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 on: Today at 03:34:58 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by karengramke
Nice memories Baz!   I think most military pilots  have nerves of steel!   Good in an emergency!

Lisa, darling picture!   Sydney seems older!   Neat toys!   Had rain last evening and around 1 as well!  Both cane with warnings, lots of thunder and a whose lot if lightning!   Took 1 or 2  degrees  off of our highs for a week!

Phyl, I like your trees!  I would have them trimmed up so one could mow under them and sit back  and enjoy!  Not my yard tho!  Lol.
I have a real issue with who ever wrote your laws!  If Maggie  were  titered I would bet she has enough vaccine for 7 cats!   The strange thong about that. Vaccine is thaT  the potency is reduced for a while after a new  shot.  I could not deal with it!

Eagles, my license  for the motorcycle is to  DRUVE  it, not to ride!  Think .baz may have the same thing!    But I see, she did Drive!    Lol!  I have never driven one in my life but on occasion I have been a back seat rider!   Maybe it’s just a southern thing! J

Lani, albies looking good? Because of

Fabulous landscapes clynn!   Cute Siamese!
  The Finch  nest is from last season!  They did not try to move it, nor did I!  Prior  to last year their attempts to build a nest in this location were not successful!  Wind kept blowing the material out of the corner.

 on: Today at 02:57:47 PM 
Started by Nora in IA - Last post by shep
May 28, 2024
All 3 chicks exited the box onto the roof.

 on: Today at 02:56:54 PM 
Started by STLbf - Last post by STLbf
About 1:00 this afternoon, DNF brought a duckling and left it for the eaglets to consume on their own.  Closeups if you are interested, go to the rewind.
Guess she ran out of hawklets.   ::)    Expect baby raccoons soon, and fawn pieces. 

 on: Today at 02:51:32 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by baziunc

Happy Day, Beakers!  :)

Clynn and Lani, thank you for posting the collages yesterday.  :-* :-*

Clynn, LOL on Sam and Sophie in their strollers!!! They look like they are having a blast!!  :D What keeps them from jumping out while  you're strolling? I have a feeling Harley is a "no go" on the stroller rides... or does he wait his turn?

Phyl, I hope things will work out for Maggie's Rx without having to shell out for an appt at the vet... that's one way they make more money.  ::) ::)  It sounds like you're going to be removing a lot of trees and shrubs. I hope you can wait till nesting season is over if there's any chance that there are active nests in any of them, since it's that time of year. Thanks for sharing the pics of your sweet little fat Cane Ridge bluebird babies - the last of the pics inside their nest before they fledge... soon you will be seeing them chasing after their parents for feedings at your deck! :) :-*

((Lisa)), I've been thinking of you, and hope you could de-stress a bit over the long weekend. What a fun picture of little Sydney and her new water table! That's a fun thing I've never seen before.  :D  :-* I hope you and Bradley didn't have any storm damage from the line of storms that blew through that area last night.

KB, fun to get to see the flyovers, and Missing Man formation, too.

Tig, hope things get better for you there soon

Karen, glad all that To Do list was spread out for several days. I wondered if you got any of the severe weather from the storms yesterday evening.

E4E, glad you could take your mom out to the grave sites. I owned 5 motorcycles over the time I rode, but only 4 could actually be ridden, because 1 of them was bought in a box to put together - yeah, that never happened, LOL! Sold it still in the box.  ;)  Long ago and far away - a different previous life... just before the previous life when I learned to fly.  ;D 8)

We just had a severe thunderstorm blow through, and it just stopped... got a good dose of pea sized hail, with some larger hail about dime or nickel sized... before the big downpour of rain, which we needed. Ahh... it cooled things down! Now it's heating back up again. LOL. Think I will go out and see if my car roof got dimpled, which I doubt happened since the hail was so small, I hope... talons crossed!  Oops... not yet - it just started raining again. LOL.

Prayers for all in the path of the severe storms the last few days... so many people killed, and so many lost all or much of their property.. just awful, across a number of states.

Stay safe, ((Beakers)).

 on: Today at 02:27:16 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by kbshcb

So friggin cool...watched 2 fly arounds over my house to the Veterans Park in Richfield during a thunderstorm!.

I have to look up the old name of the 4 planes...I forgot....I waved at them...

After the second fly around over my house, one plane separated and the other 3 headed to very dark clouds.

Amazing...small hail here as well.

Thank you!...made me cry.

Turns out I read they are T-34 Mentor airplanes.

BTW they are very loud...louder than thunder in the clouds!

someone snapped this one!

((KB)), sorry I missed getting into The Beak yesterday... Hugs to you on Scott's Heavenly Birthday yesterday.

And you also got to see those wonderful vintage aircraft fly over! The T-34 are very cool planes.

You're making me go back in time to a previous life... LOL. I learned to fly at a small country airport where a lot of retired pilots had their own hangars with the vintage aircraft they owned and flew out of that fixed base. I was one of only a small handful of women pilots or student pilots there (only 2 others I can recall now), but the "regulars" there, the retired men pilots, took me under their wing, so to speak, and were so nice to me and included me in many of their "doings." What a great bunch of people! Most had flown in the military during the Korean War and/or during the Vietnam War, and then had become commercial airline pilots after their military service, and they were all retired from their time as commercial pilots, too, so they were around a lot. Lucky for me, they often invited me to fly "right seat" on the weekends in one or another of their really cool vintage aircraft - all different kinds, including open cockpit, and various military trainer planes. One of those pilots invited me to fly with him in his T-34, front seat for me, of course. Very cool - only time I've gotten to fly in a sliding canopy military trainer plane, and I got to take the controls for a bit on the leg of our return back to the airport. I also got to enjoy some aerobatics in it when he did barrel rolls! It was a blast, and made for a special entry in my Log Book.

This is what it's like being in one:


so very cool, Baz!.thanks for sharing....They are loud and I loved it...as they went right over my house 3 times to circle around the VA cemetery and a memorial at our city VA park...

As you know, I'm afraid to fly now after flying for Western Airlines for 6 1/2 years....and I flew in the "good ol days" when most of our commercial pilots were from the military in Vietnam..

I do always say though: I'd ride in Air Force One if I had the opportunity, LOL

 on: Today at 01:59:57 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by baziunc

So friggin cool...watched 2 fly arounds over my house to the Veterans Park in Richfield during a thunderstorm!.

I have to look up the old name of the 4 planes...I forgot....I waved at them...

After the second fly around over my house, one plane separated and the other 3 headed to very dark clouds.

Amazing...small hail here as well.

Thank you!...made me cry.

Turns out I read they are T-34 Mentor airplanes.

BTW they are very loud...louder than thunder in the clouds!

someone snapped this one!

((KB)), sorry I missed getting into The Beak yesterday... Hugs to you on Scott's Heavenly Birthday yesterday.

And you also got to see those wonderful vintage aircraft fly over! The T-34 are very cool planes.

You're making me go back in time to a previous life... LOL. I learned to fly at a small country airport where a lot of retired pilots had their own hangars with the vintage aircraft they owned and flew out of that fixed base. I was one of only a small handful of women pilots or student pilots there (only 2 others I can recall now), but the "regulars" there, the retired men pilots, took me under their wing, so to speak, and were so nice to me and included me in many of their "doings." What a great bunch of people! Most had flown in the military during the Korean War and/or during the Vietnam War, and then had become commercial airline pilots after their military service, and they were all retired from their time as commercial pilots, too, so they were around a lot. Lucky for me, they often invited me to fly "right seat" on the weekends in one or another of their really cool vintage aircraft - all different kinds, including open cockpit, and various military trainer planes. One of those pilots invited me to fly with him in his T-34, front seat for me, of course. Very cool - only time I've gotten to fly in a sliding canopy military trainer plane, and I got to take the controls for a bit on the leg of our return back to the airport. I also got to enjoy some aerobatics in it when he did barrel rolls! It was a blast, and made for a special entry in my Log Book.

This is what it's like being in one:

 on: Today at 01:37:11 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by LisaG1967
tsk - There are much more cooler toys now for kids, then when Bradley was little. 

BrokenLug - LOL!!!

Lani - Bradley was an early walker, so I think Sydney will be too.  She seems to be standing up pretty good along side things. She also takes after her Dad, in having no teeth yet.  He was a late tooth-cutter. I hope your sneezes go away, and its not something else.  Thanks for the Royal update. 

 on: Today at 12:20:47 PM 
Started by LORIDAVIS - Last post by Lani
Let's check on our beautiful Albie chicks TF and TFT! Weigh Day!! ;D

Kia ora koutou (hello everyone)

Top Flat chick is 126 days old and weighs 9.6 kg at 10.30am. He was 8.7 kg last week on day 119 so has increased 900 g. Average male weight for day 126 is 9.4kg. There have been several feeds from both parents since the last weigh in.

Top Flat Track chick is 118 days old and weighs 10.4 kg the heaviest chick weighed today.  :o He was 8.2 kg last week on day 111 so has gained 2.2 kg in a week. There have been several feeds since the last weigh from WYL and BOK.

It was very windy on Sunday, but the chicks all stayed down and are fine. Although being blown off a nest is an issue for some species of albatross, the northern royal albatross has flatter nests than species where this is an issue. The toroa at Pukekura can get back onto the nest and will wander from the nest to practise their nest building skills.

Early this Monday morning these two boys are looking beautifully fluffy!LOL!  ;D

 on: Today at 12:19:57 PM 
Started by Lani - Last post by Lani

Let's check on our beautiful Albie chicks TF and TFT! Weigh Day!! ;D

Kia ora koutou (hello everyone)

Top Flat chick is 126 days old and weighs 9.6 kg at 10.30am. He was 8.7 kg last week on day 119 so has increased 900 g. Average male weight for day 126 is 9.4kg. There have been several feeds from both parents since the last weigh in.

Top Flat Track chick is 118 days old and weighs 10.4 kg the heaviest chick weighed today.  :o He was 8.2 kg last week on day 111 so has gained 2.2 kg in a week. There have been several feeds since the last weigh from WYL and BOK.

It was very windy on Sunday, but the chicks all stayed down and are fine. Although being blown off a nest is an issue for some species of albatross, the northern royal albatross has flatter nests than species where this is an issue. The toroa at Pukekura can get back onto the nest and will wander from the nest to practise their nest building skills.

Early this Monday morning these two boys are looking beautifully fluffy!LOL!  ;D

Good morning Beakers!
Morning Lisa, Ezee, Eburg, Weasel, Jilltosa, Kb, Tsk, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eaglesrock, Emyrauld, Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Eagles, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, BL, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Omasawyer, Paulie, jicaji, LB, and All!

Phyl,  I don't like it when vets switch care for my fur babes too  :( ... I pray you can return to what is best for Miss Maggie and you.... very interesting article about the lithium reservoir under Pennsylvania. I sent the article to Mike.... DN eaglets are gorgeous. I hate these owl strikes.  :( ... love owls, but far away LOL! ... {{{awww Newman I pray all good things will happen for you. }}} :-*

Clynn, S&S look very sweet in their stroller!  yes, I love Kansas very much. The midwest was a momentous change in my life. From Hawaii to Kansas with its ups and downs. There were more ups (I've always been the "glass is half full person)."... I feel Kansas is where I grew up, developed into confident woman, mother, friend, citizen and all the other stuff that comes along with it. God, I wish I could do it all over again! LOL!  8) .... and again, my apologies for messing up my iPhone. I'm so looking forward to Aly helping me fix up my tech messes on phone and computer when she visits in July. I keep adding to her "Honey Do list." .... Devil's Slide is interesting. I looked it up, the folklore stuff is crazy.

Karen, how are your finch babies?

Lisa, adorable pic of Miss Sydney, what a great water table! My girls would have loved that! They were water babies.  I can't believe Sydney's not even a year old. Looking forward to 1st birthday pics!  ;D

Hi Tsk, Eagles, Puff, Oldguy, Kb :)

BL!  ;D

Goodness, something must be in the air today.
I've been sneezing all morning.  ???

 on: Today at 12:12:49 PM 
Started by shep - Last post by shep
May 30 at 12:10 BANDING

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