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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 2007588 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25485 on: August 23, 2022, 11:53:23 AM »

hopped the train in 3:29
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25486 on: August 23, 2022, 05:23:30 PM »

hi neva in my room yay my arms hurt from shots and just wore out weather channel showed tucson sunset from aug 20 said favorite video so beautiful then i changed channel to good bones and commercial showed house of dragons omg i have to see that! those dragons! wonder when dvd be out?
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25487 on: August 24, 2022, 04:42:37 AM »

hi you guys its 62 here its 58 and cloudy in iceland

GB Ukraine!

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25488 on: August 24, 2022, 06:54:17 AM »

Good morning EV1. Slow start to day.  7:06  Nice again. 61 and calm.  Early bike ride I think.  Not sure yet.  Maybe go to fair. Will go tomorrow for sure.  Deb got a flirt to exercise Boss with.  It is like a long whip with a bird like toy on the end of the string.  She waves it around and Boss chases it and jumps to catch it. Like a cat toy. She said he gets very tired out in just 10 minutes and naps for an hour.
She has a curios mind.  On Sat. she and a friend are making a two hour trip to buy seeds for a pollinator garden.  I will keep Boss for her.  He may stay the night too, so Mary can go to a Brown's game with Matt.  I will take him home to his kennel if he is uneasy in the night.
Now I hear my coffee calling. LOL CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25489 on: August 24, 2022, 09:42:22 AM »

Hall of Fame QB Len Dawson, who led Kansas City Chiefs to Super Bowl IV win, dies at age 87
A professional football player smoking a cigarette, but not just anywhere—at halftime of the championship game. This picture is almost as iconic as Joe Namath walking onto the field in his giant fur coat a few years later.

For all the grit that professional football players (of any era) have, one thing you’ll never see is a player, let alone a star player, smoking on the sideline and drinking a Fresca during halftime. Forget Gatorade, water, or any sort of healthy electrolytes; Len Dawson was chugging sparkling water and taking a deep breath of smoke before running back out there to get smacked around by the Packers. Trey Wingo is right, what a legend.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 09:45:01 AM by calihoula »
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25490 on: August 24, 2022, 05:04:20 PM »

  Rose Door ...  30:35       93°  (2:01)     "mostly sunny" today.   We got a wonderful rain yesterday.  No complaints here.  It looks like it would like to work its way into another rainstorm.

Feeling a lot better.

Joho, you sound like you are feeling better.  It is really such a bonus that you have Boss in your life.  I've always thought that the companionship of dogs is one of God's greatest gifts.  (Just my opinion)  I lost my dog, Maddie Rose, in 2017 and miss her so much.  I am lucky that my granddaughter's dog, Zoe, hangs out with me every day.

Cal,  I see that you are also a lover of dragons.  Me too.  My granddaughter Bella was born in the year of the Dragon, and my grandson, Justin loves dragons, so I gave him one. 


My experience was that my first Shingles shot was the most painful shot I have ever gotten  -- wow!  Usually I have no problem with
shots.  That sure surprised me

« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 08:33:35 PM by neva »
"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25491 on: August 24, 2022, 10:29:19 PM »

Sorry Neva to hear the shot hurt you.
 I love dogs too much.  We have buried over 20 dogs, and some other animals, over the years.  It is now too hard for me go through the heat break of that comes with losing a pet.  I can't do it any more.  Also it is hard for me to lean over to clean up stuff without falling.
Don't have anything to say about dragons.
Still have not been to the fair.  Maybe tomorrow is the day.  It is free admission due to senior day.
Now I will play solitaire a while and then sleep.  Not too tired now.  I slept a little through the afternoon and evening.  TV was dull.
Good night now GBU and GB Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25492 on: August 25, 2022, 04:47:18 AM »

Mothers and Cubs - UPDATE August 24, 2022

Katrina with female cub
With chokecherries and pincherries giving scats a nice scent, not what most people would expect, we know what the bears are doing during the midday hours.Chokecherry scat In the early and late hours, more and more mothers are making appearances in the region. These include Katrina and her three cubs, Jewel and her three cubs, Lily and her three cubs, Carolyn and her two cubs, Pixie and her two cubs, and a new mother Cinna and her three.

Cinna   Cinna's cubs
Cinna is not a clan bear but a bear with familiar lineage. Her mother Kimani showed up with Cinna and her siblings in 2018 and has returned each year. Last year, Cinna’s sibling, 3-year-old Emma, appeared with one cub. This year it is 4-year-old Cinna with three, two of which are pictured up a tree.

Katrina   Katrina w/female cub
It was especially nice today to see 3-year-old Katrina, daughter of Braveheart, being such a good mother. The day began with a call and a ride and seeing her cubs up a tree. Katrina was at the base grunting her desire for them to come down. The two males were sleeping and unresponsive. Then the female cub started down and Katrina stood up against the trunk to meet her. At the base, the two joined together and stayed together as long as we watched.

The day ended with Cinna and her three again, a call to see Jewel and her three, and a nice visit by Lucy. Good feelings.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25493 on: August 25, 2022, 05:04:51 AM »

hi you guys its 69 here clear was pretty darn hot yesterday 53 and raining in iceland well said morning showers  update makes me worry all them mom bears with their kids and sept 1 only a week away. :(

hi joho i cant even tell how many dogs been buried would have to think on it and dont want too horses cats hamsters mice birds and on and on. no more horses after my pearl or goats after sweet or really dogs. no more big dogs for sure or cats dont want to leave anyone behind when i go. i get that bending over i just try to be extra careful no more carefree days of doing what ever. the farm talking about a fair few towns over said good music and good food i thought of you with the food.

Hi Neva! love your dragon! yes i love dragons! well this is the first time i got that shingle shot both arms hurt me afterward really bad and this time i was so tired and had a headache bad i got my stuff done for two hours and i took the dogs and went and laid down at noon something i never do unless very sick. dogs went with me and i had on the weather channel saw my temp were like 86 but said real feel was 98 and i went to sleep woke up in an hour and half made myself get up and do all my stuff last night when i got done went to bed at 5;30 and right to sleep woke up once at ten went back to sleep oh my god the kitchen coyotees are going at it loud!! jim is on it. he saying oh my goodness poor babies. i gotta go. i better hurry up. last night before i went to sleep i watched our channel 9 len dawson was sport man on it for 30 years  so sad he is gone. tonight we play packers here last preseason tribute to him then too. they showed patrick mahomes wearing his hoodie with that picture of len on it neva so happy you are better i tell you im not sure i am going back for that second shingle shot and that  PREVNAR 20

GB Ukraine!

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25494 on: August 25, 2022, 05:40:09 AM »

6:02 Thought it was going faster than that. Still tired, but it is time to get going. Cal, from what I have heard shingles hurts a lot more than the shot and for a longer time too.  Maybe ask why it hurts.  Then pick a spot where it is less likely to hurt.  Even if a little embarrassing. Thinking of that Saturday Evening Post cover with the little boy and the doctor by Norman Rockwell.  "Before The Shot"  Google it.
OK now.  Eyes less watery.  So going outside for paper, and then some coffee to get started.
CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25495 on: August 25, 2022, 10:04:28 AM »

77 degrees at 11am here, and 68 degrees in Dublin at 4 pm. FYI
Did ride about 2 miles this morning. Now deciding to have lunch at home or at the fair.  I think the fair is most likely to be the place and soon. I often get a donut and coffee on my way into the midway.  Then a hotdog from an old friend.  Then some fries with vinegar and salt on them.  A little later, not much. I will get a pork loin sandwich with horseradish and mayo and pepper rings on it.  Then after about 1 or 2 hours I will get an Italian sausage sandwich.  Before I start home I will buy a bag of peanuts roasted in the shell.  I have done it like this many many times.
Bye for now EV 1 GBU and GB Ukraine.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25496 on: August 25, 2022, 11:23:56 AM »

hi joho! arm that got flu shot is good today shingle arm still hurts but is better. i went to the bank gas station put gas in my car gas can came home went to mower mowed upper horse pasture graves there it was warm but then clouds over sun so better tvs came flew over me they are a nosey bird. always checking me out hawks just go on crane not even look at me but tvs. that shingle shot also made me so overly tired all day yesterday headache muscles hurt wont matter where i get that next one and no not getting it in my rear end. shot itself stung but then okay but man pain later. im going to google if you just get the one. when i go back be around halloween so probably done mowing hope its way cooler then too. dryer sounded off did big load of jims jeans overalls i got behind yesterday laying down at noon. crazy. oh joho reading what all you plan on eating at the fair! you must have a cast iron gut!   :)
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25497 on: August 25, 2022, 06:09:58 PM »

  Car Ferry ...  33:26     95° (3:54)    Mostly sunny, and a light breeze.  A lot of clouds building out east.  It is a nice day.

The thing I like about Dragons is the design, the look, and the artistry of them.  I also enjoy Mythology, history and storytelling in various cultures.

Hi you two, and all other visitors here.

"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
(J.W. Stephens)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25498 on: August 26, 2022, 05:02:48 AM »

hi you guys its 70 here 55 and cloudy in iceland

hi neva! i looked at my program guide my HBO channels and i saw later on that night dragon house! first episode season one. so i came on there after showing on the one you have to buy. i hit record the series. i do that for blacklist have to see red so maybe i can do it for dragons too and yes neva reading what i have so far the story telling is something else. if i cant get right in to a book i pretty know i aint. lots of books i read i get right in them. kitchen coyotees going off jim went in there now just grizs lone bark.

GB Uraine!


Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #25499 on: August 26, 2022, 11:55:33 AM »

6:43  Well I just woke up from a nap.  Fair took it out of me.  Got up at 8:30.  Then layed down at about 9:30. 
I did everything I said I would do at the fair.  Saw and talked to a lot of people I have not seen in years as well as a lot of new folks too.  Did not see many masks.  Mine was in my pocket most of the day.  Saw and petted a lot of nice animals.  Including the Budweiser Clydesdales. WOW!
 I especially love the goats.  They are the moist affectionate.  They stick their little heads through or over the stalls to get a pet. The pigs, cows, and horses are nice, but not 100% cuddly as are the goats.
I did get to see a small part of a 4H dog agility show.  Was interesting.  One very enthusiastic German Sheppard really tore up the two tunnels.  The cutest part was when they set the bars up at about 3 inches for a little Boston Bull dog.  He cleared them all nicely.  He was the smallest dog I saw.  The biggest was a shiny black Standard Poodle who had to duck to get into the tunnels, and did not like it.  Took three attempts at each tunnel to get him in there.  Once he did not come out either end. LOL
I ate in order, two donuts with milk, one giant corndog with mustard, small french-fries with salt and vinegar,  one bottle of water, one hamburger(to support a friend's church).  That was lunch on my arrival at the fair.  Took a break from eating to walk the barns and midway.  Then saw a little of the end of the horse pull contest.  It was crowded and hot in the stands. While walking I noticed how many babies seemed to take an interest in me.  Lots of them would stare right at me.  Most would smile.  I must have the grandpa look they like. I hope.  At least they did not start crying. LOL After a long walk around the grounds I headed for my blood pressure test.  Sadly found that the usual nurse had suffered a stroke on the second day of the fair.  My test result was very good at 118/79.
From here it was a long walk past lots of good stuff to get dinner.  Finally got to my favorite trailer where I got a giant juicy pork loin sandwich done right.  Soooo good.  Had a bottle of water with the sandwich while watching the 4H horse ring.  Girls were racing around three barrels.  Close to here I got a nice Italian sausage sandwich.  Which I took to the dog agility barn.  IO was staring to feel a little full by now.  So I took about a half hour break from eating to watch the various horses and ponies in the show ring outside the draft horse barn.  I heard the tractor pull nearby and went to watch it.  Outside the stands I bought a bag of salted roasted peanuts in the shell from an old friend from many years at the fair who asked how I am doing.  After the pull I was tired and had not finished all the peanuts.  So I started for the car. I gave the peanuts to a young man in a wheel chair near me in the stands.  He was delighted.
Now, like it or not it is, would you believe, Lunch Time! LOL
 CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine.