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 on: Yesterday at 05:07:36 PM 
Started by STLbf - Last post by LisaG1967
BE on the Y this afternoon looked alot like HM, they even went down to nest to check it out.  Flew out to the West.

 on: Yesterday at 05:04:20 PM 
Started by STLbf - Last post by LisaG1967
Lisa, the eagles are looking rough from scratching black fly bites.  Cam ops got some great closeups this afternoon on the Y, but I'm not sure who it is.

I thought it looked like HM, but who knows!   ;D

 on: Yesterday at 04:24:45 PM 
Started by STLbf - Last post by STLbf
Lisa, the eagles are looking rough from scratching black fly bites.  Cam ops got some great closeups this afternoon on the Y, but I'm not sure who it is.

 on: Yesterday at 04:21:44 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by tsk34
PHYL  Thanks for Amy's blog.

PUFF   ;) ;) ;)

Quiet this afternoon.

 on: Yesterday at 04:11:35 PM 
Started by STLbf - Last post by STLbf
Cam ops found a beautiful parade of little birds early this morning.  And DNF perching on DN12's limb.

 on: Yesterday at 02:32:40 PM 
Started by calhound - Last post by calihoula

 on: Yesterday at 01:53:42 PM 
Started by Nora in IA - Last post by mrsfalcon
'Roofing' - love it!  8)


 on: Yesterday at 01:31:36 PM 
Started by Phyl - Last post by jicaji
Hi everybody

LB...Italy for your dad .  How wonderful and good news for your brother.  How are you doing?

Paulie...so sorry Covid caught up with you, Charlie and your family.  Prayers for a speedy recovery.

So, yesterday and today, we saw a long trail of Turkey hens and their babies. 

Then today we saw a beautiful deer and I saw a turtle in the back.  What a gift to see these beautiful animals on our property.  Nature all around if you just look :)  Oh, and a large hawk flew past the deck.  Exciting day.

Been watching the news ....very scary...so these beauties made me feel better.

Wishing you all a healthy, nice weekend .

 on: Yesterday at 11:41:18 AM 
Started by STLbf - Last post by LisaG1967
On the Spooky Tree this morning. 

 on: Yesterday at 11:33:11 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by LisaG1967
Good Morning/Afternoon Beakers....TGIF!!!!

kb - Glad to hear that you are letting someone help, while you take time to heal. 

Phyl - I think my favorite part of Soul Train was when they did the Soul Line Train dance.

Lani - Aww, sleepy pup.  Hope you enjoyed your time with Aly while she was there.

clynn - Aww, Talon is growing up and maybe getting to that stage of not being excited for school.  I was always excited for the start of school....new supplies!  I still look thru the supplies when they first put them out.  Great job, Bella on the sign!

tsk - Yes, please to all of your morning desserts!  ;D

Puff - Morning/Afternoon  :)

Where is karen?  Hope all is ok.

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