Hi Yall.
Got a big dog crate for Boss. He loves his crate at home. I hope he likes mine. He would not go into the one I do have. It is small.
Had a good day away at Letha House Park. Met a lot of nice people. Caught some nice bluegills and one big catfish. All the bluegills were released unharmed, and the catfish turned himself loose by breaking my hook, line, and sinker off my nice new rod. I think the line is too small for catfish. This is the second one i have caught on this little pole. I lost both at the dock. Was nice most of the day. No plan for tomorrow, but Debbie and Boss are going to Letha House with me on Friday late afternoon. She will walk him and I will fish. Should be fun. It is a nice park with well kept trails, and not too crowded. Not sure how yet with Boss, but I would sure like to take Debbie to the Hungry Bear for dinner. Maybe takeout, but I really want her to meet Joan's young waitress friend Katie. Maybe I will phone order and let Debbie go in for it. That would work and Boss would be safe. We will see. Now close to 7 and I will go make dinner. Lorie sent over soup. I will add a can of beans I like and make two meals of it.
So for now I will CUL EV1 GBU and GB Ukraine.