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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1115220 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28140 on: March 07, 2024, 10:54:16 AM »

Dear cal,

I don't come here often but glad I did now and did some reading. God bless Jim's dad. Please know I am saying prayers for him.

Prayers for you too. Take it easy when you can and be careful.

Hi johoward and neva.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28141 on: March 07, 2024, 11:31:12 AM »

Hi EV1, 5:13 on puzzle. I am wondering where that man is.  Race track?  Maybe an aircraft carrier?  Looks like fire protection clothing.
Well anyway, I went to see Karen last night for a couple hours. We did some gambling after watching Wheel and Jeopardy.  She is getting good at poker.  She is even starting to remember to anti-up before dealing. LOL  I still have to encourage her not to fold too quickly.  Sometimes I will bet $.50 just to scare her out.  She likes small bets, but she is learning that big bets do not always mean strong poker hands.  Sometimes it is just a bluff.  She does not have a good poker face, and when she says, "I bet a quarter" I fold.  Most bets are nickels or dime bets.
Going to take her to early voting after she gets done with Wii Bowling. Looking forward to seeing her.
Cal I am praying for Larry, the little bird, and now for cousin Alice to have comfort in their lives.  Also for you to have strength to carry on.  Also for the rest of us who visit here to have comfort and peace in our lives.
GBU EV1.  GB Israel, and Ukraine.  God help our leaders to see your way to peace in the world.  Too many are suffering needlessly these days.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28142 on: March 07, 2024, 12:33:37 PM »

Sweden joins NATO as war in Ukraine prompts security rethink
March 7, 202411:13 AM CSTUpdated an hour ago

WASHINGTON/STOCKHOLM, March 7 (Reuters) - Sweden joined NATO in Washington on Thursday, two years after Russia's invasion of Ukraine forced it to rethink its national security policy and conclude that support for the alliance was the Scandinavian nation's best guarantee of safety.
Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson handed over the final documentation to the U.S. government on Thursday, the last step in a drawn-out process to secure the backing of all members to join the military alliance.
Good things come to those who wait," U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said as he received Sweden's accession documents from Kristersson.
Blinken said “everything changed” after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, citing polls showing a massive shift in Swedish public opinion on joining NATO.
"Swedes realized something very profound: that if Putin was willing to try to erase one neighbor from the map, then he might well not stop there." For NATO, the accessions of Sweden and Finland - which shares a 1,340 km border with Russia - are the most significant additions in decades. It is also a blow for Russian President Vladimir Putin who has sought prevent any further strengthening of the alliance.
"Today is a truly historic day. Sweden is now a member of NATO," Kristersson said. "We will defend freedom together with the countries closest to us – both in terms of geography, culture and values."Sweden will benefit from the alliance's common defence guarantee under which an attack on one member is regarded as an attack on all.
Hakan Yucel, 54, an IT worker in the Swedish capital said of the accession: "Before, we were outside and felt a little bit alone ... I think that the threat from Russia, it's going to be much less now."
The Nordic country would add cutting-edge submarines and a sizable fleet of domestically produced Gripen fighter jets to NATO forces and be a crucial link between the Atlantic and Baltic.Russia has threatened to take unspecified "political and military-technical counter-measures" in response to Sweden's move.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28143 on: March 07, 2024, 03:42:20 PM »

hi you guys on really short break hi paula! i want to text jims dad i call him pops but start crying not sure what to say maybe tell him sweden is in nato wish he would eat something my little bird i like those dessert shells for strawberry shortcake but i just eat the dessert shell i broke one in half and put it in front of her she went to town on it made a mess all over her little beak i cleaned it off she bite me but it did not hurt i put water in a little lid she got a drink she pooped she ate almost that half shell i ended up giving her a drink she got out of her wrap twice today but i was right on it still i know she is a bird but hoping got a big cage when i has my parakeets she can do rehab in it maybe i feel bad her in a body wrap just her head sticking out but it will help heal her wing. i got to go to the barn and now long ways to walk now. my phone needed charging so its on my charger at least i know where it is

I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28144 on: March 07, 2024, 05:45:48 PM »

 Man with Flag ... 24:57      57°  (3:44 pm)   Rainy day today.  Windy too.   It's chilly out.

Hi Paulie   Glad you stopped by.  I hope all is well.

Cal    Yea! for Sweden!   (... and Finland too)  NATO is stronger too, as a result.     Your bird has the strength and will to get better.  It is lucky it is in your care.       

Hi Joho    It sounds like you and Karen are having a good time together.  It also sounds like you are a patient teacher with the card games. 
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28145 on: March 07, 2024, 06:39:26 PM »

hi you guys jim came home an hour and a half ago we been just hit and miss he came home from work clean out indys area gave him hay i did sweets fed my two birds in there other stuff jim said his dad brother is here from virgina his wife their daughter too all of pops poker friends there and brought him lasana from this place in north town and he ate some! i said thats make me feel better you said he was starving he is not eating much yesterday he ate icecream pizza i said why didnt he do the surgery jim said he would of but doctors just gave him 8 % chance of making it its still a chance no chance like this you guys pops is pretty tuff with surgeries had lots and lots of them so im sad i will text him tell him about sweden in nato he hates putin too. have to text or cry you know. i was in the barn for awhile got in checked my bird out of wrap thought she was gone but sleeping i hope barn birds are sleeping jim spending night with his dad family at hospital i think i will lay down while my bird is sleeping

hi neva here are some comments from other countries about sweden in nato
Thank you, Putin, for being NATO's biggest recruiter! Welcome Sweden 🙂 love from UK 🇬🇧❤️🇸🇪NATO now has Sweden, Finland and Norway. We have completed our Viking infinity gauntlet.Welcome to the family. Be safe and always be free from evil invaders.The Baltic is now a NATO sea.Welcome to NATO my Swedish friends. Greatings from Poland.Welcome to NATO Sweden. We are very privileged and honored to have you as part of the alliance. Much love from the USA 🇺🇸Russia’s border to defend just got significantly longer…not a smart move by Putin to invade Ukraine 🇺🇦If you listen carefully you can hear Putin crying in the backgroundHow irony it is Russia campaign against ukraine actually move Nato closer to them
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28146 on: March 08, 2024, 06:21:30 AM »

Eagles Nest Township Eagle Day - UPDATE March 6, 2024

Bald Eagle
Not officially designated as a township day, it was an eagle day I’ll never forget. Imagine the surprise when a bird with a nearly seven-foot wingspan flies by with its nearest wingtip only 8 feet from where you are sitting at your desk, then swerves off with one wing pointing up and the other down as it holds a freshly snatched piece of meat in its talons.

Bald eagle

It’s been years since an eagle snatched meat like that, but another one is learning the program. Three days ago I wrote that an eagle flew within a few feet of the meat but flared away when it saw me at my desk. Today at about 7 AM, the eagle flew close again, saw me, flared off, and landed across the yard just like before. It picked a magnificent spot to land. The rising sun made the background a beautiful yellow. It seemed the eagle is learning that I’m not such a danger as it calmly watched me aim the camera and click. When it finally flew off, I believe it went to join its mate because it was only a few minutes later that I saw a pair fly across the little lake together. An hour or so later, it came over low and alone and flared off as usual. The persistence made me think this could be a red-letter day. Over and over it came close. Then came something familiar. It swooped in fast and then suddenly rose 20-25 feet to land on a branch for a good look just like the eagle did years ago before it dove down, grabbed the meat, and was off. Sitting at my desk I held the camera ready despite the problem of bright background and shadowed meat. Then came the dive and grab. The camera caught the eagle coming in with feet and talons held far forward for the grab, the moment of contact, and then disappearing with a long piece of ham fat in its left talons—a sequence that took less than a half second.

 Bald Eagle    Bald Eagle    Bald eagle
Hours later, the eagle was suddenly back, swooping in unexpectedly, grabbing another piece of ham fat and doing the big swerve mentioned above as it turned back toward where it had come from.

That had to be the end, I thought, but mid-afternoon it flew over low, landed in a big pine across the yard, and sat looking at the meat and maybe me. I wanted to catch it coming and grabbing in good light. Then it came with its eyes intensely looking at the meat as it flew in close. Coming from that direction, I wondered if it would actually land, but it didn’t. At the last second it flared off and disappeared for the day—an eagle day.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28147 on: March 08, 2024, 06:34:10 AM »

hi you guys its 46 here 46 in ice and 46 in kviv and 59 in the barn.  i really like doc pictures of his eagles and what i really like most those eagles eating ham fat did not kill an animal why i quit watching decorah eagles long ago just cant take that love watching the bears when i use to have a little time eat berries and stuff like that. maybe a picnic basket or two of goodies but did not kill.

jim still at hospital with his dad i have to get the trash together and drag it to pollys car using my walker and take it down the driveway for trash man jim took some before he left last night but i have another one that needs to go.


my little bird got out of her wrap 4 times last night ate her shortcake deal she is not great at getting a drink i have to give her one and i hate that afraid i will choke her on it i really take along time doing that i take a long time doing all my stuff. i think she is sleeping right now i hope so probably wormed out of her wrap and i can only put it on so tight.

gb jims dad little bird all animals an all of us not you putin
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28148 on: March 08, 2024, 10:52:06 AM »

5:12 Rain coming, but not too cold yet.  I guess it is coming this evening.
GBU Cal for all you do and for keeping us in the international loop.
I did get Karen to voting last night.  Then she beat me at rummy again.  We went to her house to watch Biden give his address. 
Yes!  Biden's first term is the greatest story never told, as he said.  He has done wonderful things for us all, but no one says so.  All we hear about is the phony inflation that Campbells, Lays, McDonalds, KFC, BK, all the groceries, all the gas stations, all the car dealers, all the home sellers, and other Republican led industries, like the drug companies, are doing to us.  All this suffering just to make Biden look like the bad guy, when he is not. They are!
Don't let them get away with it.  Be aware, and tell your friends about this political tactic.  It worked against Carter, and is working now.  You can see it in the primary results.  Voters are being fooled again. Don't be one of them.
OK Enough.  Biden said it very well, and with plenty of gusto.
GBU Larry, little bird and all those in need.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28149 on: March 08, 2024, 12:35:09 PM »

hi joho jim came home awhile ago said he will help me but i got caught up did barn etc i got up really early and just stayed up jim showed me a pic of his dad he was eating cereal jim got him too he looks pretty good lots of his family there jim taking a nap wake him in an hour half he said so now at kitchen table dogs laying right here they are being quiet but now ralphie my basement cat at top of stairs meowing loudly i need to feed them jim said biden kicked ass last night on fire i hope people are not fooled too. i did not get to watch tv last night when i laid down i pretty much went to sleep for a few hours then lots of chores radio in barn said how well biden did  :) i heard france put being able to get an abortion well this France has become the first country in the world to explicitly include the right to abortion in its constitution.
Parliamentarians voted to revise the country's 1958 constitution to enshrine women's "guaranteed freedom" to abort.
The overwhelming 780-72 vote saw a standing ovation in the parliament in Versailles when the result was announced.
President Emmanuel Macron described the move as "French pride" that had sent a "universal message".

they did that cause of usa overturning womens right thanks to rep and trump cant get an abortion you can own countless guns assault weapons bumberstock cause that is your right we just lost a police officer and process server serving this man has not paid taxes in five years and that man shot killed them wounded two other police officer left wife two small children i saw on our local news that house big house lots of land his dogs house dogs out in the front yard now where will those dogs end up overcrowded shelter this stuff goes on everyday now every day but cant stop the gun owning cant even really enforce what few rules there are owning one
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28150 on: March 09, 2024, 04:40:04 AM »

Something I’ve Never Seen - UPDATE March 8, 2024

Bald eagle and crows
Fisher male
Fisher male
The male fisher started the excitement at 8:20 AM, leaping up onto the little feeder for the one remaining piece of ham fat. We replenished the offering, and an hour later the eagle showed he was learning fast by swooping, grabbing, and taking his prize to a branch at the edge of the yard. Three crows saw what he had and followed, landing around him as he looked defensively at two of them. He turned to eating, mostly ignoring them as one or another flew toward him, sometimes landing on his back for a second or so—too fast to see if they did more. Eventually he finished and disappeared over the far horizon.

We were back to usual as the small feeder became densely covered by common redpolls with one pine siskin in the foreground. At any hint of danger, all would fly off and trickle back to again feed shoulder to shoulder and beak to beak, letting others land among them as they kept eating. Redpolls always impress me with their lack of aggression as they feed so closely.

Redpolls w/ siskin
Redpolls w/ siskin

Hoary redpole male
Hoary redpole male

On one of the flights of fright, one remained behind. It was lighter than the others, making me take a second look. Could it be a hoary redpoll? The stripes on its under parts were fainter than the others, and the breast color of this male was pinker and less red than the others. Hoaries can be easy or hard to spot depending on how light or dark they are, but I’m calling this one a hoary. If somebody knows better, let me know.

Bald eagle w/crow   Bald eagle w/crow
Then something happened I’d not seen before. The eagle swooped in for another helping and carried it high in a red pine. Crows gathered as before but were more and bolder—at least 11 of them. One after another, individuals flew to a branch above the eagle and dropped down to touch or land on it. The camera caught bold ones that landed and pecked before leaping away with the eagle mostly ignoring them. The eagle's beak was always either full or busy pecking at the meat held in its talons. The two pictures show both. When the eagle finished its meat and just sat there, the crows gradually flew off a few at a time.

A good day again.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28151 on: March 09, 2024, 04:50:30 AM »

hi you guys its 30 43 in ice 41 in kviv and 59 in the barn crazy crows stealing from an eagle how  rude. little fisher is just so cute cool flock of little birds


gb jims dad little bird all animals all of us not you putin

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28152 on: March 09, 2024, 10:52:09 AM »

4:21 Very good for me. Kind of damp out, but not real cold. 49 degrees at 11:32.
Karen gave me dinner last night. She made some salmon, which I have never liked, and always wondered why others did.  It was fresh Atlantic salmon which she baked along with a large sweet potato.  I did enjoy her dinner, and may try salmon again some day.  Then we watched the stories about gold mining that I usually watch on Friday. Well, she fell asleep so I went home. LOL.  No more gold mining for her. LOL  She is a "Hallmark" and "Mom" fan.
A friend from high school sent me an email with a class picture from our 30th reunion.  It was good to see.  We all looked so young.  I did not attend many reunions, but I was in that picture, and looked GOOD!  LOL!  I am in middle row on the right end.
Now time for me to make the treck to the mailbox around the block.
So CUL EV1.  GBU, Israel, Larry, Alice,little bird and Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28153 on: March 09, 2024, 01:39:57 PM »

Hi neva, Thank you. I hope all is well with you too. I'm keeping busy as usual. Always something to do. Family of course then outside work too. Not complaining. It's important to keep busy and active as best we all can.  :) You take care.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #28154 on: March 10, 2024, 07:09:32 AM »

hi you guys its 27 here 42 in ice 48 in kviv and 59 in the barn. i am kinda behind daylight savings which i hate for me for awhile it is 5:58 still i did not wake up till 2:30 am and takes me awhile to get up and get dressed let dogs out first back in then gather stuff out the front door all the way around now to the barn jim at hospital with his family i had to break a big bale of hay in the barn jim sat it in there for me the other day but this morning had to break it up and put parts in each of three huge boxes out there all this stuff take me along time to do.  :( but at least still able to do it i am about ready to call dr buzzard

hi joho funny karen fell asleep on your show i would fall asleep on my show and i do at night. good you did not take that wrong she was tired. i only went to my one reunion 40th i think my mom was still here the pictures are on my schools page. when i get time which will be awhile i will go and see if i can copy them send you one. i think like rues said once we all looked good back when we was younger.

hi neva well coyotee kitchen dogs howling i need to feed them go downstairs to my mom cats

hi alice jenni told me she dropped off her laptop for you  hope to hear from you soon she is taking good care of your cat ruby. you just get better okay


gb jims dad my little bird alice all animals and all of us not you putin
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb