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Author Topic: Beak Room 2023  (Read 1028477 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8280 on: August 20, 2023, 07:01:28 AM »


73 heading to a warm 88  DP 70  humidity 88%  partly sunny

KAREN     LOL  Piper doing her own nails  LOLOL

LANI  Awww  Dalmatian puppy  :)

PHYL   Cute AM pic - the beach ladies.

CLYNN  good saying this morning.   Notice any difference in Harley's behavior?   Good shot from Sue B  " Best part of Iowa State Fair" - very imaginative  ;D


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8281 on: August 20, 2023, 07:07:31 AM »

Good Morning CLynn-   No don't know the Blk Eagle chick's name can't find much info on Black Eagles of Roodekrans nest ; cute  little 'wood flies';
                                  since I don't like my house to smell like  bacon or 'anything' but clean- ---Jim's offered to grill a batch outdoors just so
                                  we can have bacon more often. Sure why not---cheaper than buying it precooked which is what I do. Publix had Hormel bacon as BOGO last week.
                                  I noticed 3 sets (6pkgs) in the garage freezer.  So, get  the griddle on that grill and get grilling Jim.  :)   tks for   Sue Bruhling 's photo of DH2   
                                   #3 is a good saying.     How's Harley?

Tsk- that stack of blueberry pancakes  has my name on them! Esp with blueberry syrup from my pantry.     Pretty close to our temps for today

KB- cute racoons this AM. But not much love betwix me them. Have a nice walk Ollieman!                 

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
Sauces bald eagle cam


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8282 on: August 20, 2023, 07:58:21 AM »

tsk, Harley slept next to me last night, his head close enough so I could pet him! He occasionally slept on the bed before, but never with his head up close to me, farther down the bed so I could barely reach his back end.

Phyl, that's a good idea, cooking bacon on the grill! Our grill has a griddle insert but it would take forever to cook 2 packages on it. Do you have a big griddle? I have to watch Ed cooking out in this heat, he gets so hot and his head starts sweating profusely (due to the pain meds he is on). Harley is good, he likes to be out on the deck, even in these really hot temps. He watches the activity of the birds and chipmunks. Strangely, I haven't seen any squirrels for a while...wonder where they went?

Wild Heart Ranch - Good Morning Everyone!!! One of our precious raccoon kits. -Greg

Hellgate Osprey Cam - Susan Dimitrakopoulos  · 21h  · New guy is quite handsome!

Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away. ~ Unknown


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8283 on: August 20, 2023, 08:10:07 AM »

Good Morning Beakers....Happy Sunday!

Lani - Thanks for kind words.  I am guessing Kelly is making out OK. The Dalmatian pup is adorbs!

Phyl - My mama sent plenty of those headbands you mentioned to Sydney, but I don't think she will be wearing them.  When we were buying clothes for her, we were told, no ruffles.   ::)

tsk - Yes, the pics that I have got of Sydney, I can see a change in her since the only time I've seen her.  Remember the conversation we had at your house about your SIL, I think it's gonna be that way for me, too.  Prayers for Bill & Lynn. 

karen - I can see a Bradley in her, and then I can see Kelly.  She is a good mixture of both.

((clynn)) - Thank you for the kind words. Great pic from Sue of DH2.

kb - Have a good walk!

karen & tsk - This is the pasta salad I cheated with for dinner that I made. 


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8284 on: August 20, 2023, 08:32:58 AM »

CLYNN   Awww In some way Harley is missing his friend.  that new enclosed deck you have is heaven for cats.

LISA   No "girly girl" looks for Sydney  ;) ;)   (((LISA)))   Have never seen that pasta box - but will definitely look for it next time I am at the store..
 Speaking of Barb, she has been in Boston since Friday, visiting a whole bunch of friends who in the winter are at their condo building in Florida which is how she met them eons ago.  A group live in the Boston area and have a mini reunion during the summer - so she went this year.. So what happens to Tom who had a cold when she left - he went to the ER yesterday - pneumonia in left lung  :o  We are feeding him!   Subsequently the trip to DCW they had planned for Monday to Wed will now be a solo for Tim.  :(    I pick Barb up from the airport Monday afternoon.




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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8285 on: August 20, 2023, 08:40:35 AM »

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Ginger!!!!!!!

tsk - Yes, no "girly girl" looks for Sydney  ::)  The pasta is really good.  I love it when I don't feel like making a homemade one. Oh no, poor Tom.  Hope he feels better soon.  I bet Tim is disappointed that he has to go solo to DCW. 


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8286 on: August 20, 2023, 09:25:45 AM »

Cloudy - chance of showers - high of 77

LisaG - Sweet pic of Sydney - she is such a cute little doll!!   I do hope that Sydney will be able to wear those darling headbands that your Mama bought for her.   I too, will look for that box of Pasta Salad at the store!

Karen - Yikes! Piper did a 'no-no' - do you have another pair of hearing aides?

Tsk - Those BLTs sound so good!  I may have to cook up some bacon this morning! ;D    So sorry to hear about Bill {{{Lynn & Bill}}}      Just read about Tom - hope he feels better soon.   I'm sure Tim is disappointed to go on that little trip by himself, but hopefully he still enjoys.

Good morning Phyl!  That's great that Jim is willing to grill bacon - good idea!!

Lani - Cute 'nite' pic.  Thank you for all the prayers for all the folks.

Clynn - You have the perfect baking tray for cooking up lots of bacon!   Love the pic of DH2 in flight - thank you for posting and thank you to Sue too!   Beautiful pic at the Hellgate Osprey area.

Kb - Enjoy your early walk with Ollie! ;D

Everyone have a nice Sunday  :)


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8287 on: August 20, 2023, 09:28:05 AM »

Happy Birthday Ginger!


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8288 on: August 20, 2023, 10:49:59 AM »

Good Morning! 

Tsk sorry about Tom!  Hope Tim still enjoys  the trip!   All the talk about bacon makes me think I need to get some!   Phyl, I love the smell of bacon, garlic and turkey!  Makes me think Mama is in rge house!

Thanks for all the pictures !  Come on Iris!  Thanks  Sue B and Clynn!   ((Harley))

Kelly must think ruffles are still hard to iron!   What she and other mothers do not realize is that girls and boys, too, will decide what they will wear and mama cant control it!   Not worth a battle either!

Hot and humid!  Going to 100 for the first time  this year on Saturday and Sunday!


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8289 on: August 20, 2023, 11:18:47 AM »

He has a much bigger challenge this year.
The fish were super abundant in 2021. Not so much this year.
But if any bear can rise to the challenge, Otis can.

His all night fishing sessions are proof of that.

Brooks Fall Bear Cam

"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty." John Ruskin
Enjoy this beauty-filled day.
Iris lands displaying her majesty.


Good morning Beakers!
Morning Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Tsk, Lisa, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eagles, Kb, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, Jilltosa, BL, Eburg, Weasel, Ezee, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Omasawyer, Paulie, jicaji, LB, and All!

Tsk, sorry to read your news about Tom, sending prayers. Too bad the brothers are unable to make the trip together. Safe travels for Tim. 

Kb, cute raccoon family  ;D

{{{Lisa}}} well, sending my good wishes to both Bradley and Kelly.... I just had that pasta salad last week. I mixed leftover grilled salmon, dill, herb seasoning into the salad too. :)

{{{Clynn}}} love your morning posts.... and beautiful capture of DH2 by smb! ... sweet Harley wants to be closer now ... Mike could have BLTs everyday, loves a meaty tomato with it. ...love the raccoon baby and Hellgate DT, I hope he and Iris develop a strong bond so that he returns next year.

Phyl, goodness, how the Black Eagles chick has grown.

karen, you and Piper take care in your hot weather. It's cool and cloudy today.

Eagles, our high will be 85 and rain from noon to tomorrow! I hope it's a nice gentle soaking one.  ;D ... you and Kris have a good day.  :)
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8290 on: August 20, 2023, 11:43:25 AM »

This cute little apple cinnamon cake is like a Mini Coffee Cake. The cake is spongy and moist, with big swirls of apple and cinnamon and a sweet powdered sugar glaze that sets and crinkles when you cut into it... It smells like apple-cinnamon magic.💜

Above is a Pic of the Apple Cinnamon Cake "before" it is drizzled with a light glaze... ;D
« Last Edit: August 20, 2023, 03:06:46 PM by LORIDAVIS »
Lori Davis


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8291 on: August 20, 2023, 12:40:17 PM »

(((CLYNN + HONEY + HARLEY)))  Sweet time with Harley nearer last night.  :-*

(((TSK))), (((LYNN + BILL))), and sending get well fast wishes for Tom, and smooth travels for Tim.  There was some awful weather, and flooding, around the BOS area the last few days - hope it didn't put a crimp in Barb's time with "the girls" there. So, when they aren't in FL, do Barb and Tim live near you? I didn't realize that, but you said you're feeding Tom while he's sick at home, so that made me wonder how nearby they are. I love making a fresh homemade simple marinara sauce from Romas for topping pasta, or chicken, or burgers, and really any meat, and fish... and on top of some veggies, plus green salads. It's good on almost anything! Just a small dice, tossed with good virgin olive oil, basil or dill or oregano, and maybe some garlic, or lemon juice, or combo of herbs you like. I will make a cup of it and dip it with chips, too!  Mmm, now I'm getting hungey!  ;)

KAREN, ruh-roh! It sounds like you're going to need to "doggy proof" your home like we do for toddlers - nothing on tables and counters that are possibly within reach, even if you think they aren't, or that they would not be of interest! Hugs for that silly scoundrel... LOL.  So, it sounds like your "PD" Piper is a "hunter gatherer" - LOL! But, yikes!on your hearing aid getting chewed! - that's an expensive "oops!" I hope your homeowner's insurance will cover a replacement, or help.

LANI, it looks like Hilary's track is maybe a bit east of where it was showing yesterday, so I'm guessing that will maybe mean more rain, and wind coming closer to your area - hope you don't have any trees come down on power lines from the gusts, causing power outages for you. Did Shannon and her household move to higher ground, or are they coming to your place till the flooding danger has passed?

E4E, per my note to Lani, I hope your area stays out of the impact area, and maybe the updated Hilary track I last saw might mean your son, in Orange County, will have a bit of less flooding impact. The flooding risk in some places is going to be devastating. Has he decided to temporarily relocate for a couple days till the flooding danger has passed for his area? I hope he will stay safe, and drive before the rains hit his area, if he decides to go to higher ground, or farther from the flash flood area.

LISA, oh my! What a sweet baby that Sydney is! :-* :-*  Gorgeous! A great picture of her - she looks older than her days!! LOL. So alert!  What a sweetheart! I hope you will maybe get to do something like call Kelly directly and make a "visiting" lunch date with her for sometime soon, for maybe taking a simple lunch in totheir house to have with Kelly during your visit, and her mom, if she's still there, and of course, with Bradley, too, if he's home then. That way you can cuddle and take care of sweet Sydney while they take a lunch break! HUGS!


Everyone in the path of the wind, rain, and flooding from Hilary, please stay safe. Remember there may be significant flooding and landslides, or mudflows, in areas that don't get really excessive rain, due to elevation, burn scars, and downstream impacts from creeks, rivers, arroyos, and other drainage structures, and sometimes days later. Take care, All.

(((Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii)))

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."   ― A.A. Milne

"Hope for the best and accept what comes." ― President Jimmy Carter, on Aug. 20, 2015, during press conference at The Carter Center


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8292 on: August 20, 2023, 12:45:40 PM »

LISA  Tim's gone alone several times but they had planned to rent a pontoon boat and fish... :(

KAREN    I remember my niece letting her 2 girls pick out their clothes each day - even to school - matching or not from little on.  LOLOL

LANI    My heart just aches for dear Otis.       I used our left over salmon the other day and mixed with mayo, mustard, celery, tomato pieces etc and wrapped some in several huge romaine lettuce pieces.  That was tasty. ;D   Tim loved it.  ;)

LORI   Apple cinnamon cake - Looks really yummy!

BAZI   Barb and Tom live about a mile from us.  ;D   The twins have never been far apart except for Tom's trip to Vietnam and when they each went to different colleges.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8293 on: August 20, 2023, 12:48:12 PM »

Someone other than humans loves this Minnesota bean field!..

Got that walk in much earlier this morning and was actually cold with my very summer like attire on.
Warming up into next week as is the rest of the middle of the Nation..

Been watching the cone of the hurricane....Ryan Hall and Reed etc...my cousin last night thought most of the rain would be heavier this morning till 5pm...I see the rain bands have taken a more westerly path than she originally thought so I'll check in with her this evening.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8294 on: August 20, 2023, 12:49:20 PM »

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GINGER!  I hope you have a fun day with some special treats and surprises!  :D

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."   ― A.A. Milne

"Hope for the best and accept what comes." ― President Jimmy Carter, on Aug. 20, 2015, during press conference at The Carter Center