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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 2007488 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25785 on: November 08, 2022, 05:26:01 AM »

hi you guys its 46 here 41 raining in iceland 51 in the barn and when i go out real early to the barn i always look at the sky for moon stars and it was dark where is that moon turned saw it and the eclipse! man it was awesome to see. i watched it for a minute them inside the barn reminded to get in there.

Hi Neva i thought that too cree little run down but living outside working hard at least a roof over their heads.  yes if i won any money i sure would help them i do send money to a reading program for na childrens jp always did that and i started it too cause of him. have to be able to read and write. jim did report that woman to the uaw she was paid to work the polls. so good you got your voting done and was safe. i will go soon to vote heard on the world news trump will have a surprise announcement on the 15th oh like its a big surprise the surprise is he can run again  do whatever we want no price to pay putin too and erdogan turkey runs nato finland and sweden still not in nato cause of him. after treatment of ukraine i feel nato is just plain weak. wonder if putin should make a mistake and attack a so call nato country what really would nato do? song on the farm i hear when i am in the barn talks about tucson nice song and i think of you.

hi joho hope you got all stuff done yesterday

gb ukraine gb all animals and gb all of us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25786 on: November 08, 2022, 08:15:53 AM »

6:02  Good morning.  Thanks to time change I am up since about 6 am.  I did get my list completed yesterday, but it did take all day and lots of miles.  Doctor says he is satisfied with my health.  Good to know he is happy. LOL  Popcorn was a hit with his office staff.
Today it is cold 40 degrees.  Feels much colder, because we have had it so very warm for so long. No plans yet for today except to rest up and stay warm.  Not much wind so I may put on a jacket and try a bike ride after while.
  My knees are sore for some reason, and I don't like it.  Left knee is old and it always hurts a little, but my new knee is hurting too.  That is what I don't like.  It has been fine for two years, but has always clicked a little from time to time.  Now it hurts when I walk and it clicks.
Made a mistake at the neighborhood mailbox yesterday.  Met a neighbor lady walking her dog. I like her and was glad to see her.  Her cheeks were pale white.  Her nose was red and runny, and she sounded horse.  I thought she was sick, and asked how are you feeling.  She said ,"I am fine."  OOOPs.  I  feel bad now about asking if she was sick.
Debbie and Boss are getting along just fine. May and Bash are good.
Winter is really here today gray and cold, but it is about time.  I heard about someone with feet of snow yesterday, I think it may be where the Donner party got trapped.  Glad I am here by the mellow Great Lakes.  They help moderate our weather a lot to limit extremes.
OK Now I will leave you all.  All the voter forecasts I have heard this morning are against the Democrats.  I am not happy to hear all this.  It means the party of revolt and violence is expected to be rewarded for being evil.  If that happens it means our values of decency and honor are being replaced by lies and rebellion. The phony tactic of industry CEOs and Boards raising prices of gas and food to make Biden look bad is working.  This in spite of the reports of record setting excess profits in the food and oil industries.  How can this be? The quarterly reports clearly show the excess profits, but most voters don't seem to know this.  Am I really being too naïve thinking honesty counts.
 I suppose we will survive this election as we have all others, but at what cost?
Well enough of my soapbox.  CUL EV1 GBU GB Ukraine and God Bless America on this fateful day.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25787 on: November 08, 2022, 10:25:57 AM »

hi joho! l went and voted no problems no guards but only one other person voting i got right in everyone very nice while i was voting the people working talking about their cats scratching up table one likes to pee on her floor oh been there talking about their dog aussie chewing up door oh been there many many times still there at times got my i voted sticker left jim voted earlier then went to sonic to eat then city ford off today to vote uaw got that but thinking of ending it cause ford workers many voting rep like rep are for unions. yes joho what about decency honest truthful and kind north korea sending putin weapons but really ukraine should of had help big help cause big bad evil from the get go god you just cant let evil win over good just cant
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25788 on: November 08, 2022, 02:05:56 PM »

  Snowman ... 23:15    78°  (12:45 pm)   Clear, sunny sky and no wind at the moment. 

Hi you two, I hope your day is going well.

Cal, I'm glad things were peaceful and safe at your voting place.  We all deserve that.  Now I will become somewhat glued to the Cable News channel.  I sure hope and pray that Arizona doesn't end up with that Lake woman as Governor! 

Joho, maybe your neighbor will see it as a good mannered and friendly inquiry after her well being.  Like - 'How are you?'   
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25789 on: November 08, 2022, 04:41:24 PM »

I wish Neva, but not so sure.  When I left her her nose was about to drip.  She had a firm grip of leash wrapped around one hand, and a bag of dog poop dangling in the other hand. i am sure she felt the wetness and wanted to blow her nose, but could not.  So I quickly left to give her privacy for whatever was next.
 You know what I mean.  Step on the leash, put the poop bag down, grab your hanky and blow.  At least wipe or dab.  Like a lady, or something less lady like involving her sleeve. 
Was a big boxer type dog and not hers.  Looking back I should have offered to hold the dog, but I did not want to call more attention to her runny nose than I already had. So I just left quickly.
 We are new unfamiliar friends.  We have spoken only one other time at her mailbox a few months ago.  Well we will see what comes next.  I hope we stay friends.
Cal scares me with the thought of N. Korea and Putin joining to nuke the world.  What if Iran and other evil nukers jump in too on Putin's side.
 GBU and GB Ukraine. 


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25790 on: November 08, 2022, 06:14:15 PM »

hi neva i saw on news voting in temoe az and what a line! said tons turning out to vote in az i hope that is a good sign also good my town population is 225 and not everybody vote at the same time if i saw a big line i would go on to town get stuff come back vote.

hi joho been on news north korea helping putin and iran sending drones to putin so everyone needs to keep helping ukraine and i am sure we got stuff to fight off putin rocketman anyone attack us we are in nato so everyone goes in attack mode wish ukraine in nato be no war then god is for good heard total eclipse of moon tonight its very cloudy here so im happy i saw it earlier. your kinda friend im sure is over that if not her lost shoot got to,order groceries i want to lay down watch election returns.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25791 on: November 09, 2022, 05:08:58 AM »

hi you guys its 59 here big full moon 42 in iceland and 59 in the barn. got to pick up groceries hope they have my dog food getting where that is a worry so will have to hang around till feed store opens at 8 and get it.

hi neva i meant tempe az and i saw that horrible lake woman did lose! :) she is the pits. she pledges to not accept that lose. oh im sure. lots of races too call to call right now i am sure what took place do you guys know?

GB Ukraine GB all animals and GB us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25792 on: November 09, 2022, 06:59:44 AM »

6:49 Tipi and castle for contrast.  Where in the world?
Good morning.  I am greatly disappointed in the apparent voting results.  It appears Trump still has a tremendous negative influence over America's collective thinking.  Unbelievable!
  What will it take for us to see the selfish evil attitudes of the MAGA camp?  There is a glimmer of hope as shown in the PA races, and a few others, but over all I still see an avarice not very pretty in America.
People are falling for the phony inflation tactic of the clique of powerful industrial, energy, and commerce leaders who raised our cost of living a lot just to make Biden look bad.  Look for example at the financial results of Campbells Soup, Exon Mobil, and many others.  Just look at the record earnings they are bragging about in the midst of a recession.  All this excess profit is coming out of our pockets every day for one reason.  To make Biden look bad, and it is working.
 Do not let yourself be fooled.  Soup does not cost 33% to 100% more to make than it did a year ago.  Gasoline does not cost 50% more to make than it did a year ago.  These inflated prices are criminal and should be prosecuted along with the intermediate gougers that jumped on the inflation band wagon at so many levels.  My popcorn went from $2.50 a bag to $2.75.  A 10 % increase for no good reason , except it is fashionable to jack up prices. They were probably making a profit of at least $1.50 per bag.  If so, their profit is now $ 1.75 per bag, a 16.7 % increase.  One tiny example of what "THEY" are doing to us in the name of politics. 
Well enough soapbox rhetoric for this morning. Thanks for being here.
 CUL EV1 GBU . GB Ukraine, and God Bless America


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25793 on: November 09, 2022, 10:57:19 AM »

hi joho yes i agree with you. i ordered groceries online walmart last night in less than a week prices up even more. yes my vegan campbell soup which once was 1.24 now is 1.79 my little cheese pizza 1.00 now 1.75 cat litter dog food cat food i put one can of friskies can food on cali penny brownies pan of dry dog food now. share my dinner with them at night. i think biden congress etc needs to work on this does not matter whos fault it is it needs to stop there are people paying more for groceries than rent or house payment people go without enough food has this country turned into putin trying to stop ukraine wheat and grain going to people. using food as a weapon. this is it on my soup not buying it again if it is left on the shelf  price will come down. jims sister who i love his oldest sister called and ask us to come to pops for thanksgiving i stay home watch the kids but she told jim please tell cal i will make her whatever she wants to eat so if i go we cant stay long almost two hours there and back and i will tell her i will find something to eat rolls mac and cheese i would be coming to see her not the food. i got a mrs smith cherry pie for pops i will cook and take it yes price went way up but i got it.
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25794 on: November 09, 2022, 09:21:46 PM »

Bear on Snowman cam


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25795 on: November 10, 2022, 04:59:06 AM »

Memories of Ted - UPDATE November 9, 2022

People are sending me memories of Ted for possible use in his exhibit. Their memories show how important Ted was in giving people new views of black bears. At the end of Black Bear Field Study Courses back years ago, participants met Ted up close. People wrote that they have not forgotten how Ted gave them a sense of comfort. One said she looked into his eyes from eye level and saw him looking back with love. I’ve seen that, too. An Apache elder, a Medicine Man, got down on his knees, looked into Ted’s eyes and was so overcome with emotion that he had tears running down his face. Ted reacted and started whooting his friendly sounds, licking the man’s face through the fence “almost as if Ted was comforting him” the person said, adding that the man had to be lifted up because his emotional experience with Ted was so overwhelming.

Sharp shinned hawk juv.
Sharp-shinned hawk juv.
Sharp shinned hawk juv
Sharp-shinned hawk juv.
White-breasted nuthatch
White-breasted nuthatch
Red squirrel
Red squirrel
Red-breasted nuthatch male
Red-breasted nuthatch male
Blue Jay
Blue jay
Wet Chickadee
Wet Chickadee
Hairy woodpecker female
Hairy woodpecker female
I want to write a chapter about him in my book. If you have a memory you’d like to share, I’m at [email protected].

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25796 on: November 10, 2022, 05:10:33 AM »

hi you guys its 65 cloudy some 43 and sunny in iceland and 65 in the barn. big weather changes here temp falling later and maybe ice and snow tonight very moving story on ted just heartbreaking he is gone.

hi joho i was sleeping when you saw that bear i have been to snows for awhile need to go there  my friend alice who reads here everyday as a guest emailed me this...If you think of it ... a while back JoHo mentioned that when he does the morning puzzle, his mouse doesn't "grab" each piece and he has to try, try again/which slows him down.  Would you ask him what he did to correct that?  I like beating the "average" time at least.

KYIV, Ukraine — The Kremlin on Wednesday announced a retreat of Russian forces from the strategically important city of Kherson in southern Ukraine, a concession to military reality eight months after capturing the area, and one of the most significant reversals of President Vladimir V. Putin’s war effort.

The withdrawal order came from Russia’s defense minister, Sergei K. Shoigu, in a meeting with top military leaders that was broadcast on Russian state television, after Gen. Sergei V. Surovikin, Moscow’s commander in Ukraine, explained that heavy shelling by advancing Ukrainian forces had made the Russian position west of the Dnipro River, where Kherson is, untenable.

“Go ahead with the pullout of troops and take all measures to ensure safe transfer of troops, weapons and equipment to the other bank of the Dnipro River,” Mr. Shoigu said.

Mr. Putin was not present at the meeting, distancing him from both an embarrassing defeat and a decision to retreat that, Kremlin analysts say, only he could have made.

By day’s end there was strong evidence that Russians were withdrawing from the territory they held west of the river, Ukrainian officials said, as Ukrainian soldiers entered some frontline villages that had been under Russian control in the morning.

Wary of a possible ruse meant to lure Ukrainian troops into a trap, the officials cautioned that they were not yet sure about the status of Russian forces within the city, but as the day went on they grew more confident that the pullback was real.

Pres zen did say the enemy does not give us gifts being cautious.

hi neva!

gb ukraine gb all of us gb all animals and GB USA

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25797 on: November 10, 2022, 07:22:29 AM »

6:10 Good morning y'all.
 51 degrees at 8:06, but dry. May take a bike ride this morning just to limber up.  Will need a jacket and long pants, but not gloves.  Knees seem kind of stiff.  Saw that big black bear on Snow come and go off to the left quickly. 
Then this morning when I looked in on cam it showed the table, snowman, and goose all crashed over into a pile of I think apples.  Cam blinked, and all figures were corrected in a flash.  It was a cam illusion at first.  Like a memory from the night.
Well I am sorry to say when pieces are hard to grab, like this morning, I just keep going back after them.  On those days I am way below average.  Instead of my usual just a little below average. LOL 
Let Alice know she is not alone.  Makes me feel better knowing I am not the only slow one.
Well thanks to Cal for the Russian pull out news.  Ukraine is a tough cookie. God Bless Them.
CUL EV 1 GBU  GB Ted and all those who visit here.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25798 on: November 10, 2022, 04:12:07 PM »

  Tipi Garden ... 21:31
  Castle Flowers ...  22:36     65°  (2:53 pm)   Partly cloudy, sunny and a pleasant breeze.  It is another good day here.   

  Hi everyone ... you too, Alice.  😊  I hope that all is going well for all who are here.

Add me to the list of slow puzzle doers, never even make average.  I am just grateful to have a puzzle to do.  I also play a solitaire kind of Mah-Jong :    https://www.free-play-mahjong.com/

One of my daughters told the other that she'd better grab a sweater when she went out as it is chilly out there.  I had to smile, as I wondered how they'd feel about living where people face real winter.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2022, 04:14:06 PM by neva »
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25799 on: November 10, 2022, 05:55:27 PM »

We wear our sweaters all the time even indoors. LOL