Bears by Night, and a Fox by Day - UPDATE October 30, 2021
As darkness falls, a bear or two or three spice up the night. Glad to see them. This seems a little late in the fall, but we are still learning in this year of drought and famine. I suspect they sleep or rest through the day. Bear
I remember how easy it was to accompany a mother and cubs for a 24-hour period in fall back in the late 1980’s. I lay beside them as they spent 22 of the 24 hours resting, sleeping and nursing in a bed of vegetation they had raked up. For the other two hours, they foraged as actively as ever.
The hungry red fox was especially entertaining today. When I gave him a mouse, he(?) shook it, threw it in the air, and pounced on it over and over—at least a dozen times. He did the same with another mouse a couple days ago. I already have a mouse to see if he does the same tomorrow.
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red fox throwing mouse
Red fox throwing mouse
A few aspens and birches still have their color, but most have lost their leaves as is shown in the background of the picture.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center