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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 2007540 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23175 on: March 23, 2021, 05:22:54 AM »

jpjudi im on my ipad now you just include your time in your post like 4:22 on puzzle got to go hagd gb cal
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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23176 on: March 23, 2021, 09:12:38 AM »

Hi EV1,
You too Judi.   4:48 on puzzle.  Not bad for me.
 Nice but cool this morning.  Lots to do today.  Hope it stays nice.  Supposed to go up to about 70 again.  That will let me ride a little later in the day. I can't walk far, but I can ride my bicycle.
 My knee doctor has just retired.  I was scheduled for a complete knee replacement last year, but put it off hoping for a vaccine.  Now I am ready and have no doctor. So I don't know what will be next along that line.  My daughter has a possible recommendation that she and Joan had shoulder treatment, including surgery, by a while ago.  Only thing is he is a spine guy.  He is a good doctor though and I will at least talk to him and see what he thinks.  Don't know when yet.  Still tempted to let covid pass more into the rear view.
Nice to see your posts Judi and Rues.  Plumbing is a bear. LOL


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23177 on: March 24, 2021, 07:51:24 AM »

Daily Updates
Signs of Spring—Bears!!! - UPDATE March 23, 2021
23 March 2021
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Carolyn cubs
Carolyn and cubs
With little snow and April-like temperatures, bears are roaming earlier that I would have expected. Spanky is not the only bear up and about.

A couple days ago, Herbie was seen. Today, it’s Carolyn and her three yearlings (Eureka, Hoover, and Dyson), which are a female and 2 males.

Spanky is still taking big naps, though. I wonder if these bears are doing that, too. Spanky is getting more playful, using a roof snow rake as a toy as shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS0eD_Um664

At the Bear Center, Holly (who has Minnesota genes) is also up and around like some of the wild bears that are starting to be seen around here. I hope she stops being pesky to Tasha.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

2021 Bear DenClick to watch the 2021 Bear Den Cam

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23178 on: March 24, 2021, 08:02:51 AM »

hi you guys boo has been snappy when you touch his back end i had jim call dr ryder yesterday and he said boo would have some pain from walking on 3 legs getting use to that shifts alot and he said give us a prescription for deramaxx so jim picking up today i had some for grizz very good pain medicine so last night gave him one jim put him on his ortho ped. crib matteress he loves that like the couch and he ate a hamburger yesterday and his nutrition shakes 4 of them dr thought that was a good idea he thinks this if from the chemo boo come out of it i went to walmart yesterday my foot is so bad dragged myself around that store had someone take my stuff out load it up bought a bissel pet carpet cleaner had to put it together but works really well on big area carpet . his temp was 101.4 all day long he slept the whole night thru jim did too i did too. before he went to sleep i was checking on boo all his legs was going like dreaming of chasing something his big was banging on the floor jim was sleeping on his couch close to boo. this morning boo took his med good and his shake and he ate a hamburger and i made him another one he ate it too. went back to sleep still on his bed. so maybe he will feel like getting up soon i am happy he is eating so good this morning his temp is 99 bears up all over  :)

hi joho that is bad your dr retired i loved dr hauss and he too retire the nerve i wish i could get this foot fixed cant stand to wear shoes was going to look for big house shoes yesterday but my time was growing short so i did not gb

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23179 on: March 24, 2021, 09:11:59 AM »

Hi EV1,  New Judi too.
 Nice post Cal.  Sounds good.  5:17 had trouble getting pieces to follow mouse, but not too bad for me.  Nice day here.  60 degrees already and bright.  Heavy snow on Pond Cam this morning. CUL


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23180 on: March 24, 2021, 04:53:02 PM »

Cal my hammer toes do not bother me anymore.  I can even put on boots that used to just kill my toes.  The man who fixed them is an orthopedic surgeon foot specialist.  He usually just trims nails for older and/or diabetic patients.  They are not all equal.  The one from years ago took out pieces of two bones and drilled a steal pin into the end of the toe.  This recent one just gave novacaine and sliced the tendon under the joint.  Toe flattened out and did not hurt then or later.  I don't know how you can walk with those toes so sore.  I could not do it.  I could not wear any shoes at all.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23181 on: March 24, 2021, 08:23:55 PM »

Hi Jewelies! Great news! Robin got her 1st shot today! Yay! While we were eating dinner Monday, I told her that Walgreens was giving the vaccines and not using the state's call list. She stopped eating her meatless hot wings (meatless Monday) and checked their website, found there was an appointment available at 10:30 today at our local Walgreens! She grabbed it! We were so excited! Must have been her lucky day! She texted me right after she got the shot. Said she was crying! Letty got her 1st shot last week. Now they are planning a trip to Key West for late May.

Cal, glad that Boo is eating! I hope he will get up soon. So good to see Herbie!

Jo, I'd love to ride bikes with you on the trails near the lake. Sounds so inviting! I'm so envious!  A purple haired lady! lol!

Judi, so glad your dog was alright! How scary for you! Yay, you and hubby are getting your shots!

Stay safe everyone! :)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23182 on: March 25, 2021, 05:40:13 AM »

Early for me.  Saw raccoon family now on snowman cam. Cute. Spanky sleeping, but mom and cubs gone from PA cam.  I think they left last evening.  Those three cubs just were raring to go.  I hope they come back, but don't really expect it.  Weather is just too nice and green shoots are everywhere for them to eat.
Debbie is having a good time with Boss.  Now she got what she calls a delicate thin stringy thing that controls his head on a leash.  Said he tried to scruff it off once, but all in all she had the best walk yet.  He is just so strong.  He is cute too.  She said she would train him to bring his queen size blanket and put it on his corner of her big sectional when he wanted to be on the couch.  Now that she lets him into her bed at night he brings his blanket with him. LOL
  GTG Hope you are all doing as well as can be expected for whatever you are going through.  Yay for shots.  Thank God!  I have found comfort in the saying that, "If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it".


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23183 on: March 25, 2021, 07:35:08 AM »

hi joho rues really really busy boo ate 4 hamburgers and 4 shakes yesterday so far 2 hamburgers 1 shake he is still not getting up at all.  :( but he looks good so hoping

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23184 on: March 25, 2021, 04:02:13 PM »

Hi everyone- rainy day here and chilly too. Good to see you all. Much has happened and nothing has happened in the last couple of months. The best news is that hubby, sil and i are fully vaccinated  as of yesterday. Hubby and i are chilled today and a bit achy so are taking it very easy.

I lost 2 cats in february- my Shadow who was 15 and New guy who got into a fight and succumbed to his injuries. These two died within 6 days of each other.  We cremated them- Shadow is in the barn garden where we spent time together and new guy is in the two south beds.  Spitty spent a couple weeks adjusting- i think he is lonely but is he's doing better now.

Anemones are blooming and crocuses are trying to. I don't think we've seen the sun since last friday. Hubby and i made a day of it last friday- breakfast pizza on our way to Cantril- then on the way home we stopped at a little cafe in Brighton, Iowa- The Wooden Spoon. The woman who runs it grew up in our small town here- in past years i've had her bake for me.  We had grilled shrimp over garlic pasta and brussels sprouts. So yummu and i brought home a   blueberry scone for dessert.
cal- thinking of you and booboo and jim. Such a difficult time.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23185 on: March 26, 2021, 07:59:25 AM »

Daily Updates
Bear Foods Blooming a Month Early - UPDATE March 25, 2021
25 March 2021
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Aspen catkins 3 25 21
Aspen catkins
Aspen catkins - 5-15-71
Aspen catkins

I could hardly believe what I was seeing out the window. Trembling aspen catkins blooming a month early. I typically see them in very late April and early May. The picture of full size catkins is from May 15, 1971, for comparison with the newly blooming ones I took today that are still stubby and only a few days old. Warm March weather evidently fooled the trees as well as the bears that are up and around unusually early. Carolyn and her yearlings were seen again today.

Deer watching
Deer watching

The day started nicely. As I walked to the aspen tree for a picture, a doe and fawn came up the hill and stared, wondering why I was out of place and not back by the porch or walking to my vehicle. They decided I was not a bad guy and went about their business. Then, as I was walking back to the cabin, the mink named Guitar bounded along a fallen red pine log and paused to see what I was up to, squinting into the very bright sun and snow. Later, he came to my window and took bologna from my hand over and over. Feeling trusted and semi-accepted by these animals are high points for my day.

Pine marten
Pine marten
Mink guitar
Mink Guitar
Dark-eyed junco
Dark-eyed junco

Then came a big surprise. I haven’t seen a pine marten for a loong time. Today, one came up on the second floor deck, looked in the window, and stood so I could get an ID picture to know him if he ever comes back.

The first dark-eyed junco I’ve seen this year, a male, ate sunflower seed hearts.

Here is a 2-minute fast-motion video of critters in Spanky's den. https://youtu.be/uOELOjIqIGc

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23186 on: March 26, 2021, 08:26:26 AM »

hi ev1 hi Lupe! :) Joho! Rues! hi jpjudi! so happy to see you lupe so sorry for your loss  :( Dr rogers update so good wait i hear boo he wanting to know where i am griz barking nonstop so dr rogers update so good love those pictures and yes so cool they take the food from you. i need to go out give pearl her meds in about 20 min jim gets home go to the bank if i can go in walmart but dont think i can :( it is 35 here and foggy bad. been raining all week so had some issues with the barn.

hi lupe so good you and hubby got your vaccines yay for that!! your little outing sounds good too. blueberry scone yum! so happy to see you lupe we have missed you so very much love to hear about your time and your weather  :)

hi rues! oh yay robin! and her good friend letty got vaccine and meatless mondays! did you guys get her plumbing fixed? i think black list back tonight what will happen rues? it was great to see herbie!

hi joho! i use to say i can never go barefooted and did not but joho foot so painful cant wear a shoe this tennis has most the top torn up from that flipping out big toe and yet somewhere on top of it still hit the top of my foot brings severe pain. jim went to the store yesterday i just could not walk it. i also got a hammer toe on that foot when dr good cut my tendons the toe did not lay flat it is a hammer toe now. the other toes he cut the tendon kinda do lay flat toe hurts right now and no shoe on it. hurts under it hurts on top.  hoping it will go away i want to go in walmart get some house shoes but i dont know if i can get around and its the big super walmart too in excelsior. so funny boss bringing his blankie what a cute dog he is too. so happy for him and deb! 

yesterday boo ate 9 hamburgers  plate of roast i cooked for him 4 shakes and he pooped a big one i tell him good boy its okay. my carpet cleaner sure helps on the big area carpets rugs we have down. with 3 legs boo had to have them always will i got out of his sight he barked. last night jim said at 2 am boo sat up not just on his elbow but pushed his front leg and sat up he went over to steady him and then laid him back down he said boo did that 5 times and he even lifted his back up like about 4 inches i told him jim he was feeling better yesterday he gets his pain med at 7 pm and he crashed out i went to bed. this morning he ate 3 hamburgers i went to feed mom cats etc dogs came in and he was laying up got his back kinda under him and he lifted up like about 4 or 5 inches and peed. good boy boo. he is making progress in think and still wants to get up. so i got my carpet cleaner its right close filled with water and stuff. so easy to take out that use water and new water.  pearl time

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23187 on: March 26, 2021, 11:40:42 AM »

Hi ev1 Especially Lupine
3:51 on finch  my best time ever I think. 7:17 on kind to fat people.  Not so good. LOL
Hate to say it, but someone might have to get off those feet.  Maybe use a motor cart.  I KNOW embarrassing, but I had to do it when my knee would not hold me up. Now I can just use my cane to get to a cart and then lean on the cart to do Walmart.
Spring is truly here and lots of good posts are coming.  Thanks EV1. Lunch is calling and I have to go get something.  So CUL  GB


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23188 on: March 26, 2021, 07:03:34 PM »

Hi Jewelies! What a relief...we got our second shot today! This time they were organized and we were in and out in half hour.  So much better than the the last time. While we were waiting the 15 minutes after getting the shot, I took a pic of Crow. He asked why and I said to memorialize the event! Lol!

Cal, sounds like Boo is really improving! Good news for sure. That looks like a nice carpet cleaner. Sorry you are having such a hard time walking. No, the toilet isn't fixed yet. From time to time Crow's finger tips crack and bleed. His feet do the same. If you remember our doctor didn't know what was wrong with him so she sent him to a specialist at Cleveland Clinic. After testing him they didn't know what was wrong with him either. Right now his finger tips are split open deep even under his nails. He's afraid he is going to loose a couple of them. These bouts usually last a couple weeks and then clear up. Then we'll go back and tackle that toilet! Time for Blacklist!

Lupe, glad you are back! So sorry that your kitties passed.  :'(

Gotta go watch Blacklist! See you all tomorrow.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #23189 on: March 27, 2021, 09:20:25 AM »

hi you guys i had to get online pickup groceries at walmart and then all my stuff well yesterday afternoon i came in and checked on boo he clear over by the chairs in the living room where bare floor is so i put his crib mattress behind him and gently pushed him over then i went to put stuff in the washer came back and he was sitting all the way up on his one arm girls acting up to i open the door let them up and when i did that boo got up kinda off but he got up then turned and staggered forward toward the gate i was yelling wait boo threw down my cane came in he hit that side table went down laying down i got on the ground he rolled over had a foot pinned under him he was crying i tried to get it out he snapped at me very upsetting would happen on my shift the boo got his foot out. jim came home we put his muzzle on and got him back in the middle of the room. he did not eat a ton yesterday last night jim said he drank no water sat up 4 times so this morning eating just this and that jim laying sleeping i could not give him his drink and meds he was snapping at me and i sure cant do it with boo wearing a muzzle. so finally jim got up. not working today promised to help me. before he got boo on his bed by himself not i have to help and he is talking about leaving for aweek to go fishing not next week i sure hope not week after but i am irked leave me alone with boo i will call his friend justin to come help me. so now i have to see about boo drinking water maybe if jim goes to his shop boo will drink for just me. i stopped at mcdonalds and got a sausage biscuit and boo ate all that sausage but i only had the one then i made a steak burger for him would not touch it so very frustrating here.

hi rues i did not watch blacklist but recorded it hope i find time to watch it today or just do it. leave everything and do it.  i remembere that about crow sorry it came back. :(

hi joho. no cant do the scooter would not begin to hold my stuff will just do online shopping my foot this morning is so painful and it is  very very swollen dont know why that is. the hammer toe does not hurt me my tennis shoes are soft on top its started with the big toe that flips out hurts under the foot and very painful on top griz non stop barking and jim nonstop shut up grizzie bark bark shut up if my mom was still alive i would be heading there today for the whole day  so i may just end up seeing dr buzzard cause i cannot take this sob cant wear a shoe at all but i got some socks deal with a bottom on them will wear that on my bad foot got to go jim really screaming at him  >:( you did so good on that puzzle

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb