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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1120011 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27855 on: January 03, 2024, 03:38:11 PM »

 Old House in Ireland ...  32:47    67°   (2:31  pm)   Sunny and nice out.  We were supposed to get a good rainstorm - never saw a drop of it ??  It must have gone somewhere else.

Cal     That poor Raccoon!  - but how fortunate she found you.  i wonder what went after her?   I'm having a quiet day, didn't feel great when I got up  (so I slept in).  I feel a bit dizzy, Parkinson's medication can do that, but hasn't up to now.

Joho    Thanks for the Cam suggestions. 
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27856 on: January 03, 2024, 04:03:26 PM »

Carol saysSenior discount is 10% on almost everything on the first Wednesday of each month. Plus Wed, is the start of their sale days.  Today was so busy there I did not wait in line for my two prescriptions that I went there to get.  Carol, said she got $9.00 off her bill today. She bought a lot. I will have to go back for the prescriptions, and maybe some other stuff.
 Maybe when on my way to get a Marco's Pizza, which I will get if I can find someone to share it with. If I do find someone, I will have to get half veggie.  Not even peperoni. LoL.  If not, I may get a meat-lovers pizza, which I prefer. Right now just waiting.
Debbie says she is wore out from Bash being "spicey" all day.
Now I will leave you all, and go check on some cams.  I think I can catch Marge on bear chat.
Sorry you are not 100% Neva.  Get a good night's rest and call us in the morning. As they say. LOL
CUL EV1 GBU< Israel, and Ukraine


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27857 on: January 04, 2024, 05:08:18 AM »

Bears I Look Forward to Seeing - UPDATE January 3, 2024

Lily 2009
As we get into the swing of the new year, I’m thinking of bears I hope to see. At the top of the list is 17-year-old Lily and the cubs she should have in the next couple weeks. This picture of 2-year-old Lily is from October 1, 2009, when she was two years old and giving up on digging a den that had too many big rocks. She was about to make a move that would benefit bears and people. She moved to the den where the world got to know her. With the den cam, we all shared in learning as she refuted so many misconceptions about how black bears give birth and care for cubs (Lynn L. Rogers, Linda McColley, Janet Dalton, Jim Stroner, Douglas Hajicek, Adam Partin and Gordon M. Burghardt. Behavior in Free-Living American Black Bear Dens: Parturition, Maternal Care, and Cub Behavior. Animals 2020, 10, 1123; doi:10,3390/ani10071123).

Guy w/chipmunk 7-20-23 by L. Kennedy
Guy w/chipmunk 7-20-23 by L. Kennedy
Another bear I hope to see is old Guy who showed his age this past summer with the white on his head, his eyelashes, and toe hairs. Guy is a trusting bear who tolerates chipmunks and people. That began some 14 years ago on August 1, 2009 when I first stroked him. Two weeks later he began calmly letting me take his pulse that was between 102 and 122 when he was calm. Then there was the moment on August 3, 2014 when a bear who made his fellow bears uneasy was behind me. Guy blew and chomped his teeth at the bear with me in position to immediately feel his chest—140 per minute.

This past summer, Guy was his same old self, sharing food with a trusting chipmunk and ignoring two of us as we snapped pictures to record his gentle nature and his white hairs and loss of lower incisors. We also got to see the big dark area between the enamel-covered crown area and gums on his lower canines. Seeing that makes me think I misjudged his age when I first guessed him to be five or six back in 2009. I now suspect he is in his mid-twenties.

Guys teeth - 7-20-23
Guys teeth - 7-20-23
Guy is a good example of a bear that trusts people at diversionary feeding sites, stays out of trouble and lives out his natural life span. Actually, that is fairly typical of bears in this area of diversionary feeding. In years of berry crop failure when other bears are being shot going from house to house as nuisances looking for bird seed and garbage, bears in this area are being greeted at a dozen diversionary feeding sites and staying out of trouble. As a result, bears around here are more likely to let people see their white hairs and tooth loss as in the picture.

I’d like to have a permit to radio-collar such bears and learn more about their travels, bear/bear interactions, dominance, reproductive success, weight, hibernation, foraging, bear/human relations, and whatever they would show us about their period of sentience and eventual natural causes of death—things no one has studied. The closest we have come to doing that was determining the natural cause of death of 26-year-old Midge as is reported in this paper that can be seen by clicking on the highlighted title (Dykstra, J.A., L. L. Rogers, S. A. Mansfield, and A. Wünschmann. 2012. Fatal disseminated blastomycosis in a free-ranging American black bear (Ursus americanus). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 24(6) 1125–1128).

There is so much yet to learn.


A nice moment a couple days ago was this raccoon stopping to say hi for a moment as it was foraging.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27858 on: January 04, 2024, 05:27:23 AM »

hi you guys its 27 here 30 in ice 35 in kviv and 50 in the barn got to pick up groceries very soon

hi joho orschlens when it was here had senior day i sure do miss that place tractor supply is not the same at all i never go in there but its been harder for me to go in anywhere really

hi neva  i woke up at 1:30 am addie been sick old cat but she was hungry so i got right up stayed up went to the barn and put out dry dog food all pans were empty and my raccoonie she was behind slider door she popped her head out i had her antibiotics little debbie fancy cakes ready to go she ate two packs of them i left a third one her face that huge scab or whatever is coming off i think i saw her bad eye it looks all white no vision i am sure but her other eye looks just fine i got up close to her and sprayed it with perioxide she did not act real bad with that but that is all i did i do not want to leave the barn another raccoon came in and she was tired but she got back behind the door on that insulation foil i put down for her so she stays to herself which is good i have no idea what happened to her jim said maybe hit by a car but road pretty far down if she did she made it all the way back to the barn and thru hidey hole. i just dont know but she seems to get better if she stays in the barn she will be safe i think she knows that. i feel so bad for her. i hope indy did not do that but it is still muddy back by him and been so for long time and i looked and looked if a raccoon went back there i would see their paw print never seen one back there before gate i have swung back one has horse fencing on it so nothing can get thru it i did that cause pearl was pawing it and getting her hoof in the fence holes other gates maybe can get thru it is swung back too so have to go around it at the back.  if you needed to sleep then you need to do that. i saw on the weather channel rain is coming to you today  i had to take the legs off that ottoman cali could not get up on it and then i had to take all that packing off it lots of that cause it was too slick under the blankets now she can get up on it okay. i told her while doing all this at 1:30 am cali this is a pain

gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us


Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27859 on: January 04, 2024, 10:05:53 AM »

5:10 I wish I was clever like JP.  I miss his quirky comments.
"Pretty" out this morning with a clean white trace dusting of snow, but colder than a blue witch's bosom. Only 28 degrees.  Lorrie says mail is in the box.  I dread the cold walk down the street to get it.  What if I slip and fall.  Yikes!  Just the thought makes me stick to my chair a little tighter.
  Lots of excitement in the Spanish Soccer world this morning.  Jenni Hermoso in court over the kiss she did not want.
Also, my favorite Melt Bar and Grille in Avon has closed it's doors forever.  It held very good memories for me, but now it is gone.  The other nearby Melt in Lakewood also holds good memories of my grand daughter little Mary's 18th birthday.  She amazed me with her sophisticated knowledge of what I viewed as the adult bar scene.  I had not kept in touch while she grew up. I have since learned that she is a classic overachiever in many ways.  She got her masters degree in speech pathology, she married her Brazilian college classmate, she birthed little Sebastian, and now will give me another greatgrandchild in June.
I know I am just reading the paper to you.  Forgive me.  I am dodging the trip to the mailbox.  See it is working.  The temp went up all ready from 28 to ,wow, 29. LOL Well her I go.  Maybe some bills are waiting for me to pay.  I can't tell yet, because my email will not let ne sign in.  So I can't see my USPS posting.  I will try another email.  Kinetic sucks!
Bye for now you'all.  CUL EV1 GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27860 on: January 04, 2024, 06:06:09 PM »

 Barnyard ...  32:26   51°   (3:25 pm)  Heavy clouds, heavy rain this morning.  Windy and chilly (for us)  Michelle is out covering the plants in the containers on the back patio -  low 30s tonight, high 20s in a day of two.  I do realize that all of you have it much worse, I am from Massachusetts, I am just telling you about life in the desert.  We are used to hot, hot, hot, and chilly is really cold, cold cold, at  times.

I hope all is well with all of you.

Cal      I'm glad to hear that your Raccoon is sticking with you and getting the help that she needs.  Thanks.  It's good that she has one good eye, at least.

Joho      Just curious, you mentioned about being "wordy" at times.  I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but it occurs to me that if you had ever thought about being a writer, you could have done it and there'd be two writers in your family.  I enjoy reading what you write.  It sounds like it comes easy to you, it is not over thought...  (btw -- Don't change anything)

"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27861 on: January 05, 2024, 06:06:06 AM »

hi you guys its 29 here 2 in ice and 32 in kviv and 50 in the barn

running late i have a sick cat i am giving her  hospice care raccoonie i did not see yesterday afternoon but i did see her this morning she was behind that door and two other raccoonies came out not back by her she ate her cakes with medicine she is unsteady in her walking but gets around rain and snow mix coming tonight and tomorrow turn to rain i hate that but hoping she still hangs in the barn i think she will i do not think she can get thru and to the back and out but i hope not never know. she likes her spot very close to food and water and can get back to spot that is kinda hidden. other two raccoonies got back in hay tunnels when maybe showed herself.
 hi neva i saw it was 37 for you and that is cold you got that rain much colder will be snow your weather be like ours and i do like read about weather like i post mine ice kviv barn like to hear johos too.

hi joho i drive to my mailbox long time since i could walk all the way down there no way now well maybe with my walker but then i would be really out of breath so no i know i should carry my cell phone but you should too. i miss jp period just miss him. i saw on our news one of tyreeks kids and he has alot 4 under ten was alone in his 7 million dollar house he was at practice and the kid was playing with a lighter and set the house on fire.

i gotta go


gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27862 on: January 05, 2024, 03:26:22 PM »

6:25 Just got back from Olive Garden brunch with classmates.  There were five and one spouse.  Two of the usual four girls made it, and three guys.  Lots of good stories heard.  Good food too. Waitress dumped a biog hand full of after dinner mints onto our table.  I got most of them.  There are not many left now.  I do have the leftover salad and one bread-stick. I took Gene home after a stop at the cobbler's shop near Great Northern.  Then I went through High Meadows Park at 2:30 and saw some deer right near the road. There were two grazing. On my way from there to get some gas I saw at least 12 more deer in two fields.
Sam's wanted $2.31 for gas.  I went to a Sheetz station near me and got it for $1.91.  YAY!
Debbie says Bash now has a cold, she is still ok.  She told me some dog stories from her kennel visits. I sent her the dog shame.  She laughed. She has worn the heels off her expensive and cozy Muck boots.  I tried to get Muck Boot Company to help me out in some way, but they kept me on hold for two hours over two days, and have not responded to the email I sent.  I will try to get these repaired next week.  She needs them this weekend to walk her dogs.  I may have to buy her some others.  These cost well over $100, and I bought three pairs last year. Mine are very good.  Billie's are good.  Deb's are leaking. I hope I can get them patched up.  They are mostly OK.
Well time for me to start my evening tasks, like cooking.  So CUL EV1 GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27863 on: January 05, 2024, 04:32:07 PM »

 Hydrant ...  23:16     55°  (2:30 pm)    Sunny w/ some clouds and a light breeze.  It says it will be 34° tonight.

I hope your day is going well.

Cal     I pay attention to the weather reports too.  Every time it is bad back east, or elsewhere, especially New England, I  thank my parents for bringing us out here.  I do get homesick for New England, but not for winter or specifically cold weather that involves ice or water, rain, whatever.  It is a bit odd because as a child, it did not bother me living there, I was used to it and that's all I knew.  If you asked many people to describe Hell, they say it was fire and brimstone, for me it would be  Antarctica.

I'm sorry about your sick cat.  I am glad for your compassion.  Our little dog, Zoe, will be 15 this coming June, and I dread losing her.  She is such sweet little girl.  She seems to be alright at this point, but I worry.

Joho     Gas for $1.91  !!!  wow!    My daughter paid $2.95  last time at Cost Co.  About you she says, "Lucky guy!"

It sounds like that Boot company doesn't care too much about customer relations.

"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27864 on: January 06, 2024, 03:31:01 PM »

I hope everyone is alright.
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27865 on: January 06, 2024, 09:43:07 PM »

I am here. Got a cold this morning.  So not in step today. Lots of tv.  Football and The Office all day.  I did visit mailbox and drugmart twice.  No mail the first time plus new cashier did not register bonus points. Slip said I need to go back within 14 days, and ask they be added.  I lose a lot of points that way.  I don't save cash receipts.  So I never go back.  She had scanned my little card so I was surprised to see that note. When I returned to the drive up window, I picked up the change cup I dropped, but could not reach  from my car.  She got help and finally says points were added to my account.
Debbie is good.  She dodged Bash's flu, and his cold so far.  So she went out to lunch with her favorite cousin, Diane.  We compared notes by phone on two football games this evening.  One is still on.  Tomorrow she will go to ARF and work with dogs.  I will heal some more probably.  We will see how the night goes.  Feel a lot better than this morning.
Will turn in soon.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27866 on: January 07, 2024, 04:59:52 AM »

A New Attractant and a New Look - UPDATE January 6, 2024

Gray jay
The new attractant is beef fat. I put some out where it was reachable for foxes and raccoons, and raccoons ate it. I then put some out in a harder place for most animals to reach to see if eagles, ravens, or something else might come, and it sat uneaten. On an above-freezing day, it got attention. Pileated woodpecker female w/suet
Pileated woodpecker
female w/suet
The female pileated woodpecker and hairy woodpeckers continued to eat the harder suet that is richer in some vitamins (A, D, E, K, and B1) and other nutrients. Flying squirrel digging in am
Flying squirrel
digging in morning
Then, overnight, all three pounds of it disappeared. Then came a likely suspect. The first fisher (a weasel that weighs 8 pounds or so) I’ve ever seen up on the second floor deck had climbed a tree to get on the deck railing, and was headed toward where the beef fat had been. I move to aim the camera, it saw me and ran for the tree and disappeared down it not to be seen since. I put another three pounds out that was at room temperature and fairly soft. It was popular with a rarely seen gray jay and the usual blue jays. Ravens don’t dare to land that close but they flew close a few times and the daring female of the pair that is often in a tree across the yard swooped in, grabbed a small loose piece on the fly, and landed in their tree. The male quickly joined her and I saw that it is the male with the two white spots on his chest. She didn’t share. Exciting to see the fisher and other action.

Blue jay w/beef fat
Blue jay w/beef fat

The new look is substantial snow. It started out this morning at maybe 3 inches but might be 4 or 5 inches by now. Still snowing. The beef fat was covered by snow with no tracks from anything coming up the steps or on the railing. Nothing had come overnight. The first visitor this morning was a flying squirrel at 6:05 AM (just after I arrived), and he or she was not to be deterred by the snow. It went directly to its usual feeding spot just outside the window, started digging, and was soon eating like usual. An hour later, it was blue jays, chickadees, and red squirrels there. To add mystery, an adult bald eagle flew directly over the beef fat only twenty feet above it, looking down but just flying on. I don’t know if it saw me at my desk or just didn’t know about the fat.

 Blue jay swallowing
Blue jay swallows
I’m worried about the friendly fox now that no one has seen him for two weeks. The only one anyone is seeing is a new shy one that comes up on the second floor deck here but disappears quickly when it realizes I’m at my desk. The friendly fox will be missed by everyone who knew him. He was a highlight wherever he was known. It is trapping season, but wolves have also been seen. They are known to have killed fox in the past. The friendly fox seemed unusually wary on his last visit here, watching long toward the forest, but it could have been deer he was hearing in that direction. Hard to know.

Red squirrel
Red squirrel

Now with snow, we’ll know better who is visiting. It’s 7:22 PM and the flying squirrel just arrived back at its spots of this morning.

A long cold spell is coming that includes below zero F temperatures. I believe the snow we have now we’ll still have in the spring unless El Nino can be more effective in keeping the weather warmer than I anticipate.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27867 on: January 07, 2024, 05:12:39 AM »

hi you guys its 26 here cloudy 43 in ice 17 in kviv and 50 in the barn i hope that red fox turns up my raccoonie was not in the barn this morning so i am worried she was waiting on me yesterday morning when i went out at 3 am i was happy to see her cause i was in a hurry to get back in to addie up all night with her she was better and then of course went the other way i gave her fluids and sookie her friend laid up next to her when addie cried out softly i asked my mom to come get her  i told jesus god i know my mom is an angel up there so please let her do this and mom came sob so addie not sick anymore sookie laid up next to her for awhile i told her addie had to go but you still got your kid meanie boy and later when i went in she was laying next to him. i kept the dogs out of room let jim deal with them so they wake me up at night howling but they got their kitchen beds and jim been watching football in the living room so he is close. just been me and cali and my other old cats.


gb all animals
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27868 on: January 07, 2024, 03:34:37 PM »

 Small Church ...  27:19      56°  (1:58 pm)    Heavy clouds, and quite windy.  It's raining.

Cal    I should have guessed.  It is hard to lose them.

Hi Joho

                      At 3:03 pm it started snowing right here at my house. 
« Last Edit: January 07, 2024, 04:19:17 PM by neva »
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #27869 on: January 07, 2024, 09:20:22 PM »

4:37 Finally got to the puter.  Been sick, but better today. Nose is good.  No cough. No fever. No covid. No muscle pain. However, I have a funny kind of intense dizziness.  Been using my walker all day.
So sorry Cal for your loss. I am crying with you for your animal friend.  They just get a grip on our hearts us that we cannot deny.  I believe all animals go to a better place and are waiting for us there.  It is so hard to go on sometimes, but we have to for those that are still here and need us.
Was a grey grey day.  I feel like running away.  Running away from it all. Not really.  Watched a lot of football.  Still on.  Will leave you now and go watch the end of this game and also the PBS show.
Hi, bye Neva, ET AL.  Good Night GBU, Israel, and Ukraine.