TRR NEW ARRIVALS:Pele, a three-fingered sloth: arrived as an orphan baby. She likes different kinds of leaves. Ficus leaves are her favorites!
Sloth Pre-School Updates:Geo, the two-fingered sloth: Is climbing more and being more active after he finishes his treatment. We are happy to see him feeling better.
Coco, the two-fingered sloth: She is doing great. She can’t be far from Geo, as usual.
Landon, the two-fingered sloth: He’s doing great. He will spend more time practicing his climbing skills in our rehabilitation areas.
Robin, the three-fingered sloth: Started physical therapy. We’re giving him daily massages and making sure he practices climbing constantly. We hope this will improve his mobility.
Pax, the two-fingered sloth: He is growing and gaining weight.
Liana, the two-fingered sloth: She is doing great, growing and gaining weight as well. She and Pax like to play and explore!
Roo: He is almost ready to get out of the incubator; we'll keep him a little more to ensure he’s stable.
In Loving Memory:We are sad to share that these babies did not make it.
Tigger: has passed away due to necrotic intestines from the electrocution.
Kanga: has passed away due to a cardiorespiratory failure.
Feeding time - Mine, No Mine!
Good morning Robin
Hello there handsome!