if y'all fish catfish, Camperstig?   BL?  But here's the report on early morning Fox today.  A guy in Oklahoma caught himself a catfish overnight.  A record for him, previous was 53 pounds, but not a total world record which is at 106 pounds, his catch was 95 pounds.  And, he really didn't "catch" it.  He did the trick with the long line with multiple hooks on a line overnight.  Checked it out yesterday morning and saw a dip in the line.  Long story, long/hard job getting it up and in the truck.  It could have been lucky/good technique/or really dumb fish.

Who does catfishing?


 on: Today at 05:57:24 AM 
Started by Nora in IA - Last post by calhound
hi linda m  :) i love doc rogers and north america bear center for a long time nice to see you!

tv mom using her kids as a pillow this morning

 on: Today at 05:53:42 AM 
Started by calhound - Last post by calhound
tv mom using kids as a pillow

 on: Today at 05:50:39 AM 
Started by calhound - Last post by calhound

 on: Today at 05:49:59 AM 
Started by calhound - Last post by calhound
hi you guys its 62 here  66 in the barn 8 raccoonies indy pulled down the corner of his back door tarp jim pulls it back to let him and out keeps my birds from getting out cause then they want back in to their home and someone has to stand out there to do that so will have to fix that when jim gets up. i hope i can once again make it all the way to the top on that tall ladder. i was happy to read docs update read about jewel and the bears i hate those family breakup poor little snowball all alone afraid and her mom down the road with a male a ho. soon be murdering time for poor bears what of those cubs then. i hate sept cause of that come on winter bears go to sleep hunters stay home. i do think more and more hunters are staying away from the bears but i will keep my mouth shut i did not know male bears so picky bertha face is looking better from her mange. like she could help that.

hi joho i thought maybe a battery for your bike. you put some miles on it. cool you got to see shannon on duval cam yes by jps home he had a nice home. it was i think like made into 3 apt he was on the bottom floor no stairs to climb. he was close to his dennys and other stuff. not his eyeball shot dr that was in miami


 on: Today at 05:35:09 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by Phyl
How Siamese cats change their colors


 on: Today at 05:28:23 AM 
Started by calhound - Last post by calhound
Snowball, Bertha, Lucy, Jewel - UPDATE May 31, 2024

Snowball and her brothers are more on their own now. The sibling togetherness we saw for several days after family break is waning. Yesterday, Snowball was with only one brother Cupcake with no Twinkie to be seen. Today, Snowball was cautiously on her own when I took her picture from the third floor deck as she glanced up hearing the clicking camera. Their 4-year-old mother Andrea is 0.8 mile away playing with and getting close with a male.

 Snowball looking up
Snowball looks up
2-year-old Bertha with her mange face that is growing hair back a bit attracted a male today. They played a bit, took a break that Bertha used to eat grass, and later ate peacefully together. I suspect we’ll see more of them together. None of us know who the male is. He seems too shy to be a regular.

 Bertha w/male
Bertha w/male
8-year-old Lucy is still with her three female yearlings and as protective as ever. No bear is welcome near her yearlings. She just barrels at them, and they run, but she is wonderfully calm with people.

15-year-old Jewel put in an appearance a mile away in the neighborhood. She probably has her cubs tucked away up a tree somewhere. It is typical for her not to bring new cubs in to a feeding site on her first visit of the year. We suspect she’ll have things checked out and will bring them in tomorrow so the team can start determining their sexes. Jewel is showing the wide head of a mature bear, and she still has the bump on her nose that identifies her.

Here it is bears, bears, bears without a sighting of the fishers, foxes, and minks for a long time. It’s nice to see the bears, though, each with its own personality and history. Each one is an individual.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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