Mothers and Cubs - UPDATE August 24, 2022

Katrina with female cub

With chokecherries and pincherries giving scats a nice scent, not what most people would expect, we know what the bears are doing during the midday hours.Chokecherry scat In the early and late hours, more and more mothers are making appearances in the region. These include Katrina and her three cubs, Jewel and her three cubs, Lily and her three cubs, Carolyn and her two cubs, Pixie and her two cubs, and a new mother Cinna and her three.

Cinna's cubs

Cinna is not a clan bear but a bear with familiar lineage. Her mother Kimani showed up with Cinna and her siblings in 2018 and has returned each year. Last year, Cinna’s sibling, 3-year-old Emma, appeared with one cub. This year it is 4-year-old Cinna with three, two of which are pictured up a tree.

Katrina w/female cub

It was especially nice today to see 3-year-old Katrina, daughter of Braveheart, being such a good mother. The day began with a call and a ride and seeing her cubs up a tree. Katrina was at the base grunting her desire for them to come down. The two males were sleeping and unresponsive. Then the female cub started down and Katrina stood up against the trunk to meet her. At the base, the two joined together and stayed together as long as we watched.
The day ended with Cinna and her three again, a call to see Jewel and her three, and a nice visit by Lucy. Good feelings.
Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center