Cal, I was hoping to post here before you watched Blacklist! I was going to warn you about the pig! I think they could have demonstrated that chemical some other way. It was not something I enjoyed watching. I'm thinking happy thoughts that the pig at the end was the original pig and was ok. On a happy note...Sandy, my sister's housemate, got a new puppy today! They drove to Amish country over in Ohio and got Hattie, a Bernese poodle/collie mix. Sandy says she's called a Bernollie. She is so cute. I'm liking the pup's name because that was my Mom and my great grandma's name! Hmm, wonder if my sister had anything to do with that! My older sis and bil didn't get their shot Thursday.

That 4 inches of snow we got overnight caused the clinic to cancel until next Thursday. We can't get our shots until the health dept calls and tells us when to go. So far, the clinics are being held out at the college which is about 10 miles out of town. Governor is hoping to eventually get doses at local pharmacies but who knows when that will happen. Thanks for typing and posting the update yourself! That was a lot of work! Thanks, too, for the link to Spanky cam! How cool that would be to have a bear sleeping under your porch! Glad Jim was able to fix his Dad's furnace! Terrible time to be without heat! All those Texans without heat and power. Now they have broken water lines to deal with. What a horrible thing to happen.
Jo, yay, you got your second shot! I'd say that's a really good thing!

Have a nice afternoon and evening! We have sunshine and 31 degrees! That snow is melting. Tonight lows in the teens but starting tomorrow a warm up! Yes! Highs next week in the 50's! Crow said that sounds like it's time to wear shorts again!
Stay safe!