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 on: Yesterday at 10:44:04 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by Phyl

  Good Night Everyone... SEDs 

 on: Yesterday at 10:35:32 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by Phyl
Oh {{{Tsk}}}!
What an ordeal for  you both and such suffering for Tim.   What a relief having the hospital 5 mins away.
Sending  Tim prayers for comfort and healing... and rest for you. Sleep well.
Thank you for the update.

tks for sharing Art Wu's photos of the  migrating pelicans near your area.

BL  very lucky you. 


 on: Yesterday at 09:54:20 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by BrokenLug
A Volvo I really like them. 

I lived across the street at one time from a VP.

I've personally wrapped a Volvo around one of those mobile trees and walked out smiling.

Tin cans now.

U Know.

 on: Yesterday at 08:30:52 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by kbshcb

Art Wu took multiple pics of the pelicans migrating......hundreds of them in Burnsville MN. Just south of me

 on: Yesterday at 08:09:54 PM 
Started by Phyl - Last post by LBLNJ0668
good evening Is it Friday yet?    Hi Paulie, hes' still in hospital. I got in contact with case worker and social worker cuase my nephew dropped the ball.  I gave them th enames of rehabs to get hi into out top 3 choices. glad I did.because mt nephew dropped the ball big time gave them no info or wrong info.   I am not sure if he is ready for rehab. when I saw him he was so dooped up on morphine.  I cant gt to him until friday I will need to talk to nurse about the morphine, maybe lesson it.  so much has happened in th epast few weeks.  dont know what I said or not said I know mostly I didnt say.  cause I would be typing non stop still.  All I know I am happy when I am working.   Thats my happy place these days unless when I get to walk.   I cant believe my surgery is coming up so fast. they called today to review some things with me.  Very efficient practice.  I am so nervous more so becaus eof my brother. what if something hppens to him when I cant drive and cant get to him.  I see his kids are useless. and they are not even kids they are adults!!!!! good nigt

 on: Yesterday at 07:47:46 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by Lani

Dearest Tsk, thank you for letting us know how Tim is doing. I'm sorry dear one, now I pray you get some rest tonight. Hopefully, more answers to your questions and concerns will be given tomorrow.  :-* ... sending you and Tim prayers for his healing and comfort for you both. Lots of gentle hugs are coming your way. Peace and God Bless  :-*

 on: Yesterday at 07:47:41 PM 
Started by Phyl - Last post by paulie
Phyl, Ouch! I do remember all of that.

Thanks for explaining your PT. I'm sure you will be very diligent in strengthening your knees and right leg. That's important.

Good about Jim's Ford Fusion. I know you're happy having your car back.  :)

Very good Jim's Dr set up lung scan. Very good. Let us know what the results are. I just said a prayer for good news test results for Jim.

LB, Hope you had a good day today. It's still a bit early so maybe you'll check in yet tonight. 

 on: Yesterday at 07:31:26 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by tsk34
LANI   I noticed that harvest moon as well.  A photo wouldn't do it justice.  Your good night greyhounds look just like our retired ABC traffic reporter's dogs  LOL   some good pics from TRR - Cute little sloth  :)   Hope it was a productive day in the valley  :)

PHYL  YAY  good to hear about the PT starting along with those knee injections!  Jim won't be able to keep up with you   ;) ;)

LISA  We were to start the Ozempic tomorrow but seeing as this situation has developed it may be a lucky thing as Ozempic is really contra-indicated with or can cause gall baldder issues.

KB  Have seen that dog yoga before - amazing  And isn't that just like a cat LOLOL

PUFF  Tim and his brother Tom were in Door County for what should have been a 3 night stay  :(

BAZI  Yes the hospital is about 5 minutes away.

Do not care to report the daily dribs and drabs of what he is going through but the food poisoning could have been a red herring leading to the discovery of and very infected gall bladder.  Tests, tests, - tomorrow hope to speak to the doc about the game plan.  More later.  Finally he got to have water tonight before I left and "clear" meal.

Thank you as always for your kind thoughts and prayers.  He hates being in the hospital - don't we all.

 on: Yesterday at 07:18:05 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by kbshcb
Hmm, I was just informed that J D Souther died yesterday. Of course no reason given. He was 78.
A prolific song writer and singer.....

I was a passenger  with him in his new Lotus vehicle on Sunset Blvd on our way to his home in Malibu when a drunk Australian diplomat hit us head on....Changed my life.

Wish I knew why but no info is available as yet.


Course wikipedia is no longer the go to source but here it is.

Sad to hear that about J D Souther KB.  :(

He was quite the influential songwriter and musician that I knew.
I did not know however his whole Bio and how many 'big time' musicians he had wrote for/ worked with over his career.




If you're only lonely.

He crushed his ribs hitting the steering wheel..I bounced around inside the vehicle...and then became a Chiropractor as that's the only tx that helped me.

Traveling behind us was Don Henley and a friend of mine. We had stopped at a famous person's house on the beach first before we headed out to Sunset Blvd.

Yes, he was THE song writer in the 70's....I was in my early 20's...

Scott and I went to see him in the 2000's here at the Cedar Riverside Cultural Center and he met with us back stage.
He had left CA and said he now drove a Volvo...was fun to hear he had left the chaos of CA and "the life"

yes, RIP

 on: Yesterday at 07:07:57 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by Phyl
Music Players: A Brief History
Doug W BensonĀ© Doug W Benson

There once was a disk called a record
Played on vinyl with a stylus connector
Known for hisses and pops
And scratches on top
Cryptic messages when they're played backward?

Next came the track with an eight
Only Boomers seem to relate
'Twas the first in a car
Played on loop; how bizarre
"Oh you liked that song? You'll have to wait!"

More popular, a tape called cassette
With a Walkman and skates you were set
You could finally rewind
But you'd oft lose your mind
'Cause the ribbons in knots they would get

Then came the disk that's compact
Just press "back" or "repeat" or "next" track
You would organize for hours
Thanks to cases and towers
Be careful! Don't scratch, smudge or crack!

MP3 was what followed next
"Pod," "Shuffle," "Mini"- all hexed
Though mobile and thin
Born too close to their kin
So their lifespan was set to be vexed

Then an Apple took its place on the throne
And from that point we'd never be alone
With a tooth that is blue
Meaning wireless too
Who'd of thought we'd have music on our phone?

So, truthfully, will it be that long,
Before our ears have the power of song?
With a light infrared
From the chip in our head?
Guess we'll see what A.I. brings along!

Doug W Benson. "Music Players: A Brief History." Family Friend Poems, March 7, 2024. https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/music-players-a-brief-history

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