Decorah North Nest
June 17, 2024: Mr. delivers food on the ground, food fight -
https://youtu.be/W-QdtuPRDLU?si=ru5Wffu9YPjaDoG1. With the nest fallen, DN17 and DN18 are having to make a very abrupt transition to life beyond the nest! Mr. North and DNF are continuing to care for them and the two are learning all of lessons of outdoor eagle school!
June 17, 2024: DN18 isn't quite proficient at eating on branches yet -
https://youtu.be/1P2nWLfpOXE?si=RPURTE2Fk-V1scJj. Speaking of outdoor school, here's an important lesson: eating on branches! DN18 is working on it, but it's hard to unzip a fish and keep it from falling at the same time!
Tulsa has a longer look at this sequence, including shots below the nest and DNF's fish delivery, here:
June 17, 2024: Splish-splash DN17 and DN18 take a bath -
https://youtu.be/rI6FGwH8V-E?si=qUVs5_WjJrOHFMPG. Nothing like a clear cool stream to wash your cares away! The eaglets clean off and perch on the fallen log: an easy place to reach and possibly a reminder of home.
Back when we were putting transmitters on the Decorah Eagles, we noticed that they seemed attracted to mulch piles. We thought the large, woody, often circular piles resembled a nest. Eaglets also seem attracted to low branches and logs as they learn to fly, perch, and prepare their own food. Low perches keep them out of the wet grass and give them better vantage points/sightlines than perching on the ground.
June 16, 2024: Views of the fallen nest with starter platform -
https://youtu.be/VVyHch92ozw?si=qvygtnjuRkk3p60i. The Decorah North nest fell in August of 2018, although it left the tree and branches intact. We built a starter nest in September 2018 and Mr. North and DNF - Mr. North's second mate - quickly adopted it. This video shows the wooden framework we used to support our rebuild, the broken limb, and the pile of branches beneath the tree. We are considering next steps, including building another starter nest for Mr. North and DNF.